Count of Wizards

Chapter 207: The secret under the reeds!

In the next few days, Connor left Avilova in his rental house with confidence, and came to the western suburbs with a magic wand by himself. He had to carefully check every inch of land here. an examination!

As for Avelova Connor does not worry about her tricks, the spells Connor planted on her are not pretentious. All of Avelova’s mana and mental power have now been temporarily sealed by Connor. Now, as long as Avilova tries to contact the seal, Connor will know it clearly. Not only that, Connor has rearranged a number of institutions in the rental house. They may not stop Avilova in a normal state, but The imprisoned Avilova like this cannot escape them at all.

In a word, the current rental house is a prison for Avelova. As long as Avelova has a little abnormality, Connor will find out. Then Connor will not hesitate to touch Avelova directly. The spells on the baby’s body, Avilova will spontaneously ignite in the next second, and the rental house will also become her tomb... This is how Connor dared to leave her alone in the rental In the room, he came out to look for the confidence of the magic stone mine.

The western suburbs of the night were lonely, only the persistent Connor still used his magic wand tirelessly in the middle of the night to search for the underground magic stone mines.

Although he still has not found the location of the magic stone mine, Connor can clearly feel that after his own performance enhancement, the effect of the magic wand is enhanced. With the magic wand as the center, everything in the land within three miles can not be hidden from Kang. Connor’s perception made Connor a little bit dumbfounded. Although he did not find the magic stone mine in the past few days, he found some commissioned iron ore in the western suburbs. !

As the so-called slow work and meticulous work, during these two or three days of inspection, Connor only searched half of the western suburbs, but he was sure that there was absolutely no magic stone mine in the place he searched.

"Sigh..." Seeing the sparkling beauty of Lake Mercedes in the distance under the moonlight, Connor sighed slightly. The inspection was halfway through, and he thought But it’s a little bit out of the way. Although the magic stone mine is worth it, he has invested too much time and energy in the magic stone mine. If the western suburbs still cannot be found, Connor intends to have it in Tunguska. He checked all the suburbs, and if he still couldn't find it, Connor planned to return to Luen to make long-term plans!

Looking at the lake, a thought rose up in Connor's mind. Could this magic stone mine be hidden under the lake?

As soon as this idea appeared, it immediately attracted Connor. After careful consideration, a bright light appeared in Connor's eyes. He has always been caught in a thinking misunderstanding, that is, the magic stone mine is stored underground, but in fact, according to It is recorded in more than one ancient book, and some magic stone mines can also be produced underwater. Although this kind of situation is very rare, it is real!

If the magic stone mine found by Snake Eye is the same, wouldn’t it be...

Execution has always been a feature that Connor is proud of. Now that he has this idea and is feasible, Connor immediately put this idea into practice!

He directly found a small boat. Under the cover of night, he drove the small boat to the center of Lake Mercedes. Under Connor's full expectation, he lowered the magic wand and touched the lake water, and after a minute he probed the magic wand. Although he still didn't feel the trace of the magic stone mine, Connor's face showed a touch of joy.

Lake Mercedes is just a freshwater lake. The water is not deep and the deepest point is only eight to ten seconds. Most locations are about three meters and five meters away. Under the riverbed of these lakes, magic stones Although Mine Connor has not been found yet, using the magic wand, he discovered in the lake water, including wolframite and many typical epigenetic veins of magic stone mine!

Upon receiving such news, Connor's spirit was shocked. Under such an environment, he never believed that the occurrence of these veins under the water of Lake Mercedes would be an accident!

Taking a deep breath, Connor knew that the more this time, the more calm he would be.

Released all his spiritual power, Connor, who was using the magic wand, carefully sensed the direction of these epigenetic veins. After a long while, Connor, who put away his spiritual power, focused his attention on a place near the shore. In the reeds!

Driving the boat to this reed stilt, Connor had not had time to use the magic detection wand for further exploration. He was attracted by the strong resentment in this reed sway. It is reasonable to say that the resentment is so heavy in this reed sway. There should be a resentful spirit, but apart from the resentment in this reed dangling, the shadow of the resentful spirit is not visible at all.

Although he was a little curious as to why this happened, Connor couldn't take care of it at this time. He immediately inserted the magic wand into the water and checked whether there was a magic stone mine in the water.

A minute later, Connor still did not find a trace of the magic stone mine in this reed swing, but the smile on Connor's face was even more intense, because he discovered that there was a magic circle hidden in this reed swing, although I haven't observed it carefully, but according to Connor's experience, this hidden magic circle has eight or nine effects, which is concealment!

There is a hidden magic circle, there are epigenetic veins, and the probability of a magic stone mine here, Connor feels that there is no need to say more!

Connor found some gadgets from the space ring, and began to examine the circle in the reed sway carefully. After checking for a moment, Connor’s eyes were filled with a touch of doubt. He found that this circle was very interesting, this circle. In addition to the concealment effect, grievances are also generated in the magic circle, but it also limits the grievances of the grievance circle and prevents the grievances from condensing into a grievance spirit. In addition, this circle also has some functions such as connection and stability. !

After thinking about it for a while, Connor gave up his plan of violent demolition, shook his head and went back to the shore of the lake by boat, and then returned to his rental house. Connor is sure that Reed Dang hides the magic stone mine under the magic circle, but the effect of this magic circle makes Connor a little hesitant. With such a complicated effect of this magic circle, it is obvious that the magic stone mine hidden under it must have a way. !

Now it is possible for Connor to violently demolish Connor, but Connor is not like doing it now. Since the Magic Stone Mine has been found, it is not in a hurry. Connor wants to deduce the normal opening method of this circle, and then Let's see what kind of secrets there are in this circle!

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