Cosma Empire

Chapter 877

Nadia twirled in the bed, she rarely rested so early. In the past, because of work, the night was the most active time, often accompanying customers to socialize, or find a bar with colleagues to spend time. Most of the time I go home is 11 or 2 pm, or later.

She couldn’t sleep, she felt like she was going crazy, Durin was crazy, and she spent that much money to help her find her back. Once she was young, she had a youthful age, and the young people in fashionable clothes looked at the cigarettes, and they were almost the collective memory of that generation. They also did similar things because of a few blowjobs. It’s so troublesome, maybe I thought it was youth, but now I think it’s naive.

Durin is doing the same thing, but he can’t find a naive feeling at all, but it is very majestic and very overbearing! It was a billion-dollar Star Coin. When he thought of this huge and innumerable number of numbers, Nadia covered his head with a quilt and went back a little bit sulking.

In some Knight novels, this kind of story often appears. The big aristocrats spend a lot of money for Cinderella. She thought that literature is always art, but she neglected that art comes from life. It turns out that there is such a thing, there are such people.

The inevitable mood was ups and downs, and I thought that Durin would take Alandoi’s slap for himself, and then I thought that Durin would throw 100 million Star Coin and also have to find his face. The heartbeat is getting faster and faster, there is a kind of can’t say The feeling of coming is filled in my heart. I don’t know what it feels like, sour, bitter and full of flavors, but there is only one feeling that can be sure of her, that is, a sense of security. It has never been as secure as it is now, even if she was a senior partner of the Southern Trading Company, she did not feel safe as it is now.

The messy thoughts in my head are constantly rolling like black clouds. Isn’t a silver snake now dispelling sleepiness, the quiet room has only a slight breathing sound, and a pair of bright eyes. At this moment, the sudden knock on the door made her suddenly stunned. “Who is outside?”

“Miss Nadia, Mr. Durin asks you to change your clothes to the hall, and there are guests to visit.” Outside the door is the voice of Steward.

Durin’s estate on the Confederation has been bought for almost four years, when he first came to live, but in the past four years everything has been maintained, all kinds of clothes and accessories, Includes a complete set of service personnel. All the staff in the manor cherish the job very much. There is a master who is almost nowhere to live. It is much more comfortable than the lord at home every day. More often, Steward is equal to the master of the manor. When the owner is absent, he will be Come and give orders.

This is also the first time Steward thanked Guartian for his identity. If he didn’t have this identity, he couldn’t be the Steward here, so he was happy with Durin and all the “masters”.

“I will leave now, leaving two maids to help you change clothes.” The farther footsteps gradually disappeared. Nadia turned on the lights and changed a set of casual clothes. She was not too adapted to such a life, more like a noble life. . The life of the nobility is actually very fucking. It is not necessary to wear formal attire every moment. There are a lot of things to wear in any occasion. What kind of clothes are worn in the private area of ​​the owner, what clothes to wear in the living room, what to wear in the garden. The clothes are different and all are stressful. If ordinary people do not have the habit of growing up from childhood, it is difficult to adapt.

After opening the door, the two maids led Nadia into the cloakroom and provided her with the best dress for the evening reception. After more than 20 minutes of tossing, she replaced the clothes.

When she walked into the eclipse, she saw Alandoi and two people around him at a glance. She smiled and nodded, then saw Durin patted the sofa around her, and she walked over to sit next to Durin.

Durin turned to smile and looked at her. “Mr. Alandoi has understood his recklessness and rashness. He has been condemned by his conscience and can’t wait to apologize to you.” This sentence made Nadia almost unable to laugh. Come out, if she doesn’t know what’s going on, she might be surprised, maybe even think that Mr. Alandoi really knows that he is wrong. But she knew what Durin had done and listened to Durin saying such a decent word, there is an inexplicable emotion that I want to laugh.

Are the real big men accustomed to squinting and talking?

She looked at Durin and Durin tilted her head slightly. “When you didn’t come, Mr. Alandoi regretted his rude behavior, very sincere. I think Mr. Alandoi’s nature is not bad, but sometimes his temper is bad. Some, the temper is also very direct, I don’t know how to express myself.”

