Cosma Empire

Chapter 876

After doing all this, Durin brought Nadia to the study and asked her to sit in the chair next to her. “What did you drink?” he asked.

Nadia shook her head and looked a little better, but there was still some frustration. In fact, such things have happened in the past, and more than once, but the same thing brings different feelings in different time periods. When I was a child, I was playing with mud on the ground. I thought this might be the most interesting thing when I played the pinball, but when I was growing up, I tried to remember to remember the past. I couldn’t find much literature except I felt stupid. The touch in the work.

Nadia, who was still in the early stages of life, thought it might be normal to climb up. I will give you what you want. You give me a chance. This is a deal. But when you are loyal to your family after you get married, you will encounter this problem again. It is not a transaction or an insult.

“Fruit, thank you!”

Durin took two glasses of wine, and he stood half-sitting at the table, giving Nadia a cup and holding himself. During this time, Nadia helped him save a lot of effort. He didn’t need him to be nonsense with the group of capital tycoons, so that he had more time to adjust the details and meet more important people. Her work is very efficient and professional, especially in the banking sector. There are a lot of professional people around Durin… Well, there aren’t many, Nadia will make up for the lack of high-end talent in the economy, and it is also the most crucial position for him to buy people, so he needs to care for her.

Someone once said that if you are good to a person, then you must let him/her know who is doing it. Everyone will have unrealistic fantasies. If you don’t want your credit to be installed. On someone else’s head, it’s best to do things and then explain the words. Only the person who is doing the right thing is the human condition, and it is done quietly, that is…

“Sorry, Durin, I’m going to do something.” Nadia was a little uncomfortable. In addition to Alandoi’s thought of the bastard, Nadia knew how important the current 600 million Confederation shield is for Durin. This is a huge one. Money is enough to incite more things. She has already known Durin’s plans. She can’t imagine that a young people actually thinks about attacking a country’s finances, but in the process of working, she thinks this may be possible. It is also because she feels that it is possible to have some guilt and not to do things well.

Durin took a sip of the wine from the glass and shook his finger. “No, he will come to my estate to apologize to you within a week and send the money to my hand.”

Nadia suddenly looked up and looked at Durin incredibly. She thought that Durin was talking about madness, and maybe she wanted to comfort her. Sensual animals can always be inadvertently poked at that point, her eyes are a little moved to look at Durin, can not believe to ask, “How is this … possible? In the Grandfrank over there Alandoi even the royal family don’t Give face, how could he come back to apologize?”

Durin smiled and replied: “When you break into his key points, he wants to eat even if he wants to live, let alone apologize?” Durin turned back to his desk and took out a cigarette. ” Do you know why today, including the last time you would be humiliated by him?”

It was a scar, and Durin suddenly changed the subject and uncovered the scar that had just been a little better, which made Nadia feel more uncomfortable.

Looking at her, she lowered her head and didn’t talk, Durin laughed. “Because you have never been a real big man, you are not ready to be a big man, both psychologically and emotionally. This time I am I will help you get it, but this is not a good solution. I hope that one day this slap is not for me to smoke him, but for you to smoke. First you need to grow up, you have to tell yourself that you are working for Durin. Service, serving the most powerful people in the future of the empire, you are a big man.”

“There is a big man’s mentality, the big man’s ambition, you can find out that this world is actually like this! When you expose the minions, the wild dogs facing your fangs will run away with their tails, they just look Terrifying only.”

“I donated 100 million to the Imperial Navy. Soon, Mr. Alandoi will understand that in the real powerhouse World, he is from the aristocrats in the corner of the planet, not even a fart!”, Durin 铿锵Powerful words made Nadia stunned and shocked by his great talent!

She looked down at the glass of her hands and her heart was ups and downs. “Is it worth it? Do it?”

“Why not?” Durin had a strong counter-inquiry that Nadia didn’t know how to answer. “It’s a shame to humiliate you, he has to pay the price!”

In fact, Durin’s words have not been finished yet, and there is no need to destroy such a good atmosphere at this time. Alandoi will send the money as long as he bows his head. Although he donated 100 million, Durin got a Confederation shield worth 200 million. The money can incite more wealth than the donation. He can not give Alandoi any return, even if the money does not give him anything he dare not say unless he wants to die.

The reason why he can mix in the Grandfrank duchy is so good, there is only one reason, he has mastered the routes and ships of the import and export trade, it is only a small country, only such a ship king, their things want to go out, things outside think To get in, you need to go through Alandoi’s help. Holding the lifeline of international communication is like pinching the economic lifeline of this small country. When his business scale reaches a certain level, he can break his monopoly by not buying a few boats.

Durin believes that this mixed ball must have its own armed forces on Grandfrank, such as pirates, blockade of national maritime resources and then eat alone, so that he can be so unscrupulous.

Nadia drank a lot of wine in the cup. She looked up at Durin and her eyes were red. “I… a little uncomfortable, I want to take a break.”

Durin nodded. “You have to do what you want to do these days. We will have a meeting next week. You have to adjust your mindset, understand?”

At the same time, at the Imperial Naval Headquarters, the Grand Marshal received a request from Durin, which was conveyed by Thomas. He did not consider this small matter, and directly nodded agreed. One hundred million Star Coin is enough for them to add four more battleships, why not promise him? And the long-standing relationship with Durin in the plans developed by the Navy Headquarters has always been the mission of the Navy Headquarters. The maritime trade on the East Coast and the West Coast is almost all done by the Navy to help Durin, and the annual freight paid by Durin is enough to support themselves, without the need for additional funding from the Naval Headquarters.

I saved a lot of money and made a very good example. I originally planned to invite Durin to the Navy headquarters at the end of this year. Although it seems unlikely now, it is enough to show the Navy’s attitude towards Durin.

After the feedback, Major General Thomas hangs up the phone, is correcting his own military cap, glances at his entourage, and lifts his chin and says, “Go pull the assembly number.”

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