Count of Wizards

Chapter 1095: Reinforcements

"The Earl of Wizard(

"Margaret, who is this person you are talking about?" Hearing Margaret's words and realizing that things are still turning around, Connor asked immediately with a move in his heart;

Without directly answering Connor's question, Margaret showed a sly smile on her pretty face and said, "Connor, who did I just tell you?"

Recalling what Margaret told him just now, Connor immediately reacted, and said in a puzzled manner: "Margaret, didn't you say that Elena went to trouble Reyes? Why now you say she is in Frosinone, is it possible that Reyes is here in Frosinone..."

Speaking of Connor’s voice getting smaller and smaller in the end, although he felt that Reyes, who was rumored to have been severely injured by McKenney, the third-level wizard of the Earth God, would only concentrate in this storm when he was crazy When in Frosinone, come to Frosinone. But unfortunately, from Margaret's calm look in front of him, Connor knew the answer.

"The church leaders have received very reliable news that Reyes is injured and is about to arrive in Frosinone in the next few days. It is even possible that he is already in Frosinone now!" Margaret Low The voice said:

Although Margaret’s voice was not loud, it was like a heavy hammer hitting Connor’s heart, causing Connor Ferguson’s heart to be surging, with mixed flavors, even though Reyes was always the same. A mentor treated him as his imaginary enemy, but after many years, when he thought that he might have a showdown with Reyes, Connor was still a little nervous in his heart, and his confidence was not very strong.

Seeing Connor lowered her head to meditate, Margaret continued: "Although Irina did not tell me, I can basically confirm through my other news channels at the Storm Church that the church leaders value this time very much. In addition to Elena, other divine punishments will be dispatched to Frosinone, but it is still uncertain who will be dispatched."

"Although I still can’t get more confidential information about the church’s personnel deployment in Frosinone, judging from Reyes’ injuries, as long as Reyes shows up in Frosinone, now It is really the best opportunity to kill him. If Connor, you want to take this opportunity to solve the trouble of Reyes, then you go to meet Elena, it might not be a good opportunity!"

"Don’t worry, Connor. Irina will mind you killing Milik. I have already told you very clearly. Irina and Hummels are competing for the next pope. , It’s already incompatible with fire and water, and it’s impossible to reconcile. And the Milik you killed was Hummel’s stalwart, so don’t say that Elena still doesn’t know, Milik was killed by Connor Ferguson, she really Knowing this, she might still be happy to see it happen!" Margaret advised Connor:

A minute after Margaret finished speaking, Connor finished his contemplation, looked up at Margaret and said, "Do you want me to meet Margaret?"

"I just think Connor, you and Elena now have common interests. You all want Reyes to die. As long as Reyes dies, Connor, you will not have this big threat at all, and Elena can do too. With the death of Reyes, the prestige within the church has been greatly furthered, increasing the bargaining chip Hummels has to compete with for the next pope."

"Connor's right to choose is in your hands. I just provide you with an opportunity to choose!" Feeling the seemingly tentative meaning of Connor's words, Margaret explained with a frown. :

Connor nodded when he heard the words, considered the language, and said: "Margaret, you know this matter is very important, I think I need to think about it..."

"No problem, Connor, I will be with you anyway!" Feeling the hesitation revealed in Connor's words, Margaret took Connor's hand and said firmly to Connor:



In the outskirts of Frosinone, in Mensaka Manor, in an unremarkable villa.

Elena is sitting opposite a middle-aged blond man who looks very burly and wears a light red robe.

Talking cutly.

"Elena, I heard that a few days ago, your actions in Frosinone suffered a little setback?"

The blond middle-aged man looked at Jelena, who was cold in front of his face, and asked:

Regarding the problem of the blond middle-aged man, Irina had a disgusting face. There was an instinctive resistance not wanting to talk to each other, but when I thought about the identity of the other party as a **** punishment, Ilena thought about it~www. still a little vaguely said: "When I went to catch some of Reyes's men, I threw a blank!"

After a rough answer, Jelena, who didn't want to waste her tongue on this question, quickly changed the subject and said: "Jovic, you are here in Frosinone, are you alone?"


The blond middle-aged man, the God Punisher Jovic who is in charge of the East Hoy Continent of the Storm Church, first shook his head to answer Jelena’s question, and then introduced: “This time come with me to There is also Salas, the first-class wizard in the Church of St. Nuñez in East Hoy, in Losinone. However, five days ago, I was in Klass and received an edict from the Pope’s crown, saying that the secret Professor She has probably arrived in Frosinone. Irina, you need help here. Let me come as soon as possible to help you stabilize the situation and assist your actions here."

"So I separated from Salas and took the first step. If nothing else, Salas should arrive in Frosinone in three days!"

After introducing his own situation, Jovic pondered for a few seconds, organized the language, and then asked Elena: "Since Mian Xia gave this task to me, let me assist Elena. Dealing with Reyes, then in this matter I will definitely do my best to get Reyes to get the trial he deserves, but Irina, you know, I have never been interested in power struggles, so In other things, I can’t help..."

Although Jelena has long heard in the Storm Church that Jovic is very bad at talking. He always speaks straight and embarrassing when he speaks. But until now, Margaret knew about this. How low is the EQ of the guy!

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