Count of Wizards

Chapter 330: Hidden in the city

"Sir, here are the lille steaks and bauhinia rum you want, please use it slowly!" In the luxurious hotel on the banks of Mallorca, a well-dressed waiter with a nice smile put the chef on the cart on the trolley. The food they cooked carefully was placed on the dining table, and then to the well-dressed windbreaker in front of him, who was watching the night view of the Mallorca River outside the hotel’s floor-to-ceiling windows, respectfully said:

   "Oh..." Connor nodded lightly, randomly found a five-shilling bill from his wallet and threw it on the dining table.

   "Thank you, sir!" Picking up the five shillings on the table, the smile on the face of the waiter who was already smiling is undoubtedly brighter! Customers usually tip 10% of their consumption. Connor’s table spending is about three gold pounds. According to theory, he can only tip three shillings at most. Now he gets two shillings more, no doubt. It made him more grateful to Connor.

   Facing the waiter's heartfelt gratitude, Connor just waved his hand to signal the waiter to pick up the tip and leave. From the beginning to the end, his sight did not leave the huge French window beside him.

   "Sir, if you need it, please feel free to call me!" He said respectfully to Connor again, and the waiter retired. Starting

"It's really interesting...!" Through the huge floor-to-ceiling window next to the dining table, he looked at the dock warehouses and residential areas on the Mallorca River with dots of lights in the distance. Connor couldn't help feeling .

After getting Margaret’s letter, he came here. The county town of Mallorca is named Mallorca because in its urban area, there is this Marlow that runs through the city and connects the stormy ocean. The Ca River, the county seat of Majorca, relies on this Majorca River for 60% of its economy.

Connor’s current location is the best place to observe the night view of Mallorca County. He has a panoramic view of the Mallorca River flowing in the city. Of course, Connor can have such a good location. Naturally, it is not in vain. Even if you don't order anything at this location, you will have to pay an additional five shillings to the hotel for a location fee.

   First he poured himself a glass of rum to moisturize his throat, Connor picked up the knife and fork, slowly cut off a piece, and put it in his mouth.

"Um... it's really Lear Steak!" Feeling the tender texture of the steak in his mouth, Connor felt a hint of surprise in his heart. When I ordered Lear Steak on the menu just now, he just wanted to Observing the other side from this best location, he really didn't plan to eat authentic Lille steaks in a small place like Mallorca where only a small amount of star-rated hotels in Ruen offers.

  While enjoying the food, Connor once again turned his attention to the night scene outside the French windows. His goal in coming to Mallorca this time was to take care of him in a warehouse on the banks of Mallorca not far away. Without the address Margaret had told him, Connor really couldn’t believe it, the storm Where is the secret warehouse of the church?

The most prosperous and busiest area in Mallorca is at the foot of Connor, along the banks of the Mallorca River, which runs through the entire city. There are warehouses and docks. At least hundreds of ships go back and forth every day. It is conservatively estimated that this location has at least 10,000 people per day. The layout of the secret warehouse of the Storm Church can be said to be very bold. I don’t know if the people who decided to put the secret warehouse know that there is an old saying in China on another world earth. It's called "Hidden in the City?"

   After carefully studying the location of this secret warehouse, Connor had to admit that it is bold to arrange the secret warehouse on the banks of Mallorca, a place where so many people gather every day, but it is indeed a very good choice! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

According to people’s habitual thinking, when thinking of the word “secret”, you will first think of silence and remoteness. The secret warehouse will never be associated with such a densely populated place every day. Secondly, the location of the secret warehouse is far away from the storm. It takes only ten minutes for a normal male to walk to the Mallorca branch of the church. If it is replaced by the two intermediate wizard apprentices in the branch, Connor estimates that as long as he attacks the secret warehouse himself, the two of them may be disturbed. That is to kill in two minutes!

It has been two days since Connor came to Mallorca. He has already inspected the surroundings of the secret warehouse. First of all, he discovered one thing, which is the magic circle that Margaret said in her heart to guard the secret warehouse. , It is not only the feature of amazing protection, the concealment performance of the magic circle is also very good! If Connor Ferguson is not an alchemist and has studied the knowledge of the magic circle seriously, even if he got the address from Margaret, he would probably not discover the clues of the secret warehouse. He might still think that this Storm Church’s The secret warehouse is just an ordinary warehouse on the banks of Mallorca!

Based on his own knowledge of the magic circle Connor’s protective circle of the secret warehouse, he came to a conclusion that under normal circumstances, if he does his best without paying attention to the movement and influence, he The protective circle can be broken in about five minutes, but if you do that, you don’t need to consider the loss of mana by breaking the circle. What he will face is the two who came from the branch to reinforce the secret warehouse. The intermediate apprentice wizard, and the two junior apprentice wizards guarding the secret warehouse, a total of four wizards!

Even if Connor exploded and killed all these four guys, ransacked his target Heiyancao in the secret warehouse, and successfully sneaked back to Luen, after such a big disturbance, with the strong character of the storm church, Surely he won't just sit back and watch, when the time comes, the Storm Church will be chasing Connor on a large scale.

If the secret society is no longer providing black rock grass for Varga, and there is no way to get black rock grass from other places, maybe Connor may really break through the senior martial artist apprentice in order to refine the occult potion, and take the risk and kill him. , But now just to get the black rock grass essence two months earlier, it is really not worth taking such a big risk!

   So even if it’s a secret warehouse, a storm is definitely not advisable. You can only try to see if you can outsmart it.·········

After eating the lear steak and bauhinia rum on the table, Connor picked up the napkin on the table, wiped the corner of his mouth, called to pay the bill, and threw five gold list bills from his wallet. He got up on the dining table, then got up and walked out of the hotel and disappeared into the night of Mallorca. He was satisfied with this meal, so he didn't mind paying one or two more.

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