Count of Wizards

Chapter 329: Margaret's Reply


  Connor in meditation slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and then a mysterious wave appeared on his body, but as soon as this wave appeared, the wall of Connor's quiet room shielded this wave.

Opening his eyes, Connor’s handsome, angular face showed a smile. His three weeks of hard work were not in vain. Now his understanding of the law of dark attributes has fully satisfied the need to break through the senior wizard apprenticeship. If he wanted to, he could try to break through to become a senior wizard apprentice at this moment, but of course Connor would not do this. Without the help of auxiliary breakthrough potions, his success rate in breaking through senior wizard apprentices would not be very high.

Facing the dark source stone with no energy and no brilliance in his hand, he lightly breathed, and the dark source stone turned directly into powder under Connor’s complicated eyes, and dissipated in the quiet room, all this In his eyes, Connor added another three points to the suspicion that this dark source stone had been poured back by energy.

According to the ancient records, even after the dark source stone is used, its dark energy is exhausted, and the dark attribute law disappears, and it will not be fragile to be blown into dust in one breath. This situation must be another strange thing. In view of the previous events, Connor is increasingly convinced that this dark source stone may have been "energy backflow" researched by Southgate!

However, the dark source stone compensated by this mysterious organization has fulfilled his mission to make his rational understanding of the law of dark attribute meet the need to break through the apprenticeship of senior wizards, so it is the same sentence no matter what the energy of this dark source stone is Backflow or no backflow, this has nothing to do with Connor Ferguson!

   walked out of the apartment and looked at the sun hanging high in the sky. Connor, who was in a good mood, stretched out comfortably, then took out all the more than ten letters in the mailbox of his apartment and took it out of the apartment.

   His eyes carefully scanned these more than ten letters, and Connor's eyes immediately locked on one of them, and when he thought about the letter, it flew to Connor's hand automatically.

   opened the letter and took out the letter paper inside, and Connor immediately showed a satisfied smile on his face.

After choosing the secret potion in the safe house and Varga that day, Connor did not return to his apartment for the first time and began to retreat. Instead, he went to the Imperial Department Store to find Leonie and asked her to help herself to Marguerite. Special words, see if Margaret has a way to find Black Rock Grass.

Judging from the date on the letter, Margaret answered herself a week ago, but because of Connor’s retreat to perceive the dark attribute law, Connor did not see the letter until now, but fortunately from the letter In terms of content, it is not too late to get this letter.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

This letter from Margaret to Connor is still written in a secret language that only she and Connor can understand. In the letter, Margaret tells Connor that Black Rock Grass is indeed a kind of One kind of medicine that the Empire strictly controls is those pharmacies that are franchised to sell black rock grass. Each purchase only has more than ten black rock grass. The "Imperial Drug Law" stipulates that the purchase of ten black rock grass requires approval by the city hall But the actual situation is that even if you have the approval, those pharmacies will rarely sell you more than five plants.

This actual situation made Connor’s original idea of ​​starting the black rock grass from the pharmacy immediately vanished. After all, he needs 500 black rock grass to condense the black rock grass essence. The entire Ruen’s pharmacy stocks the black rock grass together. Maybe not one-fifth of what he needs. There are only two ways to get such a large amount. The first is to start with the source of the black rock grass, and the second is the inventory of the church and the Metropolitan Police Department!

Black rock grass is planted in Ruen and the entire west coast of the empire. Because of the growth environment, only a small amount is planted. Connor’s demand for 500 plants is also difficult to meet. If you find black rock grass in the Ling area, then Connor thinks it might as well wait two months. The secret agency will provide the black rock grass to Varga. After all, once to Turin, judging by the speed of the world’s main transportation train, the rest It will take at least a month to do nothing but to make a train trip. Going to Turin to engage in black rock grass, not to mention that it is impossible to do it, is meaningless in terms of time.

So if Connor wants to get enough of him in the near future, there is only one way to condense the five hundred black rock grass essences, and that is to find a way in the empire or the church. In the letter, Margaret also pointed out Connor. After a clear road, she told Connor that there is a secret warehouse in the county town of Mallorca near Ruen. This secret warehouse stores some secret materials of the Storm Church, and among these materials is a group of slaves. A large number of black rock grasses shipped from the Turin area These black rock grasses are likely to meet Connor's demand for black rock grasses.

And because it is a secret warehouse, it does not want to attract attention. The Storm Church did not arrange too many people to protect it. It only arranged two arbitrators who were junior apprentices to be guarded. However, it is worth noting that the arbitration of the secret warehouse was guarded. Although there are only two junior apprentices, the secret warehouse has a very well-protected circle, and once the secret warehouse is attacked, the circle will automatically contact the Storm Church branch in Mallorca County, and in the branch But these two intermediate apprentice wizards! New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   In a sense, if Connor does not plan to wait for two months, then he may only have the opportunity to engage in Black Rockweed in the secret warehouse of the Church of Majorca.

After carefully reading the information in the letter about the Mallorca Storm Church twice, Connor turned the letter to ashes. He decided that he would go to Mallorca to observe the secret warehouse of that church in secret. The big reason for him to make this decision is that the arbitrator arranged by the church in Mallorca is not very strong!

With his strength, Connor was defeated by the time, and encountered the worst situation. He was besieged by the arbitrators of two intermediate wizard apprentices arranged by the Storm Church in Mallorca. Connor was also confident that he could break the siege. In such a situation, Connor has no reason not to try it. What's more, Connor is very confident in his attainments in the formation. He may find a way without disturbing Mario. In the case of the Card Church branch, break the defensive circle of that secret warehouse!


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