Count of Wizards

Chapter 317: Little Nasha


For things like stalking over the fence, the little girl seems to do it for the first time, just like stalking. The action is very awkward. It took a long time to timidly ride on the fence and prepare to jump into the back garden of Connor. At the time, her little leather shoes suddenly slipped, her petite body lost balance on the wall, and an exclamation in her mouth meant she fell to the ground!

"Are you okay?" Just when the little girl closed her eyes in fear and was about to fall to the ground, a faint male voice came from her ear, and then the little girl felt that she seemed to be in a place. In the warm embrace.

   opened her eyes tightly closed because of fear, the little girl looked at the handsome face in front of her, as if she hadn't reacted yet, and nodded blankly.

After receiving the affirmative reply, Connor did not hesitate to let go of the little girl in his arms. Maybe it was because he had been playing with the old foxes too much. Seeing such a clumsy, silly little girl, Connor still feels very good about her, so he doesn’t mind being a leader. Although the high wall in the back garden of his apartment is not very high, it is only about 1.5 meters, but with the clumsy appearance of this little girl, At least one head broke when it fell down!

   "Are you Connor Ferguson?" Although she looked a little silly, the little girl responded quite well, looking at Connor and asked timidly;

   "Do you know me?" Connor asked rhetorically, his tone was still plain, but he was also very curious about who this little girl was and what she was doing.

"I am Mrs. Christine's maid. The lady told me to hide from the master and come to you secretly. The master has been forbidden by the master. Because of this, the lady and the master had a big quarrel... ··" The little girl heard that Connor seemed to admit that it was Connor Ferguson, without having to ask Connor about her intentions, she took the initiative as if she had taken the initiative to pour the beans, she said everything, but said later. The lower her mood became, she was crying at the end, and two teardrops fell on her pink and tender face!

   Hearing the words "Mrs. Christine, Master", Connor's eyes looked at the little girl with some unexpected expressions, and he pondered for a moment. Connor asked, "Are you from the Sanchez family?"

   "Well, I'm the maid's maid, my name is Nasha." The little girl wiped the tears from her cheek and nodded at Connor.

Little Nasha’s nod undoubtedly deepens the suspicion in Connor’s eyes. If he remembers correctly, after the last time he discussed with George, George took the 10,000 gold he had won Holding. Pound went to find the killer to kill Olsen, and since then, because he has been busy with things, he has never seen George or heard from him again.

Judging from the words of this little Nasha, since George has been banned, he should have done what he did to Olsen. Otherwise, George’s father, Mr. Harvey, would not be banning his own son for no reason. The first heir to the Sanchez family must have moved, but I just don’t know if George’s actions are successful, Olson is dead, if Olson hangs, George will be suspended this time, too. Not a loss, but I'm afraid Olsen hasn't died yet. In that case, things are really troublesome!ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

"Little Nasha, you said that you are Mrs. Christine's maid, and you say that you have nothing to do with it?" Connor stared at the little girl carefully, observing every expression on the little girl's face, if not worried, There is a high probability that this little girl is really Mrs. Christine's personal maid, and she directly casts contemplation on her, which can easily turn her into an idiot.

   Connor doesn’t care about the little girl’s tokens, but puts his big hands directly on the little girl’s head, and then directly casts Spiritualism. In that case, everything is simple!

"A token? Is this okay? This is what my lady gave me before! The lady said that this is your 20th birthday present for Master George. You will understand if I give this to you!" Nasha thought for a while, carefully took out a gorgeously decorated dagger from her arms and handed it to Connor.

The dagger came out of Little Nasha's hands. Connor seemed to play around randomly for a while, and then threw the dagger back to Little Nasha. At the same time, Connor's suspicion disappeared when he looked at Little Nasha. , Little Nasha said nothing wrong, this dagger is indeed a birthday present given to George by the original owner on George’s twentieth birthday.

"Why did your wife choose you to contact me?" With the appearance of the birthday gift dagger, Connor was already sure that there should be no problem with the identity of Little Nasha, but he was cautious by nature and chose to ask again. .

Hearing Connor asking this question, little Nasha's pink face also showed a look of shame, she lowered her head and pinched the corner of her clothes, buzzing with a very small like a mosquito. The voice said: "I have asked the lady this question too. The lady said that for a little fool like me, no one would have thought that I would come here to pass on information..."

   Hearing this answer, Connor was also a little amused, but he was talking about a harmless little girl like Nasha, and it seemed that no one would really regard it as a threat.

   "Let's talk! Mrs. Christine, what do you want you to tell me?" After the questioning of Little Nasha, Connor reduced the smile on his face and started to get to the point.

   "The lady said that the master was locked in the Rock villa near Green University. She hopes that you can go to the villa and talk to the master in secret!" Little Nasha said seriously:

"Talk? Or secretly? Did Mrs. Christine say anything else? Are you sure your wife just asked me to talk to George instead of saving George from the inside?" Connor asked intently. He didn't quite understand what George's mother meant when he asked him to talk to George. Is it really like just a talk literally, or is it something else?

   "Madam just asked me to tell you that I hope you will talk to Master George, and you will not tell me the rest!" Little Nasha tilted her head, and after thinking about it for a moment, she said with certainty:

"I have received the message. I will go to the Rock villa and talk to George as soon as possible!" Connor said to Little Nasha after he indulged for a while. Mrs. Christine did not say, "Talk about it." What exactly is going to be done? It seems that he needs to grasp the yardstick of the talk!


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