Count of Wizards

Chapter 320: Goodbye george

   "Are you... Connor?" Hearing this familiar voice, George immediately burst out with a surprise shout, and then he immediately opened the bedroom door and rushed out of it.

  The joy of reunion after a long absence made the two friends hug fiercely in the lobby of Rock Villa. When they calmed down a little bit, he immediately noticed the strangeness of the three guys who were in charge of guarding him in the villa.

"It's nothing, I gave them some medicine to make them temporarily lose consciousness. After two hours, they will recover on their own without leaving any traces. They themselves will not find anything strange in themselves!" Seeing George’s question, Connor did not wait for George to ask, but took the initiative to explain:

   Hearing Connor’s explanation, George had no doubts in his mind, so he nodded in relief.

Seeing my unshaven and unshaven beard in front of my eyes, the whole person looks extremely depressed, far from the spirited George at the beginning, and Connor, who has long regarded George as his true friend, is in a very uncomfortable mood. I can't help but ask some caring questions. Said: "How did things turn out to be like this?" New 81 Chinese website updated the fastest mobile phone terminal: https:/

   "'s hard to say, the ten thousand gold that Connor owes you, I may have to pay you back after a while!" George grinned bitterly, and said with a lonely expression:

"George, what are you talking about? What is the mere ten thousand gold pounds between you and me? Give it to me whenever you have it, and forget it! Now the key is what happened to you!" Connor With a serious expression, he said very angry:

George patted Connor on the shoulder with emotion, thinking for a moment, and recalled: "After you and I negotiated that day, I took you to lend me this ten thousand gold, and my mother's private money was ten thousand gold. Adding the three thousand gold pounds that I have in my hands, I bypassed the family and made up a total of 23,000 gold pounds. I took this money and found Cagliari in the capital Bernabeu under the introduction of my uncle's relationship. "

   "Cagliari? That killer organization?" Connor frowned slightly when he heard George’s name mentioning Cagliari’s name, and asked in a low voice:

   "That's right! It's Cagliari, I didn't expect Connor to know you too!" George nodded affirmatively, he seemed very surprised that Connor also knew Cagliari's name.

   "Don't forget that my family is a hereditary aristocrat!" Connor's eyes quickly turned to George's doubts and gave George a very reasonable explanation. However, in fact, the name of the organization Cagliari was heard by Conner at a club meeting at the Monchengladbach. It is said that Cagliari is a very hidden killer organization. Few people know their existence. They Powerful and efficient, they won't ask you why, and the most important point is that the rumored killer organization named Cagliari has wizards and more than one person! As long as you pay the price, they can help you assassinate anyone!

"That's right, your family has passed it down for hundreds of years!" George didn't have any doubts about the explanation given by Connor, and said suddenly, he thought about it and organized the language to continue and said: "The rumors are not wrong, Ka There is indeed a wizard in Liari. To be on the safe side, we must kill the cub of Olsen. The twenty-three thousand gold pound that I put together will be given to Cagliari, and Cagliari has also sent it. Two wizards who are said to be apprentices of intermediate wizards, and two great knights to perform this operation..."

   "What's the final result?" Seeing George said at the end, he paused, and Connor couldn't help asking directly:

"To be honest, I don't know what happened in the end. Did Olsen die?" George spread his hands and said helplessly: "The killer sent by Cagliari went out that night to detain Austria in the town of Frye. After Elson’s manor, I waited for news from them at home, but the next morning, I did not wait for their news, but waited for my father. He beat me severely, and then I was imprisoned here, and the outside world is not allowed to contact me. By the way, Connor, do you know that I am here?" George asked curiously:

"Your mother, Mrs. Christine, sent a personal maid named Nasha to tell me that you are imprisoned here, let me come here to talk to you!" Connor quickly thought about the problems George was facing. , Telling George without hesitation.

"Little Nasha! This little guy waits for me to go out, and he must reward her!" Hearing Connor mentioning little Nasa, George, who looked like a bitter gourd, also squeezed a smile on his face. Seeing Connor did not Talking, thinking with a sullen face on the side, George barely squeezed a smile on his haggard face, patted Connor on the shoulder again, UU reading relieved Connor and said: "Don't worry, I During the period of being imprisoned here, I already want to understand that Olsen’s little cub has probably been killed by the people of Cagliari. At this time, maybe the bones have been turned into scum! "

"I, George Sanchez, is also the first heir to the Harvey family anyway. The old man was able to put me down and put me here, and prevent the outside world from having any contact with me. It can be seen how angry he is, so what? What makes him so angry? Although the old man didn’t say anything, I guess Bacheng was his darling. Olsen was killed by Cagliari. Maybe Olsen’s body was turned into scum at this time. That's it!" George said with a sneer, and when he said the words "Dear and Liver", there was obviously a hint of resentment towards his father, Mr. Harvey. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

“I’ve been counting the time since I’ve been locked up here. I’ve been here for more than two months or almost three months. I think the old man is about to let me out. Although I have three younger brothers, I still have two more. A elder brother, but under the pressure of my mother and I over the years, my five brothers have never been in contact with the family business. They have always taken money from the family and lingered in various places for drinking and playing with N people.”

"In the family, they have long been unbearable. They are synonymous with waste. Although I am locked here and have no contact with the outside world, I am sure that the first in line of my family has been imprisoned. The old man in the family must bear it now. This is a lot of pressure, three months should be the limit, and I will go out soon!" George calmly analyzed to Connor:

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