Count of Wizards

Chapter 271: Connor Ferguson

Feeling the threat in George’s words, Sophia’s eyes clearly flashed with a trace of fear, but her eyes were more of a madness caused by resentment, and she took the initiative to lean against her body. Holding, with his bright lipstick lips mockingly said to George: "George, you are a waste of money, why do you regret that you want to ask this lady to turn back? Sorry, this lady has decided to follow Master Holding!"

   In the face of such insults, George's fists were only tightened, but there was no other action. He knew very well that Connor would do it for him. At this time, he can't bear it, but he can't bear it! Now that he vents his anger, it’s cool, but then it’s not only Connor’s painstaking effort to give up, on the other hand, the old man will punish him when fighting with people on such occasions. He wants to be dark. It will undoubtedly be more difficult to kill Olsen in the ground!

Holding, who was slapped by Connor, who originally wanted to target George, has now aimed his finger at Connor. The woman in black in the East Hoy Company dare not do anything here, but he takes a closer look at Connor. After wearing it, there was a touch of disdain in his eyes.

The total price of the clothing accessories that Connor wears today is about 20 gold pounds. Although it can’t be said good in the whole banquet, it is definitely not bad, but I want to compare it to Holding’s. A hundred gold pounds on his body is naturally a far cry.

Since he thinks he can tell from his clothes, Holding said with a mockery, "Your surname is Ferguson? How come I don’t know when Ruen has such a Ferguson family? The Ranieri family that Mr. De Silio belongs to is a family friend? What a laugh!"

   "I'm afraid it's just a little knight who is about to lose his noble title. I'm telling you it's not a few boxes of pastries for Mr. De Silio. Just a few words can be called a family friend!"

   Spraying myself George can bear it, but mocking Connor George is absolutely unbearable, immediately defending Connor and said: "Holding"

However, as soon as George spoke, he unexpectedly saw Connor's very hidden eyes. With his tacit understanding with Connor, he could naturally see what Connor meant, so although he was a little puzzled, he stopped him and continued. What I want to say.

   Seeing that George understood what he meant, Connor nodded with satisfaction in his heart, but still pretended to be a guilty conscience and said angrily: "The condition of our family has nothing to do with you!"

Either it was because of anxious heart attack, or because Connor’s acting was so superb that Holding didn’t even realize that Connor would act with him again. He saw Connor’s guilty conscience and he really thought he had guessed it. , And poked Connor's life gate, and smiled proudly: "Of course the situation of your family has nothing to do with me, but do you know what the next link is?"

"Mr. De Silio will thank the guests who gave him gifts in accordance with the traditions of the empire. At that time, your Ranieri family is the heir of the Ferguson family, but you must let Mr. De Silio mention you. Your name! You are family friends hahaha!"

"If Mr. De Silio mentioned me and my family in the thank you section, what would you do?" Connor's acting skills became more and more sophisticated. In order to put this Holding on, his hands clenched into fists. He said with a blushing face:

"What about you and your family? Yo-yo, you are betting with me? Okay! No problem! Later, Mr. De Silio mentioned you and your Ferguson family in his thanks. I will pay. You ten thousand gold pounds, if you don't have you, you will kneel in front of me and slap yourself ten times!" Holding's eyes flashed triumphantly, and said yin-yin:

   "No problem!" Seeing that Holding himself was hooked, and 10,000 gold pounds were not earned or earned, Connor naturally agreed.

And at this time, the conflict between the two sides also caused a lot of onlookers in the banquet hall, and seeing so many onlookers, I thought I would win, and waited for Connor to kneel in front of him and slap Holding. Hugging the exposed Sophia proudly, while pretending to speak aloud to the crowd around onlookers:

"Holding Barrera made a bet with this Connor Ferguson from the Ferguson family. Please be your witness. Later, when Mr. De Silio thanked the guests for the gifts, you only need to mention him and him. For his family, I will pay him 10,000 gold pounds by Holding. On the contrary, this young master Connor will kneel in front of me and slap himself ten times!"

I have to say that the surname of Barrera is still very appealing in Luen. As soon as Holding finished speaking, there were many gentlemen onlookers, and many ladies came up to cheer, and they all took the initiative to bear witness. Seeing so many people "licking" himself, Holding immediately turned his head to look at Connor, his eyes full of provocation and pride.

The eyes of George next to Connor were full of Although he didn’t know that he had always been in the memory of an all-out plan, why Connor Ferguson, who moved afterwards, was irritated by Holding. A stupid bet, but he felt he had to remind Connor.

"Connor, as is customary, Mr. De Silio will only thank five people who gave gifts, and the people who gave him gifts tonight are at least hundreds." George walked to Connor's side, quietly in Connor's ears. He said:

"The gambling contract has been completed, so many people have witnessed it, it's no good to go back!" Although George's actions were very hidden, he still did not escape Halding's attention. He stared at Connor and George watching the show. Posture.

At an angle that Holding could not see, Connor turned his head and blinked slightly at George. When he turned his head back again, his eyes had already pretended to be a panic, more like that. How similar is it?

Just when Holding wanted to put on a wave of ridicule, Mr. De Silio in the banquet hall had once again stood in the middle of the banquet hall, and coughed slightly. Although Mr. De Silio's voice was not loud, but The dance music in the entire banquet hall disappeared in an instant. Everyone in the banquet hall stopped their hands and turned their eyes to Mr. De Silio, who was in the middle of the banquet hall.

Mr. De Silio looked around for a week and nodded slightly with satisfaction. He enjoyed the feeling of being the focus of others' eyes with one response. This is not only a manifestation of his personal prestige, but also the influence of Don Hoy that he represents. reflect!

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