Count of Wizards

Chapter 279: The actual combat of the undead

Although these dark blue sword glows came fiercely, Castilla's staff was extremely calm in Connor's eyes. He tapped the staff and immediately centered on him, and the staff was released. The semi-circular defensive enchantment has been blocked, and the blue sword light is blocked out of the enchantment!

Connor squinted his eyes, feeling the power of attacking the sword lights on the defensive enchantment, and slowly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. The breath of this bronze mask man was very good, and Connor couldn't see through this person at all during the confrontation. If it hadn’t been the time when Connor had just faced a sneak attack, Connor would have felt from the short knife that the energy did not exceed the limit of a senior wizard apprentice. Connor would never confront this mysterious guy. He would have escaped a long time ago. Now from the sword lights that came from these lasses, Connor could even confirm that this mysterious guy wearing a bronze mask was just like him as an intermediate wizard apprentice.

Confirming the other party’s cultivation base, Connor’s confidence in his heart is undoubtedly stronger. With a move in his mind, he immediately turns from defense to offense. A series of three mental shocks are under the spiritual power increase of the silver light pendant, which is directed at the bronze. The Mask Man released the past, and Connor was very confident of his mental shock. He felt that he could at least stop the attack of the Bronze Mask Man. However, what disappointed him was that after his three mental shocks, the Bronze Mask Man As if there was nothing wrong, he didn't even hum, just threw out countless dark red seeds, and then a very strange singing sound appeared in this guy's mouth.

Accompanied by the strange singing of the man in the bronze mask, the dark red seeds he threw out grew up very strangely, turning into more than a dozen dark red vines exuding a **** smell. As soon as these vines appeared, Connor's face was also I sank, although I don’t know what the other party spawned this thing, but it looks like it’s definitely not something to deal with.

Connor didn't dare to be careless, and immediately decided to strike first, holding the Castilla staff, and knocking heavily on the ground. The same faint blue light suddenly appeared under the feet of the bronze masked man, a hexagonal method. The formation quickly condensed under his feet.

However, facing the siege of Connor Castilla’s circle, the bronze masked man did not get caught, letting the circle trap himself, but holding a short knife while the circle of Castilla had not completely condensed. This gap was severely chopped down, and a gap was cut in the magic circle that had not yet been condensed, and then the bronze masked figure flashed out and rushed out of the gap.

Seeing that the opponent broke out of his circle, Connor immediately showed a touch of anger, but his anger had not had time to break out, that is, he found that the strange chant was once again sounded in the bronze mask population. He pointed his finger at himself, and under the manipulation of the man in the bronze mask, the **** vines immediately attacked Connor.

Taking a deep breath, Connor input the mana of his whole body into his wand. With the full support of Connor, the protective barrier that protects Connor immediately rose sharply. A slight encounter, the two sides are All the means came out, but what made Connor's heart heavy was that he was actually suppressed by the opponent while holding two major second-level demonized items!

This situation can’t help but make Kang An frightened and angry. Now that he wants to see the situation is bad, it’s a bit difficult for him to run away. There is no way to break the situation. Connor can only plan to put himself in the game. The trained Undead Coil was taken out for a try. For the first time to use the Undead Coil, Connor needed time to prepare, so he needed his defensive enchantment to buy him time!

The defensive barrier did not disappoint Connor. The dark red vines that the Bronze Mask attacked had no doubt that they were steadily blocked by the defensive barrier. Connor felt relieved by the situation. Then, without hesitation, he took a glass ball tied to his ankle. Connor looked solemnly, and he hit this glass ball. The original one cannot be an ordinary glass ball. Under the action of Fajue, it immediately became ambiguous.

The crimson vines released by him could not attack the opponent's defense barrier for a long time, and the opponent was hiding in the tortoise shell of the defense barrier. It was obvious that he was accumulating a big move. The bronze masked man also seemed to be a little anxious, chanting strangely The sound also changed quickly. The dark red vines that besieged Connor's defense barrier seemed to have received some instructions. There was a tremor, and the head of the vine sprayed countless blood-like dark red liquid to the defense in the next second. On the enchantment.

These dark red liquids seemed to be highly corrosive. As soon as they touched Connor's defensive barrier, the defensive barrier sounded "Zrazra", and the light on the defensive barrier also dimmed.

Connor, who was preparing for the "dead entanglement" in the enchantment, was shocked when he sensed this situation, but at this moment he was at the critical moment of casting spells. There should be no distractions. There is no way Connor can only Can gritted his teeth and continue to cast the Undead Coil as quickly as Under the corrosion of these dark red liquids, Connor’s defensive enchantment soon became shaky, but here it is. When the bronze mask man stood in the distance, his eyes under the bronze mask became a little complicated. This complex eyes seemed to be mixed with a trace of worry. The bronze mask man hesitated and took the initiative to change the speed of the singing voice in his mouth. Slowed down, and as his singing voice slowed down, the corrosive strength of the dark red liquid to Connor's defense enchantment also dropped by a notch.

At this time, Connor in the defensive enchantment can no longer care about supporting the defensive enchantment. All his energy is devoted to casting the undead entanglement. With Connor, whose face is a little pale, his eyes are very bright. As he spit out the last spell "Kadi Sai Complex"

The glass ball of the sojourner's undead suspended in the air in front of Connor suddenly burst into huge energy fluctuations, and an undead full of killing intent and resentment was immediately released from the glass ball!

The appearance of the terrifying undead immediately caused a smile to appear on Connor's face. It is not easy, this big trick is finally released!

A cold glance at the dark red vines that are constantly eroding his defense barrier, Connor waved his hand, and the undead he released immediately entangled those long vines.

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