Count of Wizards

Chapter 272: Empire Egg

"Eleven years ago, I was in Ruen and embarked on a cruise to the mainland of Hoy. Today I came to Ruen again. I am very happy and honored. Everyone can come to my welcome banquet in the midst of their busy schedule. Here I sincerely thank you all!" At this point, Mr. De Silio bowed slightly.

"Fear of fear!"

Following De Silio’s bow, there was a warm applause in the banquet hall. The applause lasted for more than ten seconds before gradually calming down. When the applause fell, Mr. De Silio continued to smile and slowly said "I received two hundred and thirteen gifts today. I kindly felt Ruen’s enthusiasm for me and his feelings for our East Hoy Company. However, due to time constraints, these two hundred and thirteen gifts , I can’t thank you one by one, I hope you can understand!"

"I am grateful for three gifts today!" Mr. De Silio had just finished saying this. In this gap, Holding among the crowd immediately shifted his eyes to Connor, his eyes full of For the ridicule and contempt, everyone in the banquet hall knows that the hundreds of guests in the banquet hall, Mr. De Silio asked to thank the people who gave these three gifts, there will definitely be two of them, Mayor Spalletti of Ruen and Bishop Edel of the Church of the Storm. A big boss.

According to convention and tradition, Desilio should be grateful to five people, but now he only thanks three people, Connor's chances are already slim, and it is even more hopeless.

After feeling the malicious look in Holding's eyes, Connor smiled and shook his head. He was full of confidence in himself.

Just when everyone was expecting the first person to give a gift that Mr. De Silio would like to thank, a crack suddenly appeared among the crowd of onlookers centered on Mr. De Silio in the banquet hall. Looking through the seams, Spalletti, the current Mayor of Ruen, with a smile on his face, holding a simple and delicate certificate framed in a photo frame, walking in the forefront.

Although the words on the certificate are not big, everyone present can clearly see the six big words "Honorary Citizen of Loen" written on it!

Seeing the appearance of Mayor Spalletti, De Silio immediately greeted him with a smile, and the two big men shook their hands with a smile on their faces in the witness of so many people.

After shaking his hand, Spalletti showed his palm, the honorary certificate of "Honorary Citizen of Ruen" to everyone sitting, and said aloud: "To commend Mr. De Silio to promote the city of Ruen and Donghuo. In the name of the ninth mayor of Ruen in the Kaman Empire, Spalletti announced the official award of the honorary market title of Ruen City to Mr. Desilio in the name of the ninth mayor of Ruen of the Kaman Empire. I hope that in the coming future In the days, Mr. De Silio will continue to work hard and make new contributions!"

Spalletti and De Silio made such a show, completely unexpected, and in the crowd of people watching, another big brother of the moon, the bishop of the Storm Church, Edel's face is obviously When it sinks, who will Desilio and Spalletti show to him? Isn't it just for him?

In the tsunami-like applause from the crowd, Desilio received the certificate of honor from Spalletti's hand, and Spalletti personally pinned him on his chest, symbolizing the honorary citizen's medal.

"I am very grateful to Mayor Spalletti for giving me such an honor. Ruen is the most dazzling jewel on the west coast of the empire. I am extremely proud and excited to be an honorary citizen of Ruen. I have a proposal. Let's have a drink together for the hundreds of years of friendship between Ruen and Dong Hoy! Long live the friendship!" Desilio calmly pushed the atmosphere of the whole journey to **!

"Long live friendship!" Hundreds of people raised their glasses at the welcome banquet in response to De Silio's proposal.

After the ceremony of awarding honors to everyone’s surprise, Edel, who had an old face, stood up to everyone’s expectations, and there is no doubt that Desilio would like to thank the second person who gave him a gift. The man is the tycoon of the Church of the Storm. Compared to the honor given by Spalletti as the "Honorary Citizen", the honor given by Edel is a bit more modest. Bishop Edel is in the name of the Church of Ruen Storm. , Presented a silver statue of the Storm Goddess to the East Hoy Company to promote the greatness of the Storm Goddess and to persuade people to convert to the Storm Church.

Although the process was a bit unexpected, the results of these two big men to whom Desilio would like to thank were completely unexpected. In the banquet hall, except for Connor and Holding, everyone had their eyes. Looking at De Silio, everyone was very curious, who would be the third person who gave him a gift that De Silio would like to thank

Compared to the confidence in Connor’s eyes, Holding’s eyes were full of madness at the moment. He seemed to have seen it. Connor, who had failed the bet, knelt in front of him under everyone’s gaze, and gave him one after another. Slap yourself.

"It’s time to return to In addition to being very honored and able to be an honorary citizen of Ruen, I am even more pleasantly surprised that I received such a gift." As soon as Mr. Silio waved his hand, a servant of the East Hoy Company immediately handed it respectfully from a small silver box to De Silio.

Seeing the appearance of this small silver box, Holding still performed triumphantly, but the face of Sophia who was wanton and frivolous in his arms and smeared in heavy make-up showed a look of astonishment, which she clearly remembered. This small silver box is what Connor said he gave to Mr. De Silio as a gift. Is it possible that what Connor said is true. The Ferguson family where Connor belongs is really a family friend with the Ranieri family where Mr. De Silio belongs. Nothing?

Just when Sophia was hesitating whether to tell Holding of her discovery, Mr. De Silio had already opened the small silver box in front of everyone in the banquet hall, and took out the colored eggs in it for display.

It is an egg made of gold all over. The mysterious lines inscribed on the surface of the egg make this egg full of primitive atmosphere, and under the bright lights at the banquet, this egg shows such beauty. The beauty is beautiful, attracting the eyes of everyone present.

"Is this the ancient Byzantine emperor's handed down treasure empire egg?" When everyone was marveling at the beauty of this egg, some people in the crowd asked in disbelief:

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