Count of Wizards

Chapter 206: Surrender unconditionally! ! !

When Avilova suppressed the dizziness in her mind and recovered her sobriety, she was surprised to find that her biggest reliance on the crimson python was already scarred from being chopped, and the original powerful and evil aura was also reduced. Quite a few, such a discovery immediately horrified Avilova. She knew clearly that when the crimson python was finished, she could only be slaughtered in Connor's circle.

She quickly re-commanded the crimson python and dealt with the black warrior. This was a temporary stabilization of the situation, but even Avilova herself knew very well that the crimson python like this could not support too long. She must come up with a way to get out as soon as possible!

"I know where my brother Snake Eye found the magic stone mine!" A pair of slender eyes flashed continuously, which made Avilova think of a way that she thought would be attractive to Connor. She hurriedly opened her mouth and shouted :

Connor outside the circle snorted coldly, driving the black warrior's mana to another point. Connor Ferguson is not the woman in the circle, and he wouldn't make the same mistake twice! This time he won't give this woman any more buffer time!

The most important thing is that Connor doesn’t believe in Avilova’s nonsense. If she really knew the location of the Snake’s Eye Magic Stone Mine, she would come here with herself. She would kill herself first, and then swallow the magic stone. Mine! But just in case, this woman really knows the specific location of the magic stone mine, and Connor also has contemplation waiting for her. In short, Connor has made up his mind anyway, Avilova will either surrender unconditionally. , Or die now!

Seeing that Connor didn't care about herself at all, and the black warrior he drove in the circle became more fierce, Avilova, who knew her plan had failed, was full of spitefulness in her eyes, and believed that as long as she got out of trouble this time Then, she will definitely use all the cruel methods she knows on Connor.

Imagination is after all imagination. In the face of wave after wave of offensive waves of killing machines like the black warrior that is lifeless and knows no pain and tiredness, it can be recondensed after being broken, the crimson Avilova drove The giant python became more and more broken, she only had the power to parry, and she had no ability to break through the magic circle anymore!

The body and mind are getting more and more exhausted, and the dizziness and pain that were originally suppressed resurfaced in my head. Although I have taken the potion to restore mana, I can't make ends meet, and the mana restored can't match the mana output by me. All in all made Avilova feel that the haze of death is getting closer and closer to herself.

The mental power of Connor was observing everything in the circle, and a triumphant smile appeared on his face. He knew that Avilova was on the verge of collapse at this time, and he only needed to harvest her life.

The dilapidated crimson python in the circle made a miserable cry. Its thick tail was chopped off by the black warrior driven by Connor. This change seemed to be the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. Velova finally couldn't stand the torture of such fear, she screamed crazy:

"You guarantee the safety of my life, and I will surrender!"

"You are not qualified to ask me for advice, either surrender immediately or die!" Connor's cold voice resounded through the castilla circle, and at the same time, under his drive, ten blacks The samurai sharpened his sword and was about to launch his final attack.

Glancing at the dying crimson python in front of him, knowing that it is impossible to flash a humiliating expression on Avilova's face against Connor, she reluctantly put away all the spells and chose to surrender unconditionally.

Avilova’s unconditional surrender did not let Connor relax his vigilance. Instead of withdrawing his circle, he released a three or four spells and hit Avilova’s body. Connor was cautious. It was also that Avilova's final plan was frustrated, she could only watch Connor's spell enter her body.

Feeling the full effect of the spell he released on Avilova's body, Connor's mouth showed a faint smile. Now this woman is completely under her own control, life or death is completely between her own thoughts, as long as she is willing to make her life worse than death, it is just a matter of her own thought.

After removing the Castilla circle, Connor walked to Avelova with a smile, and said faintly: "Open the sea of ​​Gods, don't resist, if you become a fool and lunatic, I will deal with you immediately. !"

Although Connor didn’t say it explicitly, Avilova obviously knew what Connor wanted to do to her. The humiliation appeared on her face again, humiliated, but life and death were controlled by the man in front of her. , What else can she do? It can only be obediently in accordance with the requirements of Connor, UU reading www. uukanshu. com will completely open its own Shenhai to Connor!

With a hand resting on Avelova’s head, Connor began to perform contemplation to read Avelova’s memory. Five minutes later, Connor put his hand back, and with a thought, Avelova was beautiful. An expression of extreme pain appeared on his face, and his two slender arms were also holding his head tightly!

Connor’s gaze was on Avelova, but he didn’t show any mercy. This was his punishment for deceiving Avelova, although such deception had already been expected by him, and Connor had guessed it. The same, Avilova only knew that Snake Eye had found a magic stone mine, but did not know the specific location of the magic stone mine, and she followed herself entirely because she wanted to find the magic stone mine by herself!

If it wasn't for Avelova to be of some use to him, Connor really wanted to kill Avelova here, and took Avelova back to his rental house. Connor was cold towards Avelova. Said coldly:

"I don’t need to say about the magical powers that I have put on you. You should also be very clear. Don’t try to escape and leave this room, or do other things you shouldn’t do! I admit that your official wizard mentor has access to it. These spells, but what I want to say is that as long as I find that you are not here when I come back, I will not hesitate to trigger the spells on you. Friendly reminder, I can trigger them in a radius of 100 kilometers. If you have this ability, Why not try to stay a hundred kilometers away from me without paying attention!" Connor's tone was still plain, but the meaning in the words was extremely cruel.

In the sermon, Connor actually kept a mindful eye. The range that he can trigger with spells is as high as two hundred miles, but he only told Avilova one hundred kilometers, just in case!

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