Count of Wizards

Chapter 373: Assault (2)

Seeing the long-haired young man who drove the vine to attack him, Connor couldn’t help but squinted again. The portrait of this man was shown to him by Varga yesterday. He is Dr. Gulsey’s biological son and Connor was responsible for this action. One of the targets, Ceballos, said that Connor and this Ceballos have a relationship.

Once he and Varga were dating at a bar near Green University. This Mr. Ceballos, if Connor remembers correctly, also acted as an electric light bulb. Now it seems that Ceballos knew himself a long time ago. The presence.

Connor was somewhat surprised by Ceballos’s sneak attack. According to Varga last night, Ceballos’ injury was very serious. Her mentor Gulsi tried every means to make Ceballos was out of danger, and should still be in a state of unconsciousness and coma. So when Connor sneaked into the villa, he didn’t need to consider the situation of Ceballos, he only needed to set up a circle to kill Dr. Gulsi.

But the current actual situation is obviously different from Varga’s statement. The big living person Ceballos standing in front of Connor, although his face is gray, his breath is very weak, and he looks like he has just recovered from a serious illness, but he has just attacked. Looking at it two times, he was not only conscious, but also maintained his basic combat effectiveness.


Suddenly, there was a crisp sound from the villa. The appearance of this sound immediately changed Connor's expression. His keen inspiration could clearly feel that something was being sent out in the villa.

Glancing at the silver ring that Ceballos was wearing, Connor's face became very ugly. He regretted why he didn't subdue Ceballos after entering the villa, but gave Ceballos a short reaction. time.

"I surrender!"

Feeling the aura of a senior wizard apprentice in Connor, he was originally only an intermediate wizard apprentice, but Ceballos, who still looks like this, quietly sent a message to his mother with a ring while Connor was not paying attention. Very simply threw all the enchanted items, including the silver ring just now, onto the floor of the villa, and then raised his hands to surrender to Connor!


Although Ceballos is very knowledgeable about current affairs and very bachelor, his small movements under Connor's eyes still inevitably aroused Connor's anger. Connor hummed coldly and released him at Ceballos. A mental shock.


Even with this mental shock, Connor has consciously reduced his power, but how can Ceballos in this state be able to withstand it? Ceballos, who was recovering from the serious illness, immediately let out a scream, then fell to the ground, and then hugged his head in pain, his mouth, nose, ears and eyes were all shed with red blood, blood and face. The extremely hideous expression on the face changed because of the pain, which made Ceballos, who originally looked very delicate, extremely terrifying!

Picking up the silver ring that was thrown on the ground by Ceballos, and after taking a look, Connor lay on the ground indifferently. Ceballos, who was still in pain instead of convulsions, asked, "Who is the message to? ?"

I have to say that Ceballos is very aware of current affairs. Even though there was a flash of hatred and resentment in his eyes very quickly, he still whispered to Connor very honestly: "Give it to my mother! She probably only needs I'll be back here in twenty minutes."

"Connor, I think the contradiction between us is not irreconcilable. We can sit down and talk about it. My mother is a Gulsi pharmacist. A considerable part of the secret society's pharmacy is made by her. The secret society The upper level takes her very seriously, please trust me and I will satisfy you"

Ceballos was full of temptation words, and before he finished speaking, Connor took another knife and knocked him to the ground.

Looking at Ceballos lying on the ground in a coma, a sneer sneered at the corner of Connor's mouth. Then, from the space ring, he took out the crystal alchemy bomb he made and stuffed it into Ceballos' mouth, the bomb followed. The esophagus entered Ceballos' abdomen.

At this point, Ceballos still wanted to talk to himself and used his mother Dr. Gulsi to suppress himself. He didn't want to think about it. Since Connor Ferguson has killed him here. , That matter can only have two results, either he and his mother Gulsi died without a burial place, or he Connor took Varga and left everything now and fate forever!

If it hadn’t been for Ceballos that this guy was still worthwhile, he would probably not abandon him if he was still alive. The crystal alchemy bomb made by Na refining, as long as Connor thinks that Ceballos is alive, it is a wishful thinking to leave a whole body of Temo!

After handling Ceballos’s affairs, Connor shifted his attention to the magic circle of the villa. When he walked into this villa, Connor clearly felt the power of the magic circle~www.NovelMTL. com~According to Ceballos, his mother, Doctor Gulsi, will be back here in twenty minutes.

Twenty minutes is not very long, neither is short nor short. If everything goes well, Connor might not be able to arrange a formation that can trap and kill Dr. Gulsey in these twenty minutes.

In his heart, he planned to seize the time, but after only five minutes, Connor made a preliminary analysis of the formation in the villa, and a touch of helplessness appeared in his eyes. The formation in this villa is very complicated. It can not only cover the energy fluctuations in the villa, but also gather the energy particles between the heaven and the earth in the villa, and it has a certain offensive and defensive effect.

If you give Connor enough time, Connor feels that at his level, he wants to crack this magic circle, and then set up his own circle on it. It’s not impossible to try it. The success rate is about 50%. But now in this situation of only twenty minutes, even if Connor is confident, he can only do nothing.

Without any hesitation, Connor walked out of the space ring, took out a firework bomb, and then released it in mid-air. Watching the gorgeous fireworks shining in the sky, Connor took a deep breath and walked back to the villa. In, this firework is the secret sign he agreed with Varga. The appearance of the firework means that the most ideal plan a has failed and needs to be converted to another plan. Magic Moon Academy

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