Count of Wizards

Chapter 343: The demonized knight reappears

And even if it takes 10,000 steps back, the demonized knight really appeared in the safe room of the secret society below, which shows that the mysterious organization that experimented with the demonized knight has absolutely no ordinary relationship with the secret society, so no matter what the secret is. What purpose does the society have for itself, at least for now, I am still a disciple of Professor Reyes, the second figure of the secret society, this mysterious organization may not have the courage to move itself!

In the worst case, there are magical knights in the safe house, and they have to move themselves. Connor Ferguson is not eating dry food. The second-order top-level magical item Casti in his hand. Afar’s staff is not a fire-burning stick either. It doesn’t matter who does it, right? In a word, your own safety is definitely guaranteed!

Sneaking quietly to the bronze gate, Connor took a deep breath and took the Castilla staff from the space ring and held it in his hand for emergency, while following the instructions given to him by Reyes to open the bronze gate. Method, began to beat rhythmically on the bronze gate.

Although his alchemy has improved a lot compared to the last time he came to this safe house, Connor still hasn’t figured out what the material of this bronze gate is. He just found this bronze gate. Not only has a strong defensive effect, but also has a strong blocking and shielding effect on the detection of mental power to the space behind the gate. If you don’t know the method to open the bronze gate, there is no way for the apprentice wizard to open the bronze gate. In other words, the spiritual force detects the space behind the gate.

With the end of Connor’s percussion, the bronze gate was opened silently by Connor. The first time his mental power was to explore the space behind the gate after the gate was opened, Connor’s face suddenly eased a lot, except for the swing behind the gate. Except for a bottle of dark purple potion, the rest, let alone the demonized knight, didn't even have a single hair!

After entering the gate, Connor first picked up the dark purple potion placed on the ground and observed it. After checking it for a while, he confirmed that the potion and the secret potion recorded in the classics did not have any initial entry, that is, Varga possessed what it said. After giving himself the occult potion in the safe room, Connor nodded with satisfaction and put the potion in his space ring.

After getting the occult potion, the main task of coming here was completed. Connor, who was quite relieved, began to scan the safe house leisurely. At this time, the safe house was gone. The horrible feeling, replaced by the breath of the demonized knight, is the same as the breath of the demonized knight in the secret road. The breath left by the demonized knight in the safe house has also been covered up, but it may be because of the demon. The transformation knight stayed here longer, and the breath of the moral demonized knight felt by Connor in the safe house was clearer, allowing Connor to analyze more information from these breaths.

"I have been away for at least five days, with more than two demonized knights. One of the demonized knights is much stronger than Hector last time. The strength should have reached the level of senior wizard apprenticeship!" Squinted Connor secretly thought in his heart. .

After discovering this information, Connor, who was curious about this mysterious organization again, carefully checked it again in the safe house, but this time Connor did not find other valuable things in the safe house. Message.

Shaking his head slightly, Connor walked out of the safe house, closed the bronze door, and returned to the ground. What is the secret organization and secret society cooperating with? At present, he is not interested in it. Now the secret potion is available. Now, to seize the time to break through to become a senior wizard apprentice is the right answer. Only your own strength can block any possible conspiracy by others!

Walking out of the port of Sassuolo, Connor was planning to go back to his apartment at No. 16 Rand Street in the East District to take something he had prepared to break through, and then he went to another one in the west of Ruen. He never officially started it. He’s fully devoted to breaking through things between senior wizards and apprentices, but the plan is still not as fast as the change. As soon as he returned to his apartment, let alone take things, the door has not yet entered. There was a familiar sound transmission in the middle: "Come with me!"

"**!" Connor suddenly cursed in his heart when he heard the voice transmission of old Victor. He frowned and hesitated, but finally decided to take a look. Connor didn't believe it. Old Victor was at this moment. I found myself because I realized that I realized all the pros and cons of the "Spiritual Spring". Only he and Varga knew about the "Spiritual Spring". Varga could not betray him. At this time, Old Vic Find him more, there must be an emergency!

Following the old Victor, Connor came to a tavern called This tavern is rare in Ruen, the atmosphere is a bit quieter, it seems It's a good place to talk about things!

"The alchemy taught to you by the professor, how are you studying?" When the two of them sat down in the Bruges tavern, the old Victor, without saying a word, directly displayed an enchantment to Connor. Asked:

"There are many types of alchemy taught by the teacher. In each category, the level of my progress in my studies is different. I don't know what aspect Victor Butler wants to ask?" Looking at the old Victor, Kang Na tentatively asked: Seeing what the old fellow Victor meant, it seems that this time it has something to do with alchemy!

   "Bomb! Can you make an alchemy bomb?" For the explanation given by Connor, the old Victor also seemed to think it was reasonable, so he directly stated his purpose.

Hearing the words "Alchemy Bomb" from Old Victor's mouth, although Connor didn't change his expression on the surface, his heart was already surging secretly. The alchemy bombs he planted during this period of time, but one after another It exploded in the city of Mallorca near Ruen and Ruen. At this time, the old Victor raised the alchemy bomb. Is it related to himself?

"I can make alchemy bombs, but I don't know what you want from Victor Butler? I don't learn a lot about the bomb classification. I can and can do it, but they are all the most basic!" Connor thought After a while, he asked in a low voice:

"The most basic? You can also refine a batch of alchemy bombs within three people. The secret society has an urgent need!" Hearing that Connor can only be the most basic, Old Victor thought for a while, and finally gritted his teeth. Made a decision.

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