Count of Wizards

Chapter 189: Hardy Lindelof

"Come on, your question!" Connor was startled when he heard Lindelof's words. Judging from Lindelof's words, it seemed that he really underestimated his family, but he didn't say anything. Ask questions, anyway, he believes that he will find the answer in Lindelof's memory soon.

"Are you a member of the secret society?" When talking about the word secret society, this Mr. Lindelof also deliberately increased his tone.

"Yes!" Connor nodded heavily.

"I really didn't expect that the most relaxing part I thought was related to the secret society..." Lindelof's eyes were a little lost, and he murmured:

Lindelof’s absence was not used by Connor. As for the reason? It's simple! A huge burning flame cage silently trapped Connor in it.

Connor, who was trapped in the flame cage, did not panic at all. On the contrary, there was a smile on his mouth. At this time, a staff appeared in his hand and a silver pendant was also worn on his neck.

Connor understands that when Lindelof just said that it is not allowed to refuse to answer the question raised by the other party, it means that the two parties will exchange some valuable things, and this also means that in this apartment today, at most One person can survive!

Castilla's staff banged heavily on the ground, and under the increase of the silver light pendant, a huge invisible sound wave would trap his flame cage and directly shatter it!

The flame cage was pierced by Connor, and this incident immediately caused Lindelof, who was in a daze, to focus his attention on Connor! He glanced at the staff in Connor’s hand and the silver pendant on his neck, and said annoyedly: “No wonder you, an apprentice of intermediate wizards, dared to hit my idea. It turned out to be a spiritual wizard. Two second-level enchanted items!"

Lindelof’s chagrin didn’t make Connor feel proud. He said quietly: “If you didn’t know that your Excellency is seriously injured now, I’m afraid I’d have run far and far... "

Putting away his annoyance, Lindelof looked at Connor with a straight face and said: "I admit that you do have the strength to fight me now, but I will tell you the gap between the senior wizard apprentice and the intermediate wizard apprentice. How big is it!"

Connor was arguing lazily with Lindelof, and directly under the increase of the silver light pendant, three consecutive mental shocks just hit the past.

But what made Connor a little surprised was that his unfavorable mental shock hit Lindelof's body. Lindelof only condensed, and he didn't even hum. He waved seven or eight with one hand and burned. The big purple ball of fire rushed to Connor.

The fireball came so fast that Connor couldn’t avoid it. He could only use one hand to wave Castilla’s staff and release the defensive barrier to block the fireball on the barrier. However, Connor was moved by These seven or eight purple fireballs hit, although his defensive barrier was not broken, but it was smashed into a big hole. The light on the barrier was also dimmed, which made Connor feel distressed.

Distressed but distressed, but Connor did not dare to remove the defensive barrier. The demonized item was damaged. He is an alchemist. There is no problem in repairing or refining one, but Temo has only one life, but Connor noticed one thing. After the big purple fireball was cast, Lindelof's face seemed to be paler. Obviously, the powerful purple fireball was also for him who was seriously injured now. Very laborious!

The discovery of this immediately inspired Connor's momentum again. He estimated that his defensive enchantment was carrying a large purple fireball at most. If you, Lindelof, you can throw out a few more waves without any effort. , Connor is going to run away and call the secret society people to deal with this guy.

Without giving Lindelof time to recover, Connor once again played a mental shock to harass Lindelof, preventing him from being able to concentrate on casting new spells.

In the face of Connor’s harassment, Lindelof’s expression became more and more dignified. This mental shock is not like other conventional spell attacks. You can use various methods to block it. If you don’t have a particularly scarce mental defense like mental shock, The items can only be carried in life. It's okay to carry them a few times. Although he is a senior wizard apprentice who was seriously injured by the secret society, the realm of cultivation is still there, but the number of times is too much. Isn't the ant chewing death? He will also be affected!

Lindelof took out a ring from the space ring and put it on his hand solemnly. Connor saw that this guy looked like this, and he knew it was not good, but before he could move, he put it on Lindelof’s hand. The ring above shined with bright red light, and then Lindelof uttered a spell, and the air suddenly condensed more than a dozen red light These light **** seemed to have life, light **** The hideous facial features appeared on the surface.

Connor didn't dare to take care of this strange sight in front of him. With a wave of Castilla's staff, dozens of black rays of light were immediately released, and they were cut to the scarlet light ball summoned by Lindelof.

This is Connor's newly learned offensive spell, Shadow Slash, in his own abyss secret method after breaking through the intermediate wizard apprentice! The main feature of this Shadow Slash is that it can target one target or multiple targets regardless of form.

This Shadow Slash is a spell included in the advanced meditation "Abyss Secrets". It is naturally 30% more powerful than ordinary dark attribute spells. Now it is played under the increase of Connor's Silver Pendant, and its power is naturally very impressive. of.

Under Connor’s expectant gaze, Shadow slashed on these crimson **** of light. What made Connor extremely happy was that these weird things that were made by Lindelof seemed to be just like gadgets. With a cut of Shadow Slash, it was cut into several pieces and fell to the ground.

However, Connor’s joy did not last long. Lindelof chanted a spell again, and with the sound of the spell, those weird scarlet **** of light merged together again and appeared in the apartment again. In the air.

With a sneer at Connor, Lindelof waved his hand, these weird scarlet **** of light suddenly rushed to Connor with a grinning smile.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!········"

Crimson Balls, no! It should be that these crimson life forms hit Connor’s defensive barrier one by one, and the actions of these things immediately changed Connor’s face. He clearly felt that these things were swallowing the defensive barrier. energy of·········

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