Count of Wizards

Chapter 1094: untitled

"The Earl of Wizard(

"This time Irina decided to compete head-to-head with Hummel and challenge Hummel's position as the next pope candidate. I think it should be the result of several forces within the church who have contributed to the flames. Those who are dissatisfied with Hummel in the church The elders of Sri Lanka have united and talked to Elena secretly."

"In addition, I even suspect that Ilsank exchanged the Cold Storm Staff for Elena to increase Elena’s strength. It is very possible that there is a purpose behind Humels to counterbalance Humels. Humels Si and his men are indeed too domineering in the church, and they are considered to have committed public anger. Ilsanck may need to use this matter to give Hummels a warning and let him do something. convergence!"

"However, even so, Hummels is far ahead of others on the road to compete for the next pope. Even if her strength is soaring, coupled with the support of someone within the church, it is at best. It poses only a little threat to Hummels, and is far from an opponent."

"Moreover, when Hummels slowed down, with his tough skills and brutal methods, Jelena could hardly cope with it. It was really bad luck. Once Hummels really took off, those who now support Irina’s people, there are a few who can continue to stand with her..." Margaret preached worriedly, she was like Irina, a grasshopper on a rope , If Elena is unlucky, she can't run.

"Margaret, if you say that, I am really interested in seeing you, sister Elena!" After thinking about Margaret's remarks, Connor raised his head, somewhat self-conscious. He said to himself, as soon as his voice fell off, he only felt that one ear was picked up by Marguerite. At this time, the latter looked at him with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Connor Ferguson, I can warn you, if you dare to mess with the flowers, don't blame me for letting your Ferguson family break!" Margaret said again and again and made a vicious gesture to warn Connor.

Seeing that Margaret was so sensitive, Connor was really dumbfounded. It took a long time to coax Margaret to calm down, and then he explained: "Margaret, you are worried. Irina is because, With the growth of strength, self-confidence has turned into conceit. Do you blindly challenge Hummels regardless of the gap between the two?"

"Yes, the gap is too big. Irina, she shouldn't be provoked, she just challenged Reyes... alas!" Marguerite reluctantly preached:

Hearing Margaret’s thoughts, Connor shook his head, and then said, “Margaret, my opinion is different from yours. I think Irina challenged Hummels head-on this time. She was provoked by others and her own strength increased, but she still had to do more!"

"From your description, Margaret, Hummels is a very sensitive and powerful person on the issue of candidates for the next pope. He persecuted every candidate who could threaten him to become the next pope. "

"Elena may be able to dispel Hummels' suspicion by showing her indifference to power and the position of the pope, but now she has become a second-level wizard, breaking Hummels’ cultivation level. Her advantage, Hummels will definitely follow her!"

"Therefore, now Jelena is wisely defending herself and showing that she is not interested in becoming the next pope. Hummels will definitely not let him go, and will definitely do everything possible to deal with her. Now for Elena, since No matter how Hummels has to deal with her, it is better to take the initiative to attack, so that some people and strengths who are dissatisfied with Hummels can be combined to increase the confidence against Hummels. The view of this matter, whispered to Marguerite in her arms.

After listening to Connor’s analysis, Margaret thought about it for a while, and then slowly said: "Connor, what you said is really reasonable, but it seems that I misunderstood Elena... ·····"

Having said this, Margaret suddenly changed her voice, staring at Connor and said calmly: "Connor, you haven’t met my sister Elena, you know her so well, wait until you have seen her. She, then you two must be very close together!"

Although Margaret's tone was very calm, Connor could still clearly feel the yin and yang and the jealousy in her words. He waved his hand helplessly, and then said to Margaret, "No kidding. , The news of Milik’s death should have been received within Margaret Church now, right?"

"Of course! Milik is a hard-core supporter of Hummels, so Hummels is very angry with Milik's death, he ordered Christant to solve the case within a time limit!" Margaret back to the topic~www.NovelMTL .com~ said seriously, saying that at the end she looked at Connor seriously, and then looked at Connor with a faint smile and said: "Connor Ferguson, you said the murderer who killed Milik, is it right now? it's here?"

Since the news of Milik’s death was mentioned to Margaret on the initiative, he would naturally not hide it from Margaret Connor, and in the face of Margaret’s straightforward confidante who knew her own style of behavior, he had no idea at all. It must be concealed.

So in response to Margaret’s gaze, Connor shrugged and said calmly: “It’s true that Milik died in my hands, but I’m an accomplice at best. The mastermind is Philo. He bit too tightly, he was immortal, Philo couldn't get away to find the ruins, so the two of us set up an ambush and made him!"

"Then what you two did is pretty clean. Christant hasn't figured out who did Milik's death yet, but even if he doesn't find any evidence, he plans to take this matter to you and Fei. Lo two people are planted on their bodies!" Margaret warned Connor:

Although Connor was prepared for Christant to do this before killing Milik, but now he really got the confirmation from Margaret, Connor still did not sigh in his heart, but there was nothing. Regrettably, the situation at that time did not allow him to make other choices. He had to join hands with Philo to kill Milik.

As if seeing the worry in Connor's heart, Margaret said calmly: "Although Christant has to deal with the task given to him by Hummel, I want to put this matter on Connor. Body, but he is no longer Frosinone's commander-in-chief. Even if he wants to plant you, he has to get the consent of one person. He himself cannot be the master!"

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