Count of Wizards

Chapter 292: The history of Mr. De Silio

After listening carefully to De Silio, the old Victor said, "Sissoko, the old fox, has there been any movement lately?"

"Sissoko, the old guy, hasn’t commented on the surface yet, but he thought I didn’t know that Balzali was a nail he buried beside me, and asked Balzali to help me contact our secret society. It should also be a note with Schultz and Hector, I can just do my tricks and meet you openly!" Mentioning that Sissoko, De Silio's eyes, there was a scorn of contempt, and he said with some disdain:

"What happened in North Lecce? We got a tip here. The foreign legions of Persis and Fast jointly dispatched at least five formal wizards and dozens of apprentices under the cover of heavy artillery from the Lance tribe. "A surprise attack on Northern Lecce," the old Victor continued to ask with a solemn expression:

"North Lecce and even the entire border with the Lance tribe have always been in charge of the two guys Rebic and Sissoko. I am not yet a director of the East Hoy Company, so I am not very much about things over there. Clearly, I just know that Rebic and Sissoko led a very important experiment over there, and the real goal of those foreign legions attacking Northern Lecce is that experiment. I will talk with them tonight on today’s discussion with the secret agency. As a result, the Magic Mirror joint meeting, I should be able to put out more things in the meeting!" Desirio spread his hands helplessly.

The East Hoy Company is far away in the Kaman Empire and can only get dividends and profits, and does not actually control the East Hoy Company’s general meeting of shareholders. The actual power of the East Hoy Company is the board of directors of their company. There is a board of directors, but since 20 years ago, East Hoy’s chairman Redondo took the initiative to transfer East Hoy’s power to other members of the board, and became East Hoy because of his age and lack of energy. After the nominal leader of the company, the real power of the East Hoy Company rests with the other five directors on the board of directors, and these five directors are, as Desilio just said, Rebic, Maguire, and He Keto, Schultz, Sissoko.

The five directors are usually responsible for one aspect of East Hoy, and they will get together to discuss countermeasures after encountering things involving the entire East Hoy company!

Looking at De Silio with a smile and a smile, the old Victor said casually: "The professor asked me to tell you that the structure of the five directors of the East Hoy Company’s board of directors has been going on for 20 years. It is time to make changed!"

Old Victor's words were dull, but these words passed into De Silio's ears, but it made De Silio, a man of deep thoughts, an unconcealable ecstasy in his eyes!

In Kaman’s aristocratic family, it is not considered an illegitimate family. There will also be many descendants of men in the family, but after all, there can only be one person who can inherit the title and power of the family, and in order to prevent the family’s strength from being too strong. If there is a big loss, it is naturally impossible to divide the family. The rest of the family can only distribute part of the wealth and go away. If you are lucky, you will get a monthly allowance every year. If you are not lucky, you can only be self-reliant. Self-destruct.

Although Mr. De Silio and Mr. Paul Ranieri, who later inherited the Ranieri family, were brothers of the same father and mother, Mr. De Silio did not because Paul was his brother in the matter of fighting for the right of inheritance. And gave up, so in the end Paul defeated him to obtain the right of family inheritance. After becoming the first in line heir to the family, he was also very excluded from his own brother.

Mr. De Silio, who knew he could not stand up in the Ranieri family, was unwilling to be so ineffective in his life, and became a waste of eating and waiting like ordinary nobles. He begged his father, who was La at the time. After Earl Nellie, under the operation of the family, like many young people in the Kaman Empire at that time, they began to "break into Hoy".

Although he is also a "Course Hoy", Mr. De Silio’s aristocratic status makes him a natural starting point higher than ordinary people. Under the operation of the old Count Ranieri, Mr. De Silio, who first arrived on the mainland of Hoy, transformed himself. He became the middle-level manager of East Hoy directly, but when De Silio was full of confidence and wanted to do a great job in Hoy with the support of his family, reality gave him a blow. Although the Ranieri family It is the earl family, it can be said to be the high-ranking nobility of the Kaman Empire, but in the background of the loss of the nobility, the power of the Ranieri family can only help Mr. Desilio to this step, and further down can only rely on Desili Mr. Ao himself!

In addition, after the death of the old Count Ranieri, Mr. De Silio's brother Paul Ranieri became the new Count of Ranieri, and the Ranieri family's help to Mr. De Silio was even closer to nothing, so Mr. De Silio, with the aura of nobility, is even more mediocre among the hundreds of middle-level managers of East Hoy Company

And just when Mr. De Silio was a little bit self-defeating, a noble man in his life appeared. The secret society professor and Connor’s mentor Reyes found him and made a deal with him. The content of the deal was very simple. The agency helps De Silio develop within the East Hoy Company, and De Silio has to completely take refuge in the secret agency and become the secret agency's hidden son in the East Hoy Company.

From then on, Desilio, who was unknown in East Hoy Company without family support, became the only candidate director of East Hoy Company step by step!

"Can you tell me, is the professor going to do it? I'm so prepared!" After the surprise, the scheming Mr. De Silio quickly regained his senses. After quick thinking, he deliberated and asked the old Victor. :

"It's okay to tell you, you won't become the sixth director!" Old Victor said meaningfully:

Hearing these words, although Mr. De Silio's face remained unchanged, his pupils had suddenly shrunk to the size of pinholes. Wouldn't he be the sixth director? Doesn't this mean that he will become one of the five directors on the board of directors of the East Hoy Company? And now the five directors of the board of directors are full. He has become a new director. Doesn't that mean that there are five people: Rebic, Maguire, Hector, Schultz, and Sissoko Some of them lost the position of director

It’s just Desilio’s knowledge of these five guys. These five guys are the masters who value their power more than anything else. Ask them to give up their position as directors of the East Hoy Company. There is only one way to do it. kill!

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