Count of Wizards

Chapter 150: parting!

After talking with Connor, Margaret, Leonie and others didn't stay in Connor's apartment, and they also left quietly. Kuangsha Net

After carefully inspecting his apartment, Margaret didn't have anything to do with it, and Connor sat on top of him with peace of mind, and took out the nourishing pearl that Margaret had lent to him from the space ring. , Began to treat his mental trauma.

According to the analysis of the auxiliary chip, Connor’s current mental trauma, wanting to rely solely on the Nourishing God Pearl is tantamount to idiotic dreams, but the Nourishing God Pearl can have a warming and nourishing effect, so that Connor will not get worse when there is no good way to treat it. .

After more than an hour of treatment, Connor found a comfortable angle, lying on top of his soft large, his thoughts could not help but diverge, and he naturally remembered the whole process of what Margaret had said. .

What Margaret said should not be surprisingly true, so from her sources, what she told herself should be from the inside of the church, and from the message Reyes sent to herself, it should be The secret society's statement.

One of these two statements is definitely wrong. One party is lying. So who is the one lying?

With this question in mind, Connor took a rest for one night and ate some bread the next morning. Connor got on the carriage to Green University.

Soon I came to Reyes' villa and knocked gently on the door of the villa. Connor heard the familiar gentle voice: "Come in!"

Walked into the villa, Connor, as before, went straight to the study, looking at the elegant man who was sitting on the chair behind the desk as usual, smiling at himself.

Connor had mixed feelings in his heart, but on the surface he was still very respectful and bowed slightly and said, "Good mentor!"

Reyes took a close look at Connor, smiled and pointed at the sofa next to him and said, "Sit down!"

Following Reyes's command, Connor sat down on the sofa, but he was cautious, still sitting only half a seat, and the one at the two sessions still assumed a look ready to listen to the teachings.

"Old Victor and I have left Luen!" Reyes said leisurely after looking at Connor twice:

Hearing what Reyes said, Connor did not have any accidents in his heart. Reyes planned the explosion of the Storm Cathedral, the Nantes Manor explosion, and killed how many disciples of the Storm Church, including a divine punishment from the Storm Church. The Church of the Storm is too tough on the Dark Wizard. Once you know Reyes' whereabouts, it will undoubtedly be a crazy pursuit.

As long as the Church of the Storm does not fall, Reyes can only leave Luen this time, desperately!

Although it’s not surprising that Reyes said he was leaving, but when Reyes said that Connor still didn’t know how to pick it up, he carefully considered the language, and Connor respectfully said: "Teacher, Connor is impressed. !"

"Hahaha, Connor, you really can talk!" Reyes stretched out a finger when he heard Connor's compliment and laughed at Connor.

"I was obviously just running away. This time the trouble was a bit serious, and the fellow Abidal had fallen. If I don't leave, I'm afraid the old people in the church will come to Luen to find me." After laughing , Reyes did not shy away from the reason why he was leaving.

"If I leave Luen this time, I shouldn't be surprised. I won't be back in a short time. I have taken care of all other aspects. The only thing that makes me feel uneasy is Connor you!" Looking at Connor, Reyes preached earnestly:

"You are now at the critical stage of breaking through the junior apprenticeship and the intermediate apprenticeship. As your mentor, for these reasons, I cannot give you some guidance in time. I have to say that I am a bit dereliction of duty, but this is fine, everyone Wizards also want to walk their own paths independently. This book is my experience and experience in the practice recorded during the apprenticeship stage! If you have any problems in practice, you may find the answer in this book!" With the appearance of Reyes's voice, a thick book hovered in front of Connor without any warning.

Connor stood up and bowed deeply to Reyes, and said: "Teacher, Connor Ferguson will never forget it!"

Connor's statement made the smile on Reyes's face even more intense. He nodded, then groaned and said: "If you encounter any critical situation during this period, you can't make it up. You can write a letter and put it in the mailbox of this villa, and someone will help you!"

"Thank you mentor!" Hearing that Reyes had arranged so well, Connor thanked him again.

As if thinking of something, Connor looked ashamed, and apologized to Reyes: "Sorry, mentor, I am dull. I have not yet broken through to become an apprentice of the intermediate wizard. There is no way to complete it. You give me the production of Cass. The work of Tia's Staff!"

Reyes waved his hand and preached casually: "How long has it been before you stepped into the wizarding world? It’s already very good to have such a level of cultivation. I didn’t say that you can complete the Staff of Castilla now. Production, it’s not too late to complete this assignment after you become an intermediate wizard apprentice"

"Understood!" Hearing Reyes's words, Connor let go of his heart and replied in a deep voice:

"Since I didn't let the little girl from Varga leave Ruen, naturally I didn't intend to prevent the two of you from meeting. As long as you two meet in private, don’t be too frequent, you can be hidden. They are all talented and are the pillars of the secret society in the future!" Reyes' tone became a little teased after counting this.

Hearing Reyes raised this question, Connor suddenly became a little embarrassed, and hurriedly said: "Tutor, I will pay attention!"

"Well, in addition to these, the guy Edel has recently searched a bit fiercely for the sake of the upper ranks. Be careful not to get any clues from him! All that should be explained, there is nothing more, Connor, you can go. !" Having said everything, Reyes picked up the teacup on the desk.

"Teacher, goodbye!" Connor got up again and bowed deeply to Reyes. After he got up, Connor hesitated and said to Reyes again: "Trouble mentor, and help me to Victor butler. Say goodbye!"

"Good!" Reyes readily agreed.

Nodding his greetings again, Connor walked out of the study and left the villa.

After taking a sip of the black tea in the cup, Reyes looked at an empty wall in the study and said jokingly, "How about it, the little guy says goodbye to you?"

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