Count of Wizards

Chapter 319: Hospitality

It is naturally very precious and precious that an alchemist refines such a difficult Tier 3 demonized item. Even many formal wizards with meager wealth have not had a Tier 3 demonized item in their entire life. They are still very shabby and shabby. Connor such an intermediate wizard apprentice uses the second-tier top-level magical items likewise.

Having said that, refining Tier 3 magical items is already so difficult, but if you want to create your own Tier 3 magical items, that is another level of difficulty, so if Connor is not wrong, Reyes The staff is really the words created by his mentor Reyes, so Reyes can fully deserve the title of great alchemist in the world of alchemy. Don’t look at just adding a "big" word, but This is the lifelong dream of countless alchemists!

"The Castilla Wand of Tier 2 Enchanted Item, the Kellos Wand of Tier 2 Top Enchanted Item, the Reyes Wand of Tier 3 Enchanted Item..." Connor murmured in a low voice Dao, his mind was running fast, thinking about the laws hidden between the three, thinking for a long time and also looking for a long time in the database of the auxiliary chip, Connor, who hadn't gained a bit of gain, smiled and shook his head. Without any documentation, he could only think about the three refining methods and refining materials, but this was undoubtedly too difficult, and he did not get any valuable gains after thinking about it for a long time.

   Thinking hard to no avail Connor shifted his attention from the law between the three wands to the second half of Reyes's sentence on the parchment.

"Make your own decision, whether you want to leave Luen and go to the place of your dreams!" With these words in his mouth, Connor was even more confused about what his mentor meant. Reyes's parchment said. What is the place of your dreams? Up to now, except for the first time he traveled here and thought about returning to the earth, he has no other place he wants to go. As for the place in the dream, Reyes refers to the earth. Connor thought it would be very nonsense unless Reyes was looking through it like himself.

I searched carefully in my mind. Before I crossed over, the memory between Reyes and the original owner, and the communication between the original owner and Reyes was basically about the content of knight training, which was mentioned at all. Where the original owner wanted to go in his dream... But now I look at it again. From the memory of the original owner and Reyes, Connor still found a lot of details that he didn't discover at the beginning.

When Reyes first entered Green University from the original owner, he released Connor to the original owner that Conner believed was far more friendly to students than the teacher. After the original owner successfully came into his door and became his student, Reyes even more He took great care of the original owner, so this simple and lovely original owner has feelings for his mentor that is comparable to or even far greater than that of his own father, Ferguson.

Paying attention to such details also completely eliminated Connor’s mind that the newly born Reyes was also coming from the earth. Obviously Reyes’s actions towards himself were not directed at himself, but at Connor Ferguson. , So the place of his dreams written by Reyes is definitely not the earth, but a place he can't think of at present.

   After spending a long time, Connor found that he had been thinking for a long time, and the clues he had mastered were still mysteries one after another.

   A self-deprecating smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Connor looked at the apartment window. At this time, the sky outside had changed from day to night, and a bright moon hung high in the dark night.

Quietly out of the apartment, under the effect of the black magic robe on his body, Connor seamlessly connects with the surrounding night and becomes one, and walks concealedly to Green University, Xiao Nasha is holding George's Rock Villa in her mouth. Right there.

It takes a long time to ride a public carriage during the day. Connor, who is performing light-weight techniques in the dark, can complete it in more than ten minutes. Hidden in a small wood near Green University, Connor is far away. He was observing the movement of a luxurious villa a few hundred meters away, where is the Rock Villa. Starting

The Rock Villa was originally not the property of the Sanchez family, but the residence of a professor at Green University. However, the professor later chose to develop in the capital Bernabéu for the future, so he entrusted the Sanchez Bank to conduct consignment sales. Later, George under the operation of his family , Entered the History Department of Green University.

Green University is one of the top universities in Ruen, and the accommodation environment is first-class in the entire Kaman Empire. However, the high requirements of the son of George and the need to applaud love with the girls in the school, the dormitory hotel is not very convenient after all , So it happened that I bought the Rock Villa for his daily residence when he was in school. As his good friend, Connor also lived in this So the internal structure and external environment of the villa Connor is also very knowledgeable. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest computer terminal: https://

Squinting his eyes, Connor cautiously released his mental power to explore the Rock Villa in his sight. Under the reflection of Connor's mental power, everything in Rock Villa was unobstructed for Connor. At this time, Locke In the villa, there are four people, one big knight and three official knights. One of these three official knights is the purpose of Connor’s trip. His good friend George, as for the other one big knight and two official knights. The front is also wearing the Sanchez family crest. It looks like it should be the person who was sent by Mr. Harvey to supervise George.

The mental power probe made it clear about the situation in Locke’s villa. Cautious Connor still didn’t act immediately. He carefully observed the surrounding situation again. After confirming that everything was okay, Connor’s thoughts moved towards the place of Locke’s villa. These three George's knights, who were responsible for the supervision of custody, unleashed a diminished and weak spiritual shock.

After being hit by Connor’s mental shock, the three strong knights in the villa, although their vital signs were stable, their expressions immediately became sluggish. The whole person lost consciousness and took care of the guards. Connor smiled slightly and sorted them out. Looking at the clothes on his body, he walked into Locke's villa grandiosely.

   "Who?" As Connor's boots fell on the exquisite ceramic floor tiles of Villa Locke, on the master bedroom on the second floor of Villa Locke, George's questioning voice immediately sounded.

   "The guest comes to the door and stays in the bedroom, George, you are not the way of hospitality!" Standing on the lobby on the first floor of the villa, Connor laughed and joked:

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