Count of Wizards

Chapter 374: Assault (3)

As for Connor now, he wants to crack the original formation in the villa within 20 minutes. This formation is very powerful, and Dr. Gulsi can control this formation with a high probability. If you don’t destroy it quickly With this formation, waiting for Doctor Gulsi to return to the apartment 20 minutes later, it will be even more difficult to kill Dr. Gulsi who has the help of the formation.

With the alchemy knowledge in his mind, Connor spent fifteen minutes to figure out the structure of the magic circle in the villa, and then used mental power to perceive the energy nodes of the magic circle in the villa, and Connor felt a little more in his heart. Fortunately, it seems that Ceballos should not be able to control the magic circle in the villa. Otherwise, judging from the energy of the magic circle, it would be more expensive for him to enter the villa and capture him alive.

A few crystal alchemy bombs were taken out of the space ring and placed on the energy node he perceived in the villa. Connor had a thought that the bomb exploded in a small area under Connor’s control. Although the explosion was caused by Connor. The scope was controlled, but the explosion effect was still very significant. The energy node was destroyed from the inside, and the magic circle in the villa immediately stopped operating and became paralyzed. Such a magic circle would definitely not be able to be repaired for a while.

Feeling the breath of Doctor Gulsey, rushing from a distance, Connor took out the Castilla Staff from the Space Ring and held it in his hand, then buckled the silver pendant in his hand.

Fifteen seconds after Connor had done all this, Dr. Gulsey walked into the villa and appeared within Connor's sight.

Seeing Connor who suddenly appeared in the villa, there did not seem to be any surprises in Dr. Gulsey's eyes. She took a deep look at Connor, and then swept her gaze on the villa floor, lying on the floor in a weak and embarrassing plug. Vallos, there was an anger in Dr. Gulsi’s eyes immediately. She did not hesitate to walk to Ceballos in front of Connor, and briefly checked Ceballos’ condition, and then coldly. He said to Connor, "What did you eat for Ceballos?"

"Don't worry! It's just an alchemy bomb!" Connor, holding the Staff of Castilla smiled, waved his hand and said with some disapproval:

A minute ago, Connor’s original idea was that as soon as Dr. Gulsi entered the door, he would quickly launch a mental shock raid. He was caught off guard by Dr. Gulsi, striving to make a quick fight, but it was when Dr. Gulsi walked into the villa. Connor changed his mind...

As for the reasons for Connor’s change of attention, it’s nothing else. As soon as Dr. Gulsi was about to enter the villa, Connor could clearly feel the energy fluctuations belonging to the second-tier defensive demonized item in Doctor Gulsi’s body , And this defensive demonized item has been activated by Dr. Gulsi, so in other words, Dr. Gulsi has realized that he was attacked after entering the villa. Not only that, she also has a way to deal with it. Second-tier defensive demonized items, even if they are weak, it is obviously not that Connor can quickly break through and make quick decisions.

The reason why the sneak attack is a sneak attack is because it was beyond the opponent’s expectation and did not give the opponent time to prepare. Now the opponent is clearly prepared, so if you make a sneak attack now, it is essentially meaningless. In addition, Connor also I have not been arrogant yet. I believe that I can quickly kill a second-tier top demonized item and a second-tier defensive demonized item in the hand that is currently known to be in my hands, and it is not as good as my own. Know how many wizards of the same level are deep, even though this wizard seems to seldom fight with others!

"I don't know what Varga told you, but Connor, I want to tell you that Varga is smarter than you think, and more terrifying..." Hearing that Connor let his son After eating the alchemy bomb, Dr. Gulsi’s face was undoubtedly more gloomy, but to Connor’s surprise, Dr. Gulsi suppressed his anger and said this to Connor calmly.

"Doctor Gulsi, you seem very sure that my arrival has something to do with Varga!" Connor squinted and said with a smile. It seemed that he was not affected by Doctor Gulsi's words at all.

"Connor, I am not as ignorant and stupid as you think. Although Varga handles those things very cleanly with you, how can I have nothing under my nose?" Dr. Gulsi sneered. He asked rhetorically:

"I thought Varga would come by herself, but I was a little surprised that she actually transferred me out and asked you to attack here, which really surprised me! Connor, since you have appeared here, I must have known from I forced her to marry my son, and healed my son with the double repair method! But did Varga tell you who beat my son like this? "In front of Connor, Dr. Gulsey didn't mean anything to hide, he just picked out everything very simply!

Listening to Dr. Gulsi’s words, although Connor’s face remained calm and still maintained a faint smile, it didn’t seem to be any different from the previous one, but he was churning up the stormy sea in his heart, listening to Gulsi’s Meaning, is the person who injured Ceballos turned out to be...

Without letting Connor think about it for too long, Dr. Gulsi directly stated what Connor’s heart was thinking: "The one who beat my son Ceballos like this is Connor Ferguson, your little lover Val. Plus!" Dr. Gulsi's tone was very categorical, obviously she believed her answer very much.

"As a member of the secret society, Connor, you should be very aware that some time ago, the secret society was hunting down a female intermediate wizard apprentice who used blood witchcraft? Do you know why she was hunted down? Because she sneaked into my hospital secretly. , And controlled Ceballos. I wanted to know the secret of the hospital by using Veritaserum to cast Ceballos. I thought that my son’s injury was caused by the woman who sneaked in, but it wasn’t until a month ago. When I checked Ceballos’ condition, I found this toxin by accident..." At this point, Dr. Gulsi took out a medicine bottle from the space ring and threw it to Kang. Satisfied.

A hesitation flashed in his eyes, but in the end Connor chose to take the potion bottle from mid-air, but out of caution, he did not check the potion bottle, but directly stuffed the potion bottle into his spatial ring. Then faintly said to Doctor Guersey, "How about that?"

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