Cosma Empire

Chapter 869

In the new era, the empire has many problems, social problems, and institutional problems.

This is not a problem unique to the empire. Almost all countries currently have many problems. The speed of development of science and technology is too fast. The word “near the country” has become smaller in the international environment, and more and more Things that have developed in the times have begun to become cumbersome, but these cumbersome things are the most important things in every country.

For the empire, class solidification is the biggest problem, no one. Marcus immediately abolished the class after he took office, no longer labeled the “class” seal on everyone’s face with a clear label, and divided people into three or six. People can’t call a tramp a public, but the word “people” really disappeared from the hearts of the middle and upper classes of the empire because people didn’t say it?

Of course not, the class still exists, and in a more secret way, the society is divided into three or six, etc., and people are divided into three or six.

Confederation also has similar problems. In fact, their problems are strictly more serious than the empire, because from the beginning, there was a fatal law of the jungle effect in the capitalist society. You must swallow the weak. The cruelty of the free market has made many big capitals stand out. They have become each and everyone monsters. Whenever there are people or companies that might challenge them in the future, they will start the annexation process.

Acquisitions, or persecutions, always have a fit for them, either as part of the monster’s body or disappearing into the forest.

Even more troublesome is that the top leaders of Confederation, especially the parliamentary parliament, each of them is a consortium. Everyone represents a huge capital force. They are doing the same thing. They are constantly absorbing those with potential or growing fast. Businesses and consortiums are used to avoid risks, but in the years that followed, these tricks were less common.

Too many young consortiums are expanding rapidly, and they are connected by associations, such as the community organizations such as the Golden Shield Society. These consortiums are fighting against the monsters from the top of the tower. Now they have stood firm. And already have the possibility to try to attack.

Confederation splits the entire government system into two, in order to prevent the penetration of capital into the government. In the past two hundred years, if the Speakers of the Joint Parliament did not have absolute control over the country, Confederation might have been torn apart. The governors of each state are almost the heads of the new consoleium. They are all locals, have huge industries, employ more workers, and they only support independent ideas. The following people will support them.

So in order to cope with this situation, the Confederation system has become two independent but also intersecting systems.

Now these problems don’t seem to be sharp enough. The contradictions are not completely displayed in front of people’s eyes. That is because in this new era, there are business opportunities everywhere, and gold is everywhere. The large consortium within Confederation focuses on economic interests, temporarily evading the collision with traditional notification forces and continuing to accumulate power. This is why the unprecedented prosperity of Confederation’s economy over the years has been filled with contradictions and differences under the surface of these prosperity.

The old rulers are reluctant to give up their power, and the new challengers are glare like a tiger watching his prey, ready to go back and rip them into pieces.

The sudden war on the empire is a blend of contradictions and differences between the major forces in the Confederation. The conflicts are temporarily put forward by exporting wars, but this does not solve these problems. Let everyone settle down for the time being. In the last few years, the contradictions have warmed up again. The Confederation government and the parties consortium have formulated new plans to temporarily press the current contradictions in the form of exporting “economic warfare”, and let the Confederation shield become the World settlement currency. one.

But what should I do when the problem is reincarnation?

Contradictions have always existed, and constantly because various policies and actions have been put aside, this does not mean that contradictions will disappear. These contradictions have been quietly fertilizing during this long period of time. The new capital is full of ambition and desire. They will not be willing to be ruled by Confederation’s so-called “nationality”. If they have enough strength, they must Will give the most deadly counterattack, turn these family after the other life to control the lifeline of the Confederation, and then slam them into the softest place, tear them into pieces and become their own nutrients!

This is the problem that the elderly and his offspring need to face, urgent and fatal. If they fail, they will never get up again, just as they treated those who tried to change the existing pattern many years ago, let them disappear forever!

At this point, the empire is much better than Confederation. Why do you say that?

Because the capital of the empire is so large, they can only influence the political trend through political spokespersons and influence the formulation of policies. They dare not want to sharply overturn the cabinet unless they are tired of life. As long as they dared to have such an idea, Marcus dared to send the army to send them to see the emperors of the ages, and would never be soft.

Some people say that dictatorship is not a good thing, but sometimes it is a bad thing to be too free. The empire is just right among them. It can be smooth and smooth. After so many years, there has not been a large-scale civil war. It is Tianda’s luck and surprise.

The old man’s seemingly ordinary sentence hides a lot of content. If the fish is a national family and these rulers, then those hams are the new consortium forces, and they have seriously affected the interests of these rulers, even In some ways, the ruler’s rays of light are covered.

It seems that the two are just commenting on a dish, but in fact they have exchanged a lot of things in one or two sentences.

“Talk about the bombs. How can we avoid the danger of the explosion without ignoring the effectiveness of the explosion?” The old man asked Steward to take the sashimi and ham, and now he saw the dish suddenly. I feel a little annoyed. When a person reaches a certain age, he will become temperamental just like a young child.

The girl sat on the side and ate something very elegantly, but her smart eyes continued to patrol Durin and the old man. She felt that the two guys were discussing important things in a way she couldn’t understand.

For her age, the freshness and mission of participating in the major event is more than anything else.

She also wants to participate and become a part of it.

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