Alandoi has been nodded, and his face is full of apologies. “Yes, Mr. Durin is right. I apologize for my stupidity and rude behavior. Ms. I accidentally hurt you. I have been deeply hurt. The torment, today I have the courage to apologize to you, and I hope to get your understanding.”, said that he took out a set of handbags from the handbag, a gleaming gem kit under the light – a Gemstone necklace, a gemstone bracelet, a gemstone ring and a pair of gemstone earrings sparkling, gorgeous reflections of intoxicating luster.

This gift is too expensive, Nadia simply estimated that if it is in the empire, this set of jewelry must be at least three to 50,000. She noticed that there was a small bronzing signature at the bottom of the red velvet pad, which should be Master’s work and the price might be higher.

Instead of immediately deducing her words, she looked to Durin and she was not sure if she should accept it. Durin nodded and said, “You should forgive Mr. Alandoi. He has already realized his mistake. The gods will forgive the sinners who regret it. We can’t think that he will always be wrong because he did it wrong.”

Nadia smiled and took the jewelry box over and looked at it carefully. “I like it very much. As Mr. Durin said, everyone makes mistakes, as long as they realize their mistakes, even if it is a stupid mistake. Worth being forgiven.”

Alandoi had an uncontrollable twitch in his mouth, but now the situation is not good. He has no second way to go. He certainly hears that these two men have been scorning him stupidly, and he is also mocking that he is sitting in them again. Opposite, but also bow down to apologize, but he has no second way to go.

Once his own maritime business is shaken and found to be empty, the royal family will surely let him surprise in the first place, whether for himself or for the family, he must converge. He also realized that sometimes money can’t solve any problem. In Grandfrank, he is the richest and most powerful person, but at the international level, he is only a landlord.

When he found Mr. Jack to help him, Mr. Jack told him that if Durin didn’t let go, they wouldn’t have any further moves and would only wish him good luck. Philips also said something similar. This is a person who even dared to play with Mr. Keller’s son. Even Keller Hotel dared to swear, but also Mr. Keller took the initiative to apologize, he even more can not afford to offend.

Adding to the energy and wrists that Durin can mobilize may be the official navy, Alandoi thinks.

Fortunately, it looks pretty good now, and both are willing to forgive him.

At this time, Durin laughed. “Mr. Alandoi, you have said a few words, the most sincere three words (words).”

Alandoi stunned and his face was red for three points. He kept wording to avoid saying that, but Durin didn’t let him go, and he was ashamed and felt a humiliation that had never been seen before. a feeling of. He brewed for a while and then bowed his head and said, “I’m sorry!”

Durin applauded and said, “This is very good. The things between us are solved, then the sun will still rise tomorrow, and World will still be beautiful!” He sighed and stood up. “Okay, no day.” It’s early, I’m lacking, and the gentlemen must have other things. I have the chance to get together and help me.” After he shook hands with the three men, Steward led the people to leave, and Durin watched them out of the erection hall, then Laughed.

He now understands that Alandoi is not as rich as he imagined, and can take out the cash of the 600 million Confederation Shield in one go. This is a very face-to-face, very capricious person. He has mortgaged some of his estates to the National Bank of Grandfrank. Confederation is now actively building partnerships with countries around the world, and naturally has links with Grandfrank. Proofs issued by the Grandfrank National Bank, including 52 large freighters as collateral, they issued a certificate and a promissory note to Alandoi.

There are actually some minor problems. For example, if the money disappears, Grandfrank may not be able to completely implement the act of detaining the collateral. Of course, the Confederation is not empty, if the Grandfrank National Bank cannot get the 600 million. Confederation shield, they will let Grandfrank know what is called “economic sanctions.” Even if it is Alandoi, it will take the initiative to deliver the ship.

Of course, no matter what kind of story is there, in short, the money is available, and Durin can only guarantee the safety of his principal under certain conditions, and does not guarantee that he will never lose money and expected income. This investment is still worthwhile.

On the one hand, it has gained a greater friendship with the Navy. On the one hand, it has an additional 600 million Confederation Shield and the expected future earnings of this money. This is a very cost-effective business.

He looked back at Nadia’s jewelry and asked, “A very good set of jewelry, do you mind if I give you a try?”

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