Count of Wizards

Chapter 183: Connor Ferguson

"Did you refine it yourself?" Glancing at the crystal earrings in Connor's hand, Margaret said with red lips softly:

   Connor nodded awkwardly.

Seeing Connor nodding her head, Margaret's face eased a lot. She took the crystal earrings from Connor's palm, played with it for a while, put it in her space ring, and then removed it from the space ring. He took out a file bag and threw it to Connor.

"Before you told me that the information source of the Storm Church that I was able to contact had no information about Celtaism, but after receiving your news, I focused on checking some, and I really found something. ."

"A year ago, a clinic was opened in the city of Ruen. The doctor named Du Kulayi is very good at using a fire therapy method that is said to have spread from the New World. He has treated a lot in a year. The intractable diseases in Ruen can be regarded as small and well-known in the northern district of Ruen. Due to the small scale, the church did not notice them. However, I found that the clinic of Dr. Du Kure had been in the clinic before the incident broke out during the last time the Dark Wizard. The business was suspended, and their clinic reopened half a month ago, after the Luen Qing suppression operation ended."

"After discovering this, I continued to go deeper. I found that they used the clinic fire therapy as a guise to purchase sulfur in small quantities and in batches. According to my estimation, the sulfur they have received so far has reached at least 15 tons, so much. The sulphur stone, the people in their clinic will definitely not be able to use it up."

   "Except for this Ducure Clinic, I have no other findings at the moment. I will continue to follow up. If there is any, I will let Leonie notify you!" Margaret introduced. It can be seen that she seems to be very concerned about what Connor has entrusted to her.

In such a short period of time, Connor was not very hopeful that Margaret would be able to gain something in this respect, but now the Ducure Clinic incident really surprises Connor. Although sulfur is a common material, But sulfur can be extracted from it through refining technology, and sulfur extract is several key materials for the refining of fire-attribute magic items.

   "Thanks!" After reading the documents Margaret gave him, Connor thanked him heartily.

White Connor glanced, Margaret hesitated and said: "Mustafi Community No. 37 is an abandoned safe house in the church. It is very hidden. Forget it, you guy must have doubts about me. What's your intention?"

   said that at last Margaret gave Connor a fierce look.

   "Um" Connor smiled awkwardly.

Just when Connor contacted Margaret, in a heavily guarded apartment on the other side of the city of Ruen, the current head of the Ruen area intelligence agency of the Storm Church, Ms. Lena, was with an old man who was a little rickety. Turn in the conversation.

   "Victor, you fellow, you are much older now than you used to be!" Ms. Lena stroked the hair between her forehead and said with emotion when she looked at the visitor:

   "If you don't become an official wizard, after a hundred years, it will be a cup of dust." The butler of Reyes, the old Victor, said mockingly:

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't know why the senior sent you back to Luen so quickly to talk about business, but it's okay if you actually came. Your master, the student is in trouble, you can solve it for him. !" After speaking, Lena left an extra letter in her hand and threw it to old Victor.

   Old Victor got the letter and opened it immediately. Ten minutes later, he frowned slightly and asked Lena, "Celta?"

"It should be almost the same. I read the description of the metal ball in this little guy's letter. I think the thing is very similar to the Celta Sect's unique alchemy blasting pill, so the little guy's guess is likely to be correct. "Lena said with a faint light flashing in her beautiful eyes:

   "Is there any news about these people from the church?" Old Victor pondered for a moment and asked:

"I didn't pay special attention before, so I didn't find Celta, but now I have arranged it. There should be results in three days, but you still need to do it in the end!" Glancing at the old Victor, Lena seemed Said with a smile:

   "Oh? Which side doesn't happen to need merit?" Old Victor raised his eyebrows and said with disdain:

Seeing the expression of old Victor in his eyes, Lena Yoyo said: "At this time and then at another time, two days ago, which adult had already submitted a report on Ruen’s public order rectification to the headquarters, but the report clearly stated, All the dark wizards of Luen are now extinct, and there will be no major incidents in the next three to five years. As soon as the report is submitted, he arranges to be wiped out again. Didn't he slap himself in the face?"

   Listening to Lena’s explanation, Old Victor nodded and said in a deep voice, “I’ll start preparing right away, and I’ll be waiting for your message at any time!”

   "No problem!" Things went so smoothly, Lena also showed a satisfied look on her face.

   I don’t know that someone has planned to help At this time, he was disguised and hung in an ambush near the Du Kure clinic in the northern district of Ruen.

Connor is now an activist, and his executive power is very high. After reading the information Margaret gave him about this Dr. Du Kuray and his clinic, Connor immediately decided to have a meeting. Will this Doctor Du Kure.

   Looking at the patients who walked in and walked out of the Ducure Clinic, Connor threw a small square into the trash can placed on the side of the street like trash, and then walked towards the Ducure Clinic.

The small square that Connor throws into the trash can is something similar to a time bomb. Connor set it up for five minutes. As long as he does not come out of the clinic for five minutes, the small square will explode. According to Connor’s estimation, this The explosive power of the small cubes can blow up several nearby houses, including the clinic!

   "Doctor, my old mother at home is sick, what should I do?" Connor put on a bitter face after careful disguise and said nervously:

   "Don't worry, speak slowly." The honest-faced Dr. Du Couré did not seem to realize Connor's danger. He still spoke to Connor in the same gentle manner as with ordinary patients:

"The weather has suddenly dropped in the past few days. My old mother doesn't know what's wrong. She just can't afford to be ill. The doctor, you can definitely save my old mother!" In order to be more affectionate, Kang Na also squeezed out two tears and grabbed Du Cure's arm.

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