Count of Wizards

Chapter 298: It turned out to be you...

"Goddess of storm bless!" The arbitrators who survived immediately drew exactly the same symbol on their chests just like this mysterious woman.

   Judging from the power of the house explosion, even if the person who broke in was an arbiter of the Storm Church, a powerful wizard, it is impossible to survive, and even their bodies should not be too complete.

According to the order of the mysterious woman, the arbitrators who survived the fluke all began to look for the flesh and blood of the companion who was still alive and kicking around in the ruined walls. When they were looking for it, the mystery with a purple veil The woman was not idle either, she also walked among the broken bricks and tiles that were bombed, but unlike the arbitrators who were looking for the remains of her companions, the attention of the mysterious woman was not faintly visible on the ground. On the fresh blood and minced meat, she seemed to be searching for some kind of trace

The mysterious woman searched very carefully, and even a small stone would be checked by her mental power. As the so-called "kung fu pays off the caring person", the mysterious woman searched for about 20 minutes. The eyes exposed from her veil looked like I found something like that, a flash of light flashed, the white and tender palm of the hand, a tiny gray crystal fragment on the ground, was concealed by her and received her hand. Those faces were sad, searching for her companions. The arbiters of the corpse didn't even notice that their "adult" had such small actions behind them!

"Connor, it turned out to be you guy" played the gray crystal fragments in the palm of his hand for a while, and the mysterious woman under the purple veil showed a surprise smile on the face of the country and peerless, whispering that only one can hear 'S voice murmured:

Connor, who spent the whole night practicing in the bedroom of his apartment early in the morning, simply moved his body. Yesterday he sent Varga and the little blood tiger to a safe house in his suburbs, because Varga could not bring children for the time being. The blood tiger returned to the private hospital of Dr. Gulsi, so he had to negotiate with the little thing, and finally reached the condition of letting the little beast stay in the safe house with a hundred magic stones.

   "Zhentemo is greedy for money." Connor couldn't help but smile and curse at the thought of the little blood tiger who exchanged ideas with Varga on the basis of an equal partnership contract and asked Varga to bargain with himself:

Originally there were only more than two hundred magic stones in his space ring, but now Temo took away the little thing. If more than two hundred magic stones are definitely a sum of money for an ordinary middle-level wizard apprentice. Very large wealth, enough to support him to practice with magic stones for more than a year, but for those who discovered the magic stone mine, this is a drizzle. As long as he researches the alchemy puppets, the magic stone mine can be mass-produced. Mining and hitting, more than two hundred magic stones? It's just a week of mining the magic stone mine, it's nothing at all!

Although as an intermediate wizard apprentice, Connor can basically do bigu, but Connor still likes to pursue the quality of life. He likes the excitement that food brings him, so he came to the kitchen and simply made it for himself. A fairly hearty breakfast, a juicy, fried Kaman steak, a fried egg and a Kaman wheat bread.

After breakfast, Connor didn’t start eating right away. Instead, he walked out of the door of his apartment and pulled out the latest issue of the Luen Kommersant from the newspaper box in the apartment’s door. Since the last time he saw Luen’s business After the article in the People’s Daily, Connor felt that the newspaper was still quite good. It happened that the Luen Kommersant was also doing activities. It costs one gold to subscribe for a month. Now it only costs ten gold to subscribe for a year, which is two gold pounds cheaper. Therefore, Connor did not stingy with the gold in his pocket, and spent ten gold to order the Luen Kommersant for a year.

   With a newspaper in one hand and breakfast in the other, Connor suddenly had an illusion that he was still on earth. Today’s Luen Kommersant, there is no explosive news. The news homepage is still the border conflict between the East Hoy Company in the northern Lecce state of Hoy and the Lance tribe. The news is only a few days ago. Connor is already in I have read the newspaper, but there is nothing new.

Except for this issue today, the price of Ruen gold has risen, and housing prices have fallen slightly. The Ruen Federation of Trade Unions proposed to the City House of Commons to raise the minimum daily wages of workers. It was at Conner that all the steaks he made were sold. After eating, his eyes locked, in the news in a corner of the Luen Kommersant today.

"Late night yesterday, there was an explosion in a residential building in the Ruen Palma community. According to our newspaper's understanding from the Ruen City Hall, the explosion in a residential building in the Palma community in the northern district was caused by the irregular use of kerosene lamps. There was an explosion, which caused the whole house to explode. This newspaper once again advises all Luen citizens to use kerosene lamps carefully. The use is not standardized, and loved ones tear up."

This piece of news, which was ranked in the corner of today’s Luen Kommersant, was only a few hundred words short, but when he saw this piece of news, Connor’s eyes were unconsciously narrowed. Get up, if he remembers correctly, the location of the safe house he just chose to abandon yesterday is located in the Parma community in the northern district of Ruen!

In this world, kerosene lamps are somewhat unstable due to technology. Irregular use of kerosene lamps can easily cause explosions. However, if the whole house explodes because of the irregular use of kerosene lamps, Connor does not believe it. This is too exaggerated. In theory, at least hundreds of explosions can explode the whole house at the same time, so Connor basically didn't believe a word of the explanation given by the official!

Connor thinks that the explanation is that the house that exploded in the Palma neighborhood in the North District was the safe house he chose to be abandoned, and the reason why it exploded was not because of the non-standard use of kerosene lamps that caused the explosion, but because he was in it. The gray crystals placed in that house played a role. Those gray crystals are some small things invented by Connor’s latest alchemy. They can be considered as a manifestation of energy compressed into solids. Under Connor’s arrangement, these gray crystals As long as the crystal produces energy fluctuations in the room, it will cause the internal imbalance of these gray crystals, and the consequence of the internal imbalance is boom!

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