Count of Wizards

Chapter 291: trust

Feeling the cold touch of the crystal bottle containing the potion, Connor played with it for a while before drinking it.

The pink potion tastes slightly sweet, but there is a slight fishy smell in the sweetness. It is too late to feel the taste of the potion. Connor suddenly found that as the bottle of pink potion entered his body, the potion Zhong's rich spiritual vitality is to make the spiritual power in his divine sea boil.

With joy in his heart, Connor hurriedly started to operate. The high-level meditation he had cultivated, "The Secret Technique of the Abyss", under the operation of the Secret Technique of the Abyss, the pink potion began to be fully absorbed by Connor Shenhai.

Half an hour later, Kang Na, who digested the effect of the pink potion, ended the operation of the meditation. He opened his eyes and felt the changes in his Shenhai, the one in Shenhai who was infected with the Grey Tarot virus. The off-white is small, the off-white is obviously lighter!

"Auxiliary chip, calculate the effect of this bottle of medicine on my gray tarot virus in the deep sea?" Connor, who returned to reason after joy, began to order silently in his heart:

"Dip! Following the subject’s will, I began to calculate that the drug's efficacy against gray tarot virus was about 8% of the entire treatment process. It is expected that when the subject has taken the third bottle, the drug resistance will be When it appears, the effect of the medicine will gradually weaken. It is expected that it will take eleven bottles of such medicine to completely solve the gray tarot virus infected in the main body Shenhai!" Not long after, Kang Na's mind sounded the cold female voice of the auxiliary chip.

"Eleven bottles? One bottle for three days, which is about a month. That's great. I can resume my practice in one month! Haha, that dog thing that doesn't dare to show people in a mask absolutely never thought of it. With a genius pharmacist like Varga, he can completely get rid of this **** gray tarot virus in just one month!" After getting the answer from the auxiliary chip, Connor’s smile is undoubtedly brighter.

However, at this moment, Connor seemed to have thought of something, and the original bright smile on his face solidified.

How can the person who cast the grey tarot mist bronze mask on him give him that familiar feeling so like Varga?

The thought that came to mind directly frightened Connor. The bronze masked man looked like Varga. How could this happen?

"Impossible! Impossible!" Connor didn't think much about vetoing his thoughts directly in his heart. How could that bronze masked man be Varga in his arms? Varga, a pharmacist who studied pharmacy at Gulsi Hospital, could not be so powerful. In what day's battle, the mysterious bronze masked man could suppress him so miserably. If it weren't for him to use the undead entanglement in time, that day Maybe it's really troublesome

What's more, if Varga casts that deadly gray tarot mist on him, how can he take the initiative to heal himself? It's different in principle!

Thinking of this, there was a self-deprecating smile on Connor’s face. He is too sensitive now. He can even have the strange idea of ​​the bronze masked figure like Varga. If Varga is not good for himself, I am afraid he will Naverguson has died ten times long ago!

Varga may have secrets that he cannot tell him because of the secret society, but Connor is confident that Varga is absolutely loyal to him and will never be against him!

"Mr. Desilio, this is the butler Victor!" In a private estate on the outskirts of Ruen, Barzagli pointed to the little old man with a smile and a little stoop, and respectfully addressed the German next to him. Silio introduced:

"It's my honor to see Mr. De Silio!" Facing De Silio, the old Victor took the initiative to stretch out his right hand.

Taking a deep look at Old Victor, Mr. De Silio also had a smile on his face. He stretched out his hand and shook Old Victor gently, and said with deep meaning, "Still still. I heard about the secret society when Hoy, and it’s really exciting to see Butler Victor today!"

Listening to the greetings of the two masters, and seeing that the two had already known each other, Balzali also bowed slightly in wit, and then stepped back and stopped disturbing the meeting between the two.

However, what Balzali never expected was that when he was far away, Mr. De Silio took out two cigars from his pocket, took one by himself, and handed the other to the old Vic with a smile. Say more: "Mancini Cigars, the top cigars produced by our East Hoy Company, is Victor Butler interested in trying it?"

Taking a close look at the cigar Desilio handed him, the old Victor shook his head, took out a pack of cigarettes from his wallet, smiled and declined and said, "I'm not used to smoking cigars, or This Xuan Hemen is more suitable for me!" After speaking, Old Victor also shook the pack of Xuan Hemen cigarettes in his hand at De Silio.

Seeing the movements of the old Victor, Desilio had a strange expression of relief on his face. Only he and whoever knew these two codes, and the person Barzali introduced in front of him. Since we can match this code, it naturally shows that this Victor Butler is really arranged by an adult!

Old Victor didn't seem to be surprised by the relieved expression on Desilio's face. His old face smiled and whispered: "Master Professor, let me greet you for him!"

Hearing the words "Professor", Mr. De Silio's city house also couldn't help but a touch of excitement appeared in his eyes.

"Everything is in plan here, please don't worry, Professor!" Mr. De Silio said sternly:

What Desilio said made old Victor very satisfied. He nodded and didn't circumvent the bend, and said directly: "What's the attitude within East Hoy's company this time?"

"The hardliners headed by Rebic and Maguire advocate a quick fight and a quick decision. Even without the support of the Kaman Empire, they must concentrate the company’s combat power to defeat the foreign legions in Lecce with all their strength, but with Schultz The conservatives headed by the two Hectors also wanted to fight, but they wanted to do everything possible to seek support from the empire. After all, without the support of the empire, even if the foreign legions in Northern Lecce are now successfully destroyed In the face of the counterattacks of Fast and Persis, it will be very troublesome!” De Silio groaned for a moment and introduced carefully:

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