Count of Wizards

Chapter 342: A new discovery in the secret path

Picking up the napkin on the side, Connor wiped the steak sauce from the corner of his mouth indifferently, then took out two ten gold pound notes from his wallet and handed them to Williams, who was standing by and waiting carefully.

Looking at the huge sum of money in front of him, the poor waiter who still didn't know what happened to him, his eyes were filled with greed and desire. The inspired Connor could even clearly feel the voice of the waiter gulping. Ordinary restaurant waiters like Williams, in a big city like Ruen where the price level is at the forefront of the entire Kaman Empire, their income is only three or four shillings per month, including tips from customers. Life can be said to be very difficult. After throwing out daily expenses, it is very good to be able to save a gold pound every year. Twenty gold pounds is enough for them to buy a lot in the other three districts of Ruen except the eastern district. Ordinary two-bedroom!

   "Mr. Connor, the gentleman who asked me to deliver the food to you has already paid for it!" The greed for money did not deceive Williams' reason. He lowered his head and said respectfully at Connor:

   "Oh! These are just tips for you!" Connor said with a flat expression. If it weren't for scaring the poor waiter, Connor wouldn't mind giving him some more.

   "Tipping?" Williams said in amazement. In his cognitive world, a few pennies are already considered to be very much. He has never heard of a tip of twenty gold pounds. The goddess of the storm is here, the total price of this meal is only one gold pound. Give yourself a tip of twenty gold pounds. This young noble master is afraid that he is crazy and talking nonsense, right?

   "Just forget it if you don't want it?" This shocking performance of Williams did not exceed Connor's expectation. He still maintained a flat voice and said, while speaking, he made a gesture to get the money back!

   Seeing such a huge amount of money, he was about to disappear because of his hesitation. Williams hurriedly took a step forward and took the two thin bills from Connor's hands.

"Thank you Mr. Connor, thank you Mr. Connor" Williams, who took the money, looked very excited, bowed deeply to thank Connor, and almost knelt at Connor's feet and kissed Connor's boots. Up.

   "I'm finished, you can leave after you pack these!" He got up from the chair, glanced at Williams, and said, Connor walked up to the second floor of the apartment.

Ten minutes later, Williams, who had finished cleaning up, stood in the lobby of Connor’s apartment, summoned all his courage, and respectfully shouted: "Mr. Connor, you gave me so much money, according to those knight novels. That way you must have something for me to do, sir, you can just tell me, and Williams will be done for you if he is crushed and killed!"

After talking about the poisonous Williams who might have completely fallen into the Cavaliers novel, he still looked expectantly carrying the huge food box, standing in the hall waiting for Connor's reply to him, but what made him extremely disappointed was that Connor was so disappointed. As if he was asleep, he ignored him at all. Williams, who thought he was boring, could only leave Connor’s apartment in a dingy manner. Perhaps he was really grateful to Connor for giving him a tip of twenty gold pounds. Williams, who walked out of the apartment, stood at the corner of Rand Street, and bowed deeply to Connor's apartment again.

  Walking in the port of Sassuolo where people come and go, where there are dock workers, horses, and mules unloading goods. At this time

  'S Connor also looks like a man of great value, his eyes are full of shrewd and cunning young businessmen.

   After carefully avoiding everyone's comments, Connor quietly came to Warehouse No. 7 in the Port of Sassuolo.

Where is the safe house of the secret agency in Ruen below? Today's Connor Ferguson is no longer the original Wu Xia Amon. He has already investigated secretly. This looks deserted and deserted and the rest of the warehouse in the port of Sassuolo. A busy scene of warehouse No. 7 has been contracted by a small shareholder of Sassuolo Port for a full fifty years of use.

This seems to be an ordinary business activity, but Connor discovered that this minority shareholder, on the surface, does not have any business dealings with the Valencivar Chamber of Commerce, but the history of the minority shareholder’s fortune is revealed in secret. The Chamber of Commerce, the shadow of the economic giant on the west coast of Ruen!

   So obviously, the actual owner of the No. 7 warehouse in the port of Sassuolo with the secret society safe house hidden underground is the Valencian Chamber of Commerce that has been confirmed by Connor many times.

After entering the deserted Warehouse No. 7, Connor sneaked into the secret road leading to the safe house. As soon as he entered the secret Connor frowned. In the secret path where the Lost Stone powder is fused into the wall, he still cannot use his spiritual power if he is still in the wizard apprenticeship, but this does not affect Connor’s keen inspiration as a spiritual wizard. He can vaguely feel this. There is a very strange aura in the secret road, which is not like the aura of a wizard, but rather like the weird aura of the demonized knight that Connor has encountered and fought fiercely!

Realizing this, Connor's face instantly became extremely cautious. He came here just because he wanted to get the occult potion that Varga kept in the safe room. He didn't expect to encounter and demonize. Traces related to the knight!

Wei Mi's eyes, Connor, carefully felt these traces belonging to the demonized knights. If he expected it to be correct, the breath of these demonized knights had been artificially concealed. If it weren't for him, Connor's natural inspiration as a spiritual wizard would be stronger than that. Others, it is estimated that they will not find the existence of these breaths.

Connor thought about it quickly. These auras appeared in the secret road. The safe house behind the bronze gate below might not have the possibility of a demonized knight. Then he would continue to go to the safe house to take the occult potion, or What about the long-term plan?

His eyes flickered for a few times, and Connor quickly made a decision. He took the risk for the occult potion. Since he decided that Connor, who has always been very strong in execution, acted immediately and cautiously proceeded from the secret road. Going down to the safe house, he tried his best to let Varga refine the secret potion. At this time, he was in the safe house only a few hundred meters away from him. How could it be because of the possibility of a few enchanted knights? Give up its existence?

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