Count of Wizards

Chapter 278: No evil intentions!

While hiding in the dark and watching Emery, Connor put on a mask he made by himself. As the mask was covered, Connor’s original appearance immediately became one with a hideous scar on his face. The young man, looking at his current appearance, Connor nodded in satisfaction. Although his mask was not as magical as the human skin mask in the legend, ordinary people would not notice that he changed his face.

Connor did not wait too long after changing his appearance, which was about five minutes. Connor, who was observing secretly, found that the middle-aged uncle disguised by Mr. Emery had thrown two things into his shopping cart casually, and then just pushed them. The shopping cart went to the payment port. Seeing Emery's actions like this, Connor had a moment of confusion in his eyes. He had been monitoring Emery just now. Emery named him and has not had any contact with anyone, could it be said? I guessed it wrong, this guy is not like I imagined, who will he connect with?

Just when Connor hesitated, Emery had already paid the bill, pushing the shopping cart to get out of the Imperial Department Store, out of Connor’s sight. Seeing this, Connor quickly made up his mind and followed. , He wants to take a look today, what the **** is this guy Emery doing?

Quietly following the middle-aged uncle Emery disguised as turning left and right, feeling the fewer and fewer buildings around him, Connor glanced at Emery, who was still walking more than ten meters in front of him. Sweeping the surrounding environment, he was shocked. At this time, he followed Emery to the outskirts of the Eastern District.

Realizing his current position, Connor suddenly hesitated in his heart. He was not sure whether Emery he was following was really going to the outskirts of the city, or he had found himself following him, deliberately taking himself out, and then Put an ambush to kill yourself.

Connor followed another distance in the middle of the entanglement. When he found that he had reached a position that was almost a warning line from the city of Ruen, there was no one around, and Emery continued to move forward, a little bit. Without the intention to stop, a decision flashed across Connor's face. He made a cautious decision and he stopped following!

However, just when Connor stopped and was about to return to go, Connor's face suddenly changed. He perceived mentally that a short knife with a gleaming blue light was striking at him at an extremely fast speed. Lasing in the abdomen!

This short knife is very fast. When Connor realized it appeared, Connor had no time to take out the Castilla staff from the space ring and release the defensive enchantment. Although the situation is very dangerous, but There was no panic in Connor's eyes. He stretched out his hand and patted the black robe on his body, and the black robe suddenly showed a light curtain to stop this sneaky knife!


This short knife gleaming with dark blue light looks extraordinary. The defensive light curtain released by Connor’s black magic robe did not block it for a few seconds. Only a sound of the defensive light curtain was completely destroyed. , But the delay of the defensive light curtain for these few seconds is completely enough for Connor. At this time, Connor is already standing in a distance, and he also took out his Castilla from the space ring in his hand. The staff looked at a hundred-year-old tree in the distance with a vigilant face. As for Emery that Connor was following, he had now disappeared.

Under Connor's gaze, a figure wearing a bronze mask walked out from behind the hundred-year-old tree. Seeing that he had failed the sneak attack, the bronze masked man saw that he had failed the sneak attack. Hands!

Connor stared at the bronze masked man coldly. He was cautious by nature. Now that he had guessed that Emery might have noticed that his stalking wanted to shame himself, how could he not expect the other party to know that he would give up stalking What about the outrageous shot afterwards?

Although he was prepared, the power of the short knife that the opponent attacked him really frightened Connor. The black magic robe on him was for his own use, so Connor was in the robe. The defensive performance is a lot of work. As a hidden item, the black magic robe can be considered as a good defense among the first-level demonized items. It is not inferior to the ordinary first-level defensive demonized items, but it is like this The short knife is not enough at all. If Connor is not mistaken, this short knife should be a second-level enchanted item, and it is also a second-level peak enchanted item!

After he appeared, the bronze masked man stood there and didn't speak, but stood quietly next to the big tree and confronted Connor. Connor's eyes narrowed subconsciously as he looked at the bronze masked man. Judging from his body shape, he should have seen this person for the first time, but I don't know why, but he has a very familiar intuition for this guy in front of him.

Connor's inspiration has always been very high because of his relationship with a spiritual wizard, and his high inspiration has also made Connor's intuition very accurate. Although I can’t think of the reason why this familiar intuition of this bronze mask man came But judging from the intensity of intuition, this guy who conceals his body seems to be a very good person. Close people!

Realizing this immediately shocked Connor's heart. Not to mention Luen, even in this alien world, the people he was very close to counted with one hand, and no matter which one of them, Connor did not count. Think they will have any similarities with the bronze masked man in front of them

Reason told Connor that it was impossible, but his intuition was so strong. After entangled for a while, Connor decided to take the initiative to speak. He barely squeezed a smile out of his face, pretending to be a little embarrassed, and said to the bronze masked man: " Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, I heard that the Ruen wizard circle is very prosperous, so I came here from outside. I just happened to see a Daoist friend and wanted to inquire about it, so there is no evil intention to act like this! No evil intention! "

Although Connor didn’t believe what he said, Connor didn’t intend to make the bronze mask man believe what he said. He only spoke so actively to talk to the bronze mask man and see if he could follow Recognize who this guy is in his voice!

However, what Connor never expected was that when the bronze masked man saw him open his mouth, instead of answering as he imagined, he used that powerful short knife and slashed at him until he was counted. Blue knife mans

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