Count of Wizards

Chapter 214: The sudden attack of Scar Man

The reason why Connor keeps Avilova is because he observed that Avilova is practicing the pill of ten thousand snakes and will soon succeed. As a spiritual wizard, mental shock has always been One of the main spells of Connor’s battle has made great contributions to Connor’s current situation. Connor has always relied on it. However, as Connor’s cultivation level increases, the bottleneck of mental impact is also reflected. , So Connor has always wanted to increase the power of mental shock.

There are basically two ways to increase the power of mental shock. The first method is to enhance your mental power. When your mental power becomes stronger, the power of mental shock will naturally become stronger. The second method is to optimize your spirit. Impact this spell structure.

The first method Connor has also done in a circuitous way is to use the silver light pendant to increase his mental power. The effect has indeed increased a lot, but unfortunately it has not reached Connor’s psychological expectations, so Connor wants to try the second method to optimize the structure of the spell. However, the idea is good, but in practice, it is very difficult. The mental impact is the magic that Connor cultivates in the deep thoughts and the abyss secret method, and the abyss secret method can It's not an ordinary meditation, it's a high-level meditation! It comes with the magical spirit impact, it is difficult to have room for improvement, Connor did not use the auxiliary chip for simulation attempts, but unfortunately, these simulations undoubtedly ended in failure!

Although they all failed, Connor was not discouraged. He summed up his failure experience and found that if he wants to successfully optimize the structure of the spell, at least a spell similar to mental shock must be used as a reference. The more the level of the reference spell is The higher the better, so that the auxiliary chip can analyze the advantages of absorbing the reference spell, and then optimize these advantages to the mental impact!

After the evaluation of the auxiliary chip, this Wan Snake Luo Jianxiao was considered by the auxiliary chip to be stronger than the mental shock, so Connor planned to keep Avilova until she condensed the Wan Snake Pill and practiced Wan Snake. Luo Jianxiao used his own reference to optimize the mental impact. This is Connor's plan, but now it seems that he is a bit too idealistic, and the plan can't keep up with the changes!

   Thinking about it, Connor and Margaret came outside a manor on the eastern outskirts of Tunguska.

   "Is it here?" Taking a closer look at the manor in front of her, Margaret asked Connor in a low voice:

"Yeah!" Connor nodded seriously, and whispered: "The mark I set on Avilova is inside!" New 81 Chinese network update fastest mobile terminal: https:/新81中文网update Fastest computer terminal: https://

   I got a positive answer from Connor. Margaret and Connor glanced at each other, and they all had a very tacit understanding. When they appeared, they were already in the manor.

   Connor felt the mark he marked on Avelova in the manor, and carefully moved closer to the mark! At this time, he also recovered his calmness in his mind, and a question emerged in his heart. Since Avilova had already ran, why didn’t she run farther? She knew that she had set a forbidden spell on her, as long as she talked to herself. If the distance is too close, a single thought can turn her head into a rotten watermelon. Why is she hiding here?

   Judging from the pictures recorded in the crystal, Avilova has enough time to run far away...

Although there is doubt in his mind, he has found this manor, and Connor knows that he has no turning back. If the other party really has a secret plan in the manor, he wants to go now, and the other party will definitely not let him go so easily. It's better to go straight to Huanglong!


   Connor's divine consciousness far beyond the same level suddenly felt it not far away, and made a strange noise, Connor's eyes immediately shrank to the size of a pinhole! In the next second, Connor directly summoned the defensive barrier of Castilla's Staff to protect himself!


The moment Connor’s defense barrier appeared, an attack hit the defense barrier. The entire defense barrier trembled violently. With such a violent attack, Connor Dingqing took a look and found that it turned out to be Fist, a fist with very rough skin...

Just when Connor mobilized mana and prepared to launch a counterattack, and wanted to see who the owner of the fist was, Margaret, who was next to Connor, had already launched a counterattack, and countless dark red bloodshots came from her. The rugged body sprayed out and attacked to the left side of Connor's location!

   "Crack, click!"

Facing the bloodshot from Margaret’s attack, a scared man appeared on Connor’s left side. At the same time, there was a cross sword in his hand that was shining with cold light, and the cross sword was in his hand. A sword flower came out and cut all the bloodlines to the ground directly. This is not the end. After cutting all the bloodlines, the cross sword in the hands of the man scared continuously cut counted to the silver light cut Cut at Margaret.

Margaret pinched the magic with one hand, and a layer of blood mist appeared all over her body, covering her in it. However, the power of the Scar Man's silver light slash obviously exceeded Margaret's expectation. These silver light slashes Just after cutting into the blood mist, Marguerite let out a painful grunt, and Marguerite was injured by the other party just one face to face!

   Seeing the appearance of the Scar Man, Connor's eyes immediately condensed, and he exclaimed in his heart; "It turned out to be him!" If he was right, he had only seen the Scar Man in Luen not long ago!

The scar man who injured Margaret didn't mean to pity the jade at all. The cross sword in his hand was to slash again, counting to the silver light cut and continued to rush towards Margaret, but this time his silver light cut has not penetrated yet. Margaret's bodyguard was blocked by Connor, who was controlling the defensive enchantment, in the blood mist!

   Feeling the tremor caused by the silver light slash on his defensive enchantment, Connor roared: "He is a senior wizard apprentice, take out all the means!"

   As soon as the voice fell, Connor struck the Scar Man with three mental attacks in a row, and then uttered a spell, and the castilla formation suddenly appeared at Scar Man's feet!

The Scarlet Man who was harassed by Connor's mental shock had a wave of surprises. He was caught off guard before he escaped from the circle. When he recovered, he found that he had been enveloped by the circle of Castilla. .

"The circle? It's really interesting..." Feeling the suppression of his mental power and mana by the circle of Castilla, this scarred man didn't panic at all, and his voice was hoarse. Said:

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