Count of Wizards

Chapter 316: Suddenly

  Compensation? employer?

   Connor's mouth has a sneer, letting himself take care of the overall situation? Haha, this kind of ending would have been expected by myself, but if I had made a wimpy choice in front of old Victor last time, the matter ends here, will this compensation be mentioned?

As for the word "employer" in Reyes's reply, Connor was extremely surprised. Judging from the meaning of Reyes's words, it seems that he himself was wrong from the beginning. He and this experimental demonized knight The organization did not have an enemy with Connor as he thought, but like a killer organization, it accepted the employment of others to assassinate himself! In this way, this organization of experimental demonized knights should not be the Celtas and the Benfica Secret Order!

   After pondering for a while, Connor wrote on the sound transmission paper: "Connor will definitely obey the tutor's order!"

"A wise choice, their compensation and employer’s information will be mailed to you in a few days. You are now an intermediate wizard apprentice. You can try to accept your things from the secret society. In the study room of the villa, I arranged for people to put some things in. You tell me to take the things away, and then follow the instructions above to do it!"

"Yes!" After reading Reyes' reply carefully, Connor wrote two large characters upright on the sound transmission paper. When Connor finished writing the sound transmission paper, he sent the message to the transmission paper. The white light was lit again, but this time it had completed its liaison mission, but it was turned into ashes!

   "I want to see who is going to kill me!" Looking at the ashes of the audio paper on the floor, Connor said in a cold voice with a flash of murderous intent in his eyes:

   "This is what Reyes wants to give to himself?" Standing in Reyes, Connor looked at the rolled parchment and Rubik's Cube on the bookshelf in front of him. He frowned and thought to himself:

After receiving Reyes’s order, Connor immediately followed his own mentor’s instructions and came to Reyes’s villa near Green University. In the study in the villa that originally belonged to Reyes, the surface As usual, there were only books, bookshelves, desks, and chairs in the study, and it seemed that there was nothing Reyes wanted to give to Connor.

But Connor, who is in the same line as Reyes, and who has been familiar with Reyes’s "Reyes Alchemy", which he condensed his whole life, immediately saw that this seemingly ordinary thing is actually an original creation by Reyes. Kind of illusion!

Shrugging, Connor read the spell according to the method recorded in "Reyes Alchemy". As the spell sounded, the illusion in the study was quickly cracked, and the bookshelf in the study suddenly appeared. Out, the Rubik's Cube and the rolled parchment that Connor now sees.

Looked up and down the rolled parchment and Rubik’s Cube carefully, and confirmed that there was no problem with these two things. Connor did not hesitate but put the two things into his space ring and took it away and rolled it. Connor didn’t turn around and walked away. Instead, he scanned the entire study room with some doubts. Now he has cracked the illusion, except for the rolled parchment and Rubik’s cube which appeared on the bookshelf. Besides, it’s no different from just now, but I don’t know why, Connor always feels that there seems to be a problem in this room.

"Reyes' study, it is normal if there is a problem, and it is abnormal if there is no problem." After carefully examining every corner of the study with mental energy, Connor, who still had nothing to gain, could only shake with a wry smile. Then he shook his head and comforted himself in his heart:

To comfort myself, since I couldn’t find Connor’s sexuality, I stopped looking for it, closed the study and villa, and left the villa quickly, but what Connor never expected was that it was on the bookshelf in the study after he left. , There was a strange light, and at the same time, in a secluded cafe on the Green University commercial street not far from the villa, a man with gold-rimmed eyes, exuding intellect between his deeds and gestures The charming middle-aged blond woman took a sip of coffee with a strong aroma, and then wrote with interest on a piece of her note paper:

   "Senior, your students have already got things. You deserve to be your student. He has a very keen inspiration. If he were a senior wizard apprentice, maybe my little actions would be completely discovered by him."

Coming out of Reyes’s villa, Connor rode a public carriage all the way back to Rand Street where his apartment was located. But before Connor walked back to the apartment, Connor found out that it was on Rand Street. On the side of the street, among the neat rows of pine trees there is a little girl hiding somewhere, watching herself attentively.

   His eyes narrowed slightly, and Connor just pretended to find the key, and then put his mental power on the girl who was spying on her in secret. This little girl is just an ordinary person about thirteen or fourteen years old. She has brilliant blond hair and looks very beautiful.

Although she was wearing a cheap linen skirt, the precious silk lining was exposed under her linen skirt. Obviously, the identity of this girl was a bit unusual. Not only that, the little girl looked very excited when she saw herself coming back. Coming exclusively for herself, but judging from the way she hid in the row of pine trees on the side of the street, this little girl seemed to be stalking for the first time, and the traces were very obvious.

   There was a suspicion flashing in his eyes, and he didn't say anything about Connor, who was being spied on. He looked very calm, took out the key as usual, and walked into his apartment.

After entering the apartment, Connor did not understand what the little girl was going to do. The mental power was still on the girl's body, observing the girl's every move. Although he didn't understand what the girl was going to do, he intuitively told Connor. From the above, this girl will not be disadvantageous to herself. After all, no matter who is sent to monitor her, she will never send such a young girl who can find her without mental power!

After observing for a while, a wry expression appeared on Connor’s face. The little girl hiding in the pine forest, after she returned to her apartment, also quietly walked to her apartment, but she didn’t seem to want it. It means to walk through the main entrance, but to turn over from the fence of the back garden of your apartment

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