Count of Wizards

Chapter 299: Letter from Margaret

If things are really like Connor’s guess, it means that although Connor has tried his best to control the formation yesterday to cover up the energy fluctuations caused by the signing of an equal partnership contract between Varga and the little blood tiger, but his efforts In the end, the power fell short. The energy fluctuation of the safe house was discovered by someone who was interested. And last night, someone went to the abandoned safe house he took out and touched the gray crystal placed by Connor, which caused the occurrence. .

Thinking of this, Connor couldn’t help but feel fortunate. Fortunately, he had anticipated this scene yesterday and decisively abolished the safe house. He has carefully eliminated all his traces of that safe house. Now those gray crystals Being touched, it is even more foolproof, even if there are traces in the safe house that he didn't find, as this scene happens, the dust will return to dust, and the soil will return to the ground.

Although somewhat fortunate, Connor still felt a touch of coolness behind him, even though it was basically that when Varga and the little blood tiger concluded the contract, the circle he controlled did not completely conceal the energy fluctuations and let the energy fluctuations leak out, but Connor Confidence, even if the magic circle he controls does not completely conceal the energy fluctuations caused by the conclusion of the contract, and the energy leaks, the leaked energy will not leak too much. It is absolutely very small, even if the wizard does not carefully detect it. It would never be observed, but in terms of the current facts, his safe house was definitely discovered because of an energy leak.

If someone finds out his safe house early, he will definitely stand there and wait where he is, and where he will be watched, Connor, as a spiritual wizard, has quite strong spiritual power and inspiration. He wants to be unaware of Connor. Under the circumstances to monitor him, senior wizard apprentices can't do this, only the official wizard can accomplish this!

And if it’s a formal wizard, with the strength of people’s spiritual power, even if he is careless, he will definitely find the gray crystals he has placed in a hidden place in the safe house as soon as he enters a safe house. Then control the gray crystals of the meeting, and that house will naturally not!

Connor felt that he could find a slight energy fluctuation in the realm of Ruen, so he blocked the door and did it. Based on his understanding of the uncles of the Ruen Metropolitan Police Department, they would never do it, hiding in the dark. The dark wizards here will not be so arrogant, only the followers of the fanatical storm goddess of the Storm Church will be so eager to wipe out all the dark wizards!

   Realizing this, Connor's face instantly became solemn, and the energy leak was discovered by the people of the Storm Church. Although it felt a little unbelievable, the facts were already in front of Connor.

"Hey" sighed slightly, Connor shook his head slightly. Although he didn't know how the Storm Church did it, but now it seems that he should be more cautious in his actions in Luen in the future. This Storm Church It's almost pervasive in Luen.

   Just at Connor, he sighed. At the time of Ruen's hard time, he suddenly changed his expression. His mental power sensed the young postman who was in charge of them and threw a letter in the mailbox in front of his apartment.

   took out the letter sent by someone from the mailbox, and Connor opened the letter in his apartment.

"Hello dear sir, I take the liberty to post this letter to you. I hope you can haihan. We are. The Rosen Cafe has been in business for three years. We are located at Shop No. 67, Karabakh Street, East District. It will be our honor to be able to come!"

Judging from the content of the letter, this letter is no different from the letters promoting merchandise and services that Connor’s apartment mailboxes are often put into. However, when the letter is expanded, the content of this letter is just a few hundred words. Na carefully watched it twice! After reading it, Connor shook his head with a smile on his face, and a flame appeared on the tips of his fingers, turning the letter into fly ash.

The last time I saw Margaret, Connor informed her that the secret society was looking for her, and Margarita promised him to reduce contact with him, Connor also contacted Margaret. Lit has reached a set of contact methods. As long as Margaret feels that she is safe now, she can use this method to contact Connor. The letter Connor just burned is the contact between Connor and her. The way, in other words, the appearance of this letter surprised Margaret that she was safe now, and Connor still believed in the judgment of Margaret's own partner!

The Rosen Cafe mentioned in the letter actually exists, and it has been established for three years as stated in the content of the letter is basically the same The letter promoting merchandise in the luxury apartments in the Eastern District is the same. Whoever gets this letter will not notice any difference in the letter. However, only people who know Connor and Margaret can pass through the two of them. Only after the contact information is reached can we know what is actually recorded in the letter.

   "At 11 o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, Manor Continasa, in the suburbs of the northern district of Ruen!" This is the real content of the letter that Margaret mailed to Connor!

After clarifying the content of the letter, Connor did not focus his attention on the day after tomorrow’s meeting with Margaret, but instead turned his attention to the alchemy puppet, regarding the energy consumption of the alchemy puppet. Connor seems to have new ideas on the issues that have troubled Connor for a while. He can't wait to turn the ideas in his mind into reality!

At 10:30 the day after tomorrow, under the bright moonlight, Connor, with a hint of meaning on his face, wrapped in his usual black trench coat, opened the door of the apartment and walked out of the apartment. He took out his pocket watch and looked at it. After seeing this, he let out a sigh of relief. There is still half an hour before the six o'clock agreed to meet Margaret, and from his apartment to the Manor Contina on the outskirts of the city, he is the fastest. It takes twenty minutes to get there.

   In the past two days, Connor has devoted all his energy to researching his method of solving the consumption of driving alchemy golem magic stones, and did not leave his apartment for half a step.

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