Count of Wizards

Chapter 149: 2 dramas! ! !

After she was full, Leonie walked away wittily and handed the living room to Connor and Margaret. Kuangsha Net

With Leonie's departure, the atmosphere in the living room suddenly became dull, and neither Connor nor Margaret had the intention to speak first.

Seeing Margaret sitting on a chair and swaying her wine glass, Connor was so angry that he couldn't help but groaned, and said first, "You are hiding in my apartment. It looks like something is wrong." Very serious?"

"Have you heard of the God Punisher of the Storm Church?" Seeing Connor lost her temper, Margaret smiled triumphantly. Instead of answering Connor's question directly, she asked Connor a question instead.

"Church God-punisher?" Connor is a little confused. Although he doesn't know what the name means, literally speaking, the so-called God-punisher should refer to the person who executes the punishment on behalf of God. From this perspective In other words, in the church of the storm, which believes in the goddess of the storm, 80% of them belong to the top ranks.

After considering the language, Connor did not pretend to understand, and shook his head cautiously.

After taking a look at Connor, Margaret began to introduce: "In the church, the pope is in charge of everything, and is the spokesperson of the goddess of storm in the world. It cannot be violated, and the cardinal and the divine punishment are those who stand below it. , The archbishop in red is more like an administrative position than the punisher, dealing with various things in the church, and the punisher is a symbol of the church’s force. Every punisher in the church is at least a second-level official wizard. Cultivation!"

Carefully memorizing the secrets of the church mentioned by Margaret, Connor looked at Margaret and said, "Do you mean that this time the incident is related to the church's divine punishment?"

"That's right!" Margaret condensed all the relaxed expressions on her face, nodded heavily, and she continued: "Originally, this time the incident was sent by a person named Abidal from above. The God Punisher was responsible, but because the severity of the matter was far beyond the imagination of the church, another God Punisher Jovic was sent to assist Abidal. In the decisive battle a few days ago, Abidal Punisher Fall, Jovic’s God Punisher was also injured, so do you know what I mean?"

With Margaret's words on his face, Connor put on a stunned posture, but in fact his head was spinning fast.

Although Reyes never told Connor about his cultivation level, in Connor's mind, Reyes was a second-level wizard or even above. However, what Connor never expected was that Reyes It was so big that Margaret said he killed and wounded a second-level wizard like the God Punisher of the Storm Church?

In combination with the words "the overall situation is determined" that Reyes sent to himself, Connor increasingly felt that his mentor, who treated him like a "son", was too unfathomable.

Seeing Connor as if shocked by the words in his mouth, a sly look appeared in Margaret's eyes.

It took a long time for Connor to pretend that he didn't know anything, and asked Margaret in a low voice, "The God Punisher is killed and wounded? Do you know who did it?"

Seeing Connor still pretending to herself, Margaret sneered in her heart, and her red lips lightly spit out two words: "Secret Society!"

Unexpectedly, when he heard the name of the "Secret Society", Connor thought about it in his heart. He felt that he was pretending that he did not know the secret society at this time, and it seemed a bit too fake. He frowned and looked at Ma. Gretel said: "It turned out to be the secret agency?"

"Do you know the secret society?" Seeing Connor still acting with herself, Margaret said with a smile on her mouth:

"I heard a little bit, I know that there is a person called a professor in their organization, which is very powerful!" Connor pretended to pretend to be serious:

"This time, the professor did it! He teamed up with another senior member of the secret society, Conti, to plan everything. According to the internal news of the church, although the Abidal God Punisher has fallen, the secret society has Tie also died, and the professor himself was seriously injured on the spot, and he fleeed for thousands of miles. Not only those dark wizards who were driven by the professor’s profit to attack the church, but the top ten had been wiped out by the church arbiter led by Captain Edel. Valero, Cancelo and others were even killed by Captain Edel himself!" After drinking the awake red wine in his hand, Marguerite released another slam.

After listening to Margaret’s introduction, Connor was secretly suspicious. If Margaret said something wrong, then the secret society should be defeated this time. Why in the safe house, Reye The message that Si will give himself is that the overall situation has been determined?

And Reyes asked herself to go to his villa tomorrow to find him. Didn't Margaret say that he was seriously injured and traveled far and wide?

The more he thought about it, the more Connor felt that the water was too deep inside. Perhaps he would only find out if he went to the villa to meet with Reyes tomorrow.

"Connor, give you a piece of advice. If you still plan to stay in Ruen, remember to be cautious. Edel is now madly purging Ruen’s dark wizard in order to add his political achievements to become the new Bishop of Ruen. You The aristocracy cannot make you foolproof!" Margaret solemnly advised:

Connor nodded when he heard the words, pondered a little, and said to Margaret: " you help me get some alchemy equipment? It's better to have it. A better alchemy furnace!"

"Are you going to break through to become an intermediate wizard apprentice?" Margaret said in silence after hearing Connor's request.

"My mental trauma this time, if it is resolved, it may be a blessing in disguise, so I am planning to prepare for a rainy day, if I wait for a breakthrough, the time will be very tight last time!" Connor deliberately confused Margaret.

"Yes! I will help you pay attention to this!" Margaret agreed without rejecting Connor's request.

"Because of my cultivation base, there is no spiritual fire, and the development of alchemy has been greatly restricted. After I become an intermediate apprentice, refining second-level enchanted items is almost a matter of course!" Perhaps it is In order to prevent it, Margaret just talked about it, but didn't actually act. Connor squinted his eyes and gave Margaret a click.

Looking at Connor with a faint smile, Margaret said lightly: "Since I promised you, you don't need to worry!"

"That's the best!" Seeing Margaret understand what she meant, Connor nodded in satisfaction.

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