Count of Wizards

Chapter 213: Avilova missing!

Sitting on the sofa in the carriage, Connor closed his eyes and rested, and heard the roar of the fast-moving steam train, while Margaret, who sat on the sofa opposite Connor, did not have the patience of Connor. , Enthusiastically looking at the scenery outside the window.


   After Ruen's short-term repairs, Connor took Margaret on the road to Tunguska. At this time, they were all changed into new looks.


"Connor, you said that the magic stone mine was found from Snake Eye, isn't Snake Eye a member of the Benfica Secret Order? Regarding the magic stone mine, is it possible for Benfica Secret Order to intervene?" In the **** sunset, Margaret seemed to be a little worried and said;


   "I met a member of the Benfica Secret Order!" Hearing Margaret's question, did Connor open his eyes and said in a flat tone:


   "Huh?" Hearing Connor's words, Margaret immediately turned her head to look at Connor without looking at the shocked scenery outside the window.


"I met Snake Eye's younger sister in Tunguska, her name is Avilova. But unlike you think, Snake Eye did not tell the Benfica Secret Order that he found the magic stone mine. Her younger sister was left from Snake Eye. Some of the things found in Tunguska, she didn’t tell the Benfica Secret Order before coming to Tunguska, and she didn’t know my existence, so she avoided others knowing that Snake’s Eye had found the Magic Stone Mine. She gave the things left by Snake’s Eye to Destroyed!" Connor said lightly:


   "How do you know so much?" Marguerite frowned slightly and asked curiously:


   "It's very simple. I captured Avilova alive and searched her soul!" Connor's tone was still flat, as if he was talking about what to eat for dinner.


   took a deep look at Connor, Margaret was not talking, pretending to continue to look at the scenery outside the car window,


At seven o’clock in the evening, the train that Connor and Margaret took finally arrived in Tunguska. After another ten minutes, Connor and Margaret arrived at Connor’s rental house. Connor’s face just entered the rental house. It changed with just one brush, and he couldn't feel Avilova's breath in the room!


In the next second, Connor broke into the room where Avelova was imprisoned. At this time, Avelova, who was supposed to be lying quietly on the bed, disappeared. Only Connor was on Avelova’s neck. On the necklace


The cooked duck flew, and a wave of anger hit Connor's heart. At this time, Margaret, who was with Connor, also saw Connor's anger. Dai frowned and said, "Is in trouble? "


   "Avilova is gone!" After hesitating, Connor decided to tell Margaret the reason.


"Connor, didn't you deal with her?" After hearing the reasons given by Connor, Margaret looked very ugly and said with some dissatisfaction. She knew that the sudden disappearance of Avilova was likely to make the magic stone mine. Things are renewing waves! Maybe she and the organization behind Snake Eye, Benfica Secret Order, will intervene. The allure of a magic stone mine is too great to attract any dark wizard organization!


   Connor snorted and checked the alchemy mechanism he had placed in the rental house. Avilova was gone, and there was no trace of it that could not disappear!


   After a while, Connor, who had checked all the mechanisms, took out a hexagonal crystal from a very hidden location in the rental house with a black face. A Fajue hit the hexagonal crystal, and the crystal quickly emitted a faint blue light. Seeing the light appeared, Connor poured his spiritual power into the crystal.


After seeing what happened in the crystal when he left the rental house these days, Connor angrily squeezed the hexagonal crystal into powder and turned to Marguerite and said in a deep voice: "You are waiting here, I will go out. Catch her back!"


   When Connor turned and turned black, he wanted to walk outside the rental, but he was stopped by Margaret before he took a few steps.


   "What are you going to do?" Looking at Margaret who was blocking his way, Connor suppressed the anger in his heart and asked:


   "I don't want to do anything, but I need to understand what happened!" Margaret didn't care about Connor's anger and explained. Although her tone was extremely plain, the meaning revealed in the words was extremely firm!


"Before returning to Luen, I once sealed Avelova's body's mana and mental power. Not only that, I also fainted her to be on the safe side, but this woman didn't know what method she used. I woke up after I left and left here alone!" Connor said somewhat depressed: The words were full of incomprehensibility, obviously he couldn't understand what means Margaret used to do this!


   "Can you find that woman when you go out now?" After listening to Connor carefully, Margaret asked:


"Although she lifted the banning necklace that restrained her from me, I put a ban on her, and I can feel that she is still in now as long as I want, I can always End her life!" Connor stretched out a palm, squeezed it into a fist, and said coldly:


   "I'll go with you!" Margaret pondered for a while and decided:


   "What are you going to do with me?" Connor asked in a puzzled way. He couldn't figure out Margaret's current path now.


   "Just in case, I have an ominous premonition!" Glancing at Connor, Margaret seemed to be a little worried and said:


   Although he couldn't understand Margaret's reasons, Connor didn't care anymore, and took Margaret straight to the direction marked Avelova.


Connor’s eyebrows kept frowning while walking on the road. The reason why he kept Avilova instead of getting rid of her, now seems to be considered as ludicrous. After capturing Avilova alive that day, Connor searched Soul Avelova, except for discovering how Avelova found the traces of the magic stone mine and Avelova did not tell the Benfika Secret Order about the magic stone mine.


It also discovered Avelova’s own secret. Avelova was born in a family of wizards in the Benfica Secret Order, and Avelova’s family has practiced a kind of meditation called Wanshe Luo for generations. Fa, and for female wizards, they can practice a secret technique called Ten Thousand Snake Pills, they will condense this Ten Thousand Snake Pills in their own divine sea, and they will condense Ten Thousand Snake Pills. After Noomaru, female wizards can release a spell named Tensara Scream similar to Connor's spiritual shock like a spiritual wizard!

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