Count of Wizards

Chapter 1017: Feminine

Knowing that the two of them were wasting like this, there would not be any results except for wasting time and accidents, and the "Countess Ferguson" on the other side seemed to have no intention to speak actively, Margaret could not help but take a deep breath. , And then picked up the coffee cup on the coffee table and took a sip of Hongshan coffee. Then, with a light wave of her jade hand, an invisible and colorless soundproof barrier would envelop the entire private room.

Seeing the appearance of the soundproof barrier, Varga also realized that the meeting between himself and Margaret was finally about to start talking about business, and immediately focused his attention on Margaret, watching sitting on him. Opposite the swaying Margaret, Varga's gaze became involuntarily complicated. She thought she would never meet Margaret again in her life...

   "Varga, do you know the current situation on Connor's side?" Margaret did not entangle herself with Varga's past grudges, but went straight to the subject as soon as she opened her mouth.

Although I still feel that the feeling between myself and Margaret is a bit strange, but for the sake of Connor, Varga overcame the emotions in his heart and shook his head at Margaret and said: "No, since Connor left Fal After Losinone, I never contacted him again."

   Varga's words suddenly made Marguerite frown and felt very confused. Seeing Margaret like this, Varga hesitated a bit, but finally chose to believe in Varga and introduced to her:

"Before Connor left Frosinone, we had already agreed on the contact method. Connor has arranged a very concealed formation near Ferguson Manor. After I get news from you, I will pass this The magic circle, pass the message to him. Connor has a special contact jade card on his body to receive the message sent by the magic circle."

"In addition, Connor will move within five hundred miles of Frosinone to ensure that the news he receives is timely. Although this can guarantee the timeliness of the information, it is very energy loss for the magic circle to transmit the news. Great, and I’m not sure if anyone is watching Ferguson Manor, so before leaving, Connor asked me to contact him after getting news from you!"

After listening to Varga's whisper, realizing that Connor was fully prepared, Margaret's frowning eyebrows were stretched, and she said in a deep voice toward Varga: "According to my news, Kerry Has Stent left Frosinone? It is unknown. Currently, the official wizard of the Storm Church in Frosinone, only Bastoni, the original bishop of Frosinone, is left, but he needs to be the coordinator of the church. Scheduling, it is impossible to follow your Ferguson family personally!"

"And in Ferguson Manor outside the city, people from the church are indeed watching, but it's just a senior wizard with two intermediate wizard apprentices. It's not too difficult to hide from them. As for the Ferguson Mansion, Christant knows that he lives. Where, so no one was arranged to watch, but one was used. The church planted a secret stake in your family many years ago to secretly monitor the movement inside the mansion."

   As soon as Marguerite's voice fell, Varga's beautiful eyes, who heard the secret pile of church in the mansion, immediately showed a murderous intent, and asked Marguerite: "Do you know who this secret pile is?"

   In response to Varga's question, Margaret shook her head and explained: "Who is this hidden pile? I don't have any clues at the moment, but I'm investigating, and maybe there will be clues soon."

   "Now I just know that this hidden pile has been lurking in the Ferguson family for at least ten years. During the incubation period, it has not been activated by the church. It is very likely that it has now become a member of the management of your Ferguson family!"

   "Varga, you need to be careful not to be discovered by this hidden pile. According to some clues, Christant appreciates this hidden pile lurking in the Ferguson family very much."

"Christant is the intelligence director of the Black Agency, the largest intelligence leader of the church. I believe Connor has already told you about this matter. Therefore, the person who can be appreciated by Christant is definitely not an ordinary person. It must be very good. Capable!" At the end Marguerite's tone changed very seriously.

   Regarding Margaret's solemn instruction, Varga did not speak, but a glimmer of cold flashed in his eyes, and then nodded to Marguerite, indicating that she understood.

   Seeing this, Margaret seemed to have thought of something, and then looked at Varga and asked: "Varga, do you know what agreement Connor and Philo have reached?"

   Listening to Margaret's words, Varga's eyes flashed with doubt, and then she asked Margaret back: "Margaret, who is Philo in your mouth?"

Seeing that the doubt in Varga's expression did not seem to be fake, Margaret shook her head slightly, then changed a question, and asked Varga: "Then you know what Connor has refined recently~www.NovelMTL. com~ such as... alchemy bombs?"

Facing Margaret’s continuous questions, Varga gave a chuckle, and then under Margaret’s gaze, he said, "Margaret, you may not know that, in our house, I and Connor each have one. In this studio, Connor would never ask me what potion I was refining, and I would never ask what Connor was refining!"

Although he knew what Varga wanted to express, the sentence "in our house" still made Margaret feel a little uncomfortable. Of course, on the surface, Varga would naturally not show his emotions. She was still very calm and calm, as if she hadn’t heard the overtones in Varga’s words...

   Seeing Margaret pretending to be nonchalant, Varga also did not extend it, but in her heart, she was still a little happy.

But in Varga’s heart, it’s still not a taste. In her eyes, Margaret is the third person in her relationship with Connor, a **** who came to **** her husband and destroy the relationship between her and Connor, but because For various reasons, she had to accept the fact that Margaret stayed with Connor.

If possible, Varga would rather be when Margaret does not exist, and never see Margaret forever, but now for Connor, for the Ferguson family, although she must sit here, and Margaret Joint, but in her heart she hates Margaret, and she still hasn't changed in the slightest. Now that she can make use of the topic and give it a little stimulation, she is of course very happy.

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