Cosma Empire

Chapter 868

“Slightly wait for two minutes, I also invited a special guest.” The old man asked Durin to wash it. When he came back, he told Durin that another guest would dine together. It was not very important for the elderly to invite Durin. care.

First of all, this is the place for the elderly. He has the right to invite guests to eat. Secondly, Durin also has a look forward to it. Will it be a big man like a speaker? The more people he participates, the more confident he will be in the next move. . The gates of the most sturdy castles are always opened from the inside. The strength of one person is not enough. It is a good thing for more people.

But it is clear that Durin will be disappointed because the old man is inviting a girl.

“Wait a minute, my youngest granddaughter will come over…” The old man looked at Durin’s face and couldn’t help but laugh out loud. “Yes, you didn’t miss it, I was using very mean tricks. I hope that you can fall in love with my granddaughter, so that there may be more opportunities for cooperation between us in the future.” The old man seems to say with some emotions, “Nothing is more reliable than blood relationship, I believe that you are on the empire.” It’s more clear than you can feel here!”

The old man said it is very right. Marriage is always the most reliable cooperation contract between the two forces. Many middle and lower classes think that marriage is just a marriage contract, including Durin once thought so, but as he began to sneak into society And the time is getting longer and longer, and more and more people are in contact. He finally understands why it is the low-level in the social society, and the marriage that most people think is meaningless. It exists widely in the high-level, and people still believe in marriage.

Because the foundation of all interests is not in the essence of “marriage”, or marriage is not a true marriage, the two sides of the marriage need not the marriage of the two families, there is no value, what they need is These two born offspring, or a mixture of two bloodline inheritances, a with the body flowing with two family blood mixed races. All interests will be based on the existence of this mixed-race, which is definitely a lucky one, but it may also be a bad luck child.

He is lucky to say that since he has not been born, there will be many industries under his name, and he or she will have two huge patrilineal families and matrilineal families as patrons. This is a very Horrible things. Even if he doesn’t need to do anything after he is born, he can enjoy the wealth and power that the ordinary class can’t necessarily accumulate for decades. Perhaps from the moment he was born, his purpose is to spend money and time. ,life!

He said that he is a child of bad luck. It is because if two families are obviously backward in the future development and the relationship is getting farther and farther, then this will become a “failure” in the family’s development and growth process because he There is a bloodline that is not pure, so even if he is rich and expensive, he is an idle person in the family who can never grasp the power. Of course, although there is no power without being valued, it also leaves him with the basis of envy and hatred. If he has excellent ability, he will have a great future.

The nobles Marcus introduced to Durin were willing to marry Durin, but they did not put the bet on Durin’s body, but placed it on the next generation of Durin. They will strongly support Durin to develop, to develop, to gain benefits and power, these things will eventually be left to his child, at that time, without a strong father to rely on, this child will eventually return to the nobility of the nobility .

All you need is a cousin, child with the surname of mother, everything that Durin has has become aristocratic, which is what Durin is most resistant to.

The things he struggles can be given to anyone. Even if he donates to the country when he is dying, he doesn’t care, but he definitely does not accept such calculations. He does not bow down on principle issues, and does not compromise. It is his bottom line!

I heard that the old man said that he would use his granddaughter to seduce himself, and when he said so brazenly, Durin was not angry, but he was laughed heartily with the old man. A successful person, a person with wisdom, he always knows when to lie and when to be sincere. If he doesn’t say anything, Durin may be disgusted, but he said, Durin thinks it’s interesting. The old man is very interesting, and even has a look forward to how good his granddaughter is, actually wants to love himself. On her?

This expectation is the “conspiracy” of the old man. He does not guarantee that Durin will do what he wants, but why not try it? There is still the possibility of success, even if it is very embarrassing, but you can only accept the doomed failure without trying.

After waiting for ten minutes, the girl appeared in Durin’s sight, a tender green solid color dress with a light blue white visor and looks like seventeen-eight-nine years old. The delicate facial features are indeed very Good-looking, the vitality of youth under the crystal clear skin is coming out.

The old man looked at Durin, Durin looked at the girl, the girl looked at the old man, and both laughed.

“Well, let’s clean up ourselves, we’re going to open the meal soon.” The old man snorted and invited Durin to sit at the table. “Confederation’s eating methods and empire are different, if you I have not tasted it, I think this is the most suitable opportunity!”

Soon the girl changed to a set of home clothes and appeared next to the table, because this is a “family feast”. Whether it is Confederation or an empire, the feast has a special meaning. It can be said that the guest is accepted as a family friend and even In the performance of “own people”, the dishes can be less grand, but they are of extraordinary significance.

The girl sits on the side like a very standard vase with a very sweet smile on her face. She has two dimples and gives a very interesting and lovely feeling when she smiles. But neither the old man nor herself, did not take the initiative to introduce her information. If Durin is interested, Durin will ask him if they take the initiative to introduce it. Obviously, they are too entangled in the surface, and there is no girl at the beginning of this meal. Just a midway joiner.

As many dishes were placed one by one on the table, Durin was surprised to find that there was no fish. The fish was a very interesting ingredient, very common and not so common.

In the end, the cook finally put the fish on the table.

In the empire, the fish may have other cooking methods besides deep-sea fish. Most of the freshwater fish and shallow sea fish are made into minced meat and then made into fish steaks. After being cooked, they are placed on the plate and delivered to the steak. In front of the guests. This is because there are some small thorns in the meat of freshwater fish and shallow sea fish, more or less, which is inconsistent with the eating habits of everyone who likes to eat meat. No one will patiently eat meat bit by bit. Be careful of the thorns in the fish, so it is the most traditional practice to fry the meat with the thorns.

The practice of deep-sea fish is more, because deep-sea fish have fewer fish bones, and they can eat meat without worrying about being caught by fishbone. There are often some practices like barbecue smoking.

But the dish in front of Durin is obviously somewhat different from the empire because it is born.

Under the skill of the chef, a fish that is less than a foot is like a beautiful peacock. It is cut into pieces of almost transparent fish. It looks like a feather after the peacock opens. . What’s more interesting is that each piece of fish is also sandwiched with red paper that is as thin as paper. According to the cook, it is five years of refined raw ham, which is more expensive than gold! There are some seasonings and dipping sauce around the plate, and the visual effect is very good.

The old man’s knife and the fork were used together. Some of them were stained with some sauces and filled in the mouth. I sat down with satisfaction. “You can try it, it’s very delicious!”

Durin took some taste and didn’t touch the dish, which made the old man very curious. He had received many people from other countries and liked it very much, including the young Marcus in Keller. The restaurant used this dish and gave a high rating! Only Durin, who only ate once, did not touch the second time. Did he not like to eat, or did he eat something that he was not used to?

This made the old man very curious and could not help but ask, “Don’t you have your dining habits?”

Durin shook his head. “The taste of the ham is too strong. It completely covers the freshness of the fish. I only taste the taste of the ham, but I can’t find the taste of the fish!” He laughed. “If I can, I will leave.” You can send me a ham, I will be happier!”

There are two kinds of ham, one is beef ham, which is more common in the empire, but the taste is not good, and the taste is very bad. There is also a kind of rarity – Hao is more like the pig in the world of Durin Dream, there is no large-scale breeding on the empire, mainly the empire’s Hao variety is very poor, not after many generations of domestication optimization, the taste is still Not as good as beef. On the contrary, Confederation introduced some fine