Count of Wizards

Chapter 1018: Secret Society

Except for a little stimulus to Margaret, Varga did not lie to Margaret. She and Connor are professional in each other, unless they need to communicate with each other. Discuss. At other times, the two people do their own things and will not interfere with each other's plans.

Seeing that there was nothing to ask from Varga, Margaret was not asking herself to be bored. After thinking for a while, she continued to tell Varga: "Filo rebelled and used alchemy bombs to cause a lot of damage to Milik. The trauma of the church and the energy of the church are temporarily attracted by Philo. The church arbitrator and the Black organization are preparing to jointly organize a manpower to besieged Philo!"

"So Varga, you have to tell Connor, no matter what plan he has with Philo, he must not meet with Philo for the round now. The province's body is set on fire, and the alchemy bomb he refines for Philo, although it is disguised. He has taken Henderson’s alchemy techniques to the characteristics of alchemy, and has made it clear of him, but now Christant is still suspicious of him."

"Because of Philo’s rebellion, Cardinal Hummels’ informant plan has been questioned and pressured within the church, and these pressures are also reflected from Cardinal Hummels to Christant’s. In his body, Christant urgently needs to make some achievements to relieve the pressure on him and give an explanation to the high level of the church, so he is likely to do something extraordinary because of this, so Connor finally has Be prepared, be careful."

  Taking the contents of Varga's account silently in mind, Varga nodded to Marguerite and said: "I will bring him the words, Margaret, do you have anything else to tell Connor?"

"This is the news about Connor and them for the time being!" Margaret nodded slightly. After the voice fell, Margaret looked a little hesitant. After hesitating for a few seconds, under Varga's inquiring gaze, she Still whispered: "Frosinone, several villages to the west, recently there have been some disappearances of villagers for no reason. Now it is certain that this matter has something to do with the wizard, and the other party handled it very cleanly, with a little trace. None of them were left. At first glance, it was the work of experienced veterans. The current arbitrator of the Church of the Storm and several wizards of the Earth God Church are jointly investigating this matter!"

Seeing Margaret, it seemed that she wanted to kill Connor's "disappearance of the villager", and also told Connor that Varga, who was unconsciously stern, looked at Margaret in surprise. .

Margaret was not surprised by Varga's expression. She gritted her teeth and gave an explanation to Varga and said softly: "Although I have no evidence at present, I suspect that this matter is related to the secret society. I will investigate. The secret society has been around for a long time, and I am very familiar with their behavior. I have personally inspected the villages west of Frosinone where there are missing villagers. There are no traces at all. They are really clean, and The style of the secret society is very similar!"

"Furthermore, it has been a long time since Reyes and McKennie, the third-level wizard of the Earth God Cult, have not touched Reyes' shadow, even the few around Reyes. , Party members like Bispin and Southgate have not been caught. It is conceivable that this time, Reyes has already been prepared before the fight with McKenney to let his men Very calmly evacuated in batches!"

   "And Frosinone is so sensitive, so I wonder if it is possible that some of Reyes's party members have withdrawn to Frosinone!"

Hearing Margaret’s analysis, like Connor, Varga, who is also a member of the secret society, immediately realized the seriousness of the matter. There was also a touch of solemnity in his eyes, and he immediately turned towards Marguerite. He nodded and said, "Understood! I will pass your words on to Connor!"

After receiving Varga's reply, Margaret glanced at the watch and found the minute hand on it. After pointing to eleven, there was a little helplessness in her eyes. Then she stood up and said to Varga: "It's here today. Here, see you at the Carragher Theater at this time in a week!"

   "Thank you!"

   Seeing Margaret leaving, Varga thanked her very naturally:

Although Varga was expressing gratitude, this thank you, Margaret's ears had a different meaning, and the reminder of Varga's stimulation of herself just now made Margaret feel in her heart. She was faintly angry, but because Varga was thanking her after all, she was not good at it, so she waved her hand slightly and said faintly, "No! It's just for Connor!"

Margaret, who was in a hurry, didn’t wait for Varga’s reaction. She walked straight out of the private room and left the cafe, leaving only Varga, who looked a little ugly, and stayed alone in the private room. After waiting for a few seconds, Varga, the little vinegar jar, looked back to normal, and whispered in the direction Margaret had left: "Bitch!"

   This "slut" exit Varga's mood is truly relieved, he took out a one-gold pound note from his wallet and threw it on the coffee table, Varga left in a hurry.



   Frosinone, in the study on the third floor of a residential building in the Akkadian community.

   The sturdy white big Han Bispin was arguing with a ****** with a rough face, who looked like an old man dressed as an engineer, arguing fiercely.

"Southgate, do you know what you are doing? At this critical moment, do you still catch the villagers? Do you want to bring the storm to teach them?" Bisping angrily faced him. The old man asked:

Regarding Bisping’s accusation, the old man who Bisping called "Southgate" helped the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose and sneered unwillingly, "Bisping, you fellow. , When did you become so courageous?"

"And don’t think I’m not as mindless as you! I only arrested four people in total, all arrested randomly at different locations and at different times, like this kind of ordinary people who are useless and will only be mediocre alive. People, the few who died will not be noticed at all, and even if the Church of the Storm discovers the disappearance of these people, what can they do? I have already dealt with them, and there will be no traces left!" Sgate seemed to be very confident in his own methods, and his tone of voice became extremely determined.

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