Count of Wizards

Chapter 190: Accident

For these crimson living bodies, Connor has no good solution for the time being, but he can only fully urge the Silver Pendant to support his defensive enchantment under the increase of the Silver Pendant.

While supporting the defensive enchantment, Connor's mind turned quickly. His original attention was that Lindelof was seriously injured. He consumed a wave of him first, and then trapped him in the castilla formation. At the beginning, Lindelof was trapped in the circle. Connor worried that the skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and the broken ship still had three thousand nails. Castilla's circle could not keep him.

But now it seems that Lindelof’s strength has exceeded his expectations. Judging from the swallowing speed of these crimson monsters, he now has only two choices. The first is to cast Castilla immediately. The circle, hope that the circle can trap Lindelof and these monsters, and then hunt and kill Lindelof in the circle.

The second is to kill these scarlet monsters and deal with Lindelof. Even though the weird scene just appeared, Connor does not think that these monsters have the magical function of "immortality". These monsters are nothing more than himself. Like the black warrior, it can be reunited after being crushed. Lindelof still has to spend mana support. With Lindelof’s current state, Connor feels that fighting a war of attrition is not a good choice for him. .

Just when Connor hesitated slightly between the two choices, the accident happened. Without neither Connor nor Lindelof’s attention, a petite figure broke into Connor’s apartment, and then this person With lightning speed, he threw some white powder to the crimson monsters who were eating the energy of Connor's defense enchantment.

The white powder floated on these crimson monsters. These monsters' hideous, ugly faces immediately showed a panic. They quickly wanted to get rid of the white powder, but it was too late, and their bodies immediately A dazzling white light emerged, and the monsters in the center of the light uttered a series of miserable screams.


Just when Connor was a little dazed by the sudden situation, the petite voice that came in suddenly reminded:

Connor reacted immediately, without hesitation, he slapped Castilla's staff directly with his hand, and a hexagonal circle rose directly under Lindelof’s feet. To tell the truth, Lindelof’s reaction speed was faster than that of Kang. Na was about to take a step forward, but he was seriously injured, and he used two waves of big moves. If he was too exhausted, his body could no longer keep up with his consciousness. He could only watch Connor trap himself in the circle. .

Trapped Lindelof into the circle, Connor was immediately happy, and he did not play the tactics of Lao Shizi, he turned to full load, and directly displayed the silver pendant and the power of Castilla's staff. , The purpose is no other, Connor just wants to kill Lindelof directly in the circle after finishing his work.

Feeling the suppression of his spiritual power and mana by the magic circle, Lindelof’s eyes also showed a dignified color. Judging from the power displayed by this circle, he was a senior wizard apprentice a little careless. It may fall on the spot!

At this moment, Connor was ready. Under the cover of Connor’s mental shock, ten black warriors went straight to Lindelof. After several previous blows, Lindelof was already at this time. Unable to turn a blind eye to Connor's mental impact as he had originally done, pain finally appeared on his face, and his movements began to slow down.

But even in this way, Lindelof still released the four-sided fire shield to guard his surroundings before the black warriors were killed, blocking the black warriors' attack.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Connor's mouth. When he was in charge of the magic circle, the ten black warriors immediately changed their positions under his drive, slashing heavily on the fire shield protecting Lindelof. Above, he wanted to see how long Lindelof could last under the suppression of the circle!

Sure enough, under the attack of the black warrior, Lindelof’s fire shield also had some cracks, and it seemed that it would soon be unable to support it. At this time, under the protection of the fire shield on all sides, Lindelof The front face is dignified, looking around, it seems that he is looking for a loophole in the magic circle.

Lindelof's performance was very calm, but his fire shield did not support him for too long, and it shattered on all sides, and ten black warriors slashed towards Lindelof with knives.

A look of helplessness flashed across his face, Lindelof’s gray robe shook, and five fire snakes appeared on the ground, entangled the five black warriors, and he flashed out of the five black warriors’ gaps. I went straight to the magic circle to break out of the Lindelof’s actions, Connor snorted coldly, and two black flames appeared in each of his palms... ·····

I have to say that Lindelof is really strong. He aimed at the circle and slammed it up with a punch. How did Mr. Salah, who was also a disciple of Celta a few days ago, break the capital? In this way, the unbreakable magic circle was blasted out of a big hole by him, and Lindelof flashed out of the big hole along the way.

However, as soon as he escaped from the circle, two thick chains with mysterious runes rushed towards him under the black arrogance, but Lindelof seemed to be prepared for this sudden attack. , He did not rush to display a fire shield again, and then ran outside the apartment.

In this situation, Lindelof can only do nothing. Connor Ferguson is much more difficult than he thought. In his current situation, he has no chance to kill Connor. , It can only be a long-term plan!

Lindelof calculated that Connor would plot against him when he was out of trouble, but what he never expected was that Connor’s talented magic Shadow Chain was so strong...

And when he understood, the two shadow chains had shattered the fire shield he had displayed, and wrapped around him.

Facing such a powerful enemy like Lindelof, Connor was naturally very careful and did not dare to have the heart to catch alive.

After a while, there was no more time for Lindelof, a senior wizard apprentice of the Celtas, and only a pool of black ashes on the tiles of Connor's apartment.

Exhaling a foul breath, Connor wiped the fine beads of sweat on his forehead, turned to the petite figure who was quietly looking at him and said: "Varga, thank you so much!"

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