Count of Wizards

Chapter 182: Staff of Castilla

In "Reyes Alchemy", apart from the refining materials and refining methods of the Castilla Staff, there is nothing about the Castilla Staff, but because of the existence of the auxiliary chip, let Kang Na was able to simulate the refining of the Staff of Castilla and roughly estimated the power of the Staff of Castilla. Kuangsha Net

The strongest point of Castilla's staff is that this tiny magic circle is hidden on the staff, and this circle is entirely composed of top-grade alchemy materials like Mithril. In addition to its function, like ordinary staff, it can help users increase the power of spells and increase the casting rate. The main thing is that when you are under attack, Castilla's staff can release a defensive enchantment to help you resist. When you want to attack the enemy, the Castilla Staff can also release an enchantment to control the opponent in it, and then summon the intrepid black warrior in the enchantment to attack the opponent.

It took a full hour for Connor to extract all the mithril on the mithril ore that Margaret gave him. Margaret said that it was possible to extract ten grams of mithril, but Connor was in With the help of the auxiliary chip, 13 grams of Mithril was extracted.

Looking at the extra three grams of Mithril, Connor was still very happy. Although the three grams of Mithril were not much, it was a very good start in the refining process.

The preparation work was over, Connor took a short break, adjusted his self-state to the best, and immediately took out a faint blue square metal block from the space ring and put it into the alchemy furnace.

This is Paredes steel, one of Margaret's shot rewards, a special steel with very high hardness and near-extreme energy transmission. This material can only be produced in a small amount by the Imperial Alchemy Academy. It is the best steel that alchemists dream of. When Margaret gave him the name of Paredes Steel in the material catalog, Connor was immediately overjoyed. , Chose him without hesitation.

Originally, in the refining material for the Castilla staff given to Connor by Reyes, the golden poplar wood was used as the main body. Although it has the same high energy transmission as Paredes steel, the hardness of the material is very high. general.

Therefore, after Connor carefully demonstrated on the auxiliary chip and confirmed that it can be replaced, he finally chose Paredes steel!

With the continuous output of the spiritual fire, the Paledes steel gradually changed and melted into a faint blue molten steel. When Connor saw this, the corner of his mouth smiled slightly, took out several accessories from the space ring and put them into the gold alchemy furnace. A series of magic tricks hit the alchemy furnace, shaping the molten steel into the form of a staff.

After completing this most basic step, Connor took out a dark as ink, pigeon egg-sized gem from the space ring. This is a Como gem. The next thing he needs to do is to take this Como gem. Inlaid on the Staff of Castilla.

Half an hour later, Connor, who looked a little tired, looked at the dark blue staff inlaid with Comoin gemstones, but his eyes were full of solemnity.

Until now, he has done all the processes except for carving the Mithril Array. Although the staff in his hand is a semi-finished product, it is already a first-level magical item, and the quality is also very good, but to achieve Connor had to complete this last step as Connor had expected, and it was also the most difficult step to carve the Mithril Array.

Before a series of steps such as refining and refining Paredes steel and inlaying Comoin gemstones, Connor has simulated countless times in the auxiliary chip, and it can basically be foolproof. So far, Na’s success rate in the auxiliary chip is only over 70%. If it weren’t for the current emergency, Conner felt that the time he spent refining the Staff of Castilla would be delayed for a while.

Throwing all distracting thoughts behind his head, Connor calmed down, using mental power as a blade, and began to sculpt the castilla staff.

Engraving the Mithril Array requires the alchemist to remain absolutely calm and focused during the refining process. The entire refining process must be synthesized together from beginning to completion, and there can be no pauses. If there is any error in the engraving process, All previous efforts have been discarded and need to start again.

Dense beads of sweat appeared on Connor’s forehead, which gathered into drops of sweat, falling from Connor’s face. Such a physical reaction is very difficult for intermediate apprentice apprentices like Connor. They basically All can be done, controlling one's body perfectly, adjusting one's cold balance and so on.

The reason for this situation now is that Connor is now focusing on the time he has now and has no time to take care of controlling his body.

Time passed by, and finally after the clock struck eleven, there were obvious energy fluctuations in the safe room where Connor was.


In the room, Connor's laughter of joy was endless, and in the midair in front of him, the light blue staff was densely covered with silver lines.

A big hand grasped the Castilla staff suspended in front of him. Connor waved a few times, feeling the terrifying energy contained in it, and nodded with satisfaction. It took so much thought and energy. This Castie Ya's staff was finally perfected by him.

The Castilla Staff has reached the pinnacle of Level 2 magical items since its rank, and it also retains the hope of impacting Level 3 magical items. As long as Connor can become an official wizard, it will be great. I hope to make the Staff of Castilla become a third-level enchanted item.

Holding the Staff of Castilla, Connor immediately wanted to experiment with his But after taking a look at the time, he frowned slightly and muttered in a slightly surprised voice:

"Is it already eleven o'clock in the evening? It took me so long, and I'm going to be late!"

Shaking his head, Connor performed a water polo technique on himself. After cleaning up the sweat, he immediately put on a black cloak, hurriedly left the safe house and disappeared into the dark night of Ruen.

Ten minutes later, on a clock tower in the north area of ​​Ruen, Connor apologized and said to the cold Allure in front of him:

"Sorry, I'm late."

"Humph!" But in response to Connor, Margaret let out a cold snort of dissatisfaction.

Seeing Margaret’s attitude, Connor was extremely embarrassed, but now he is asking for help, so he can only bite the bullet and take out a crystal earring from the space ring and hand it to Ma. Gritt.

"This is a small object that I refined. It is not very useful, but it can also help the user, stay calm and assist in meditation, and give it to you!"

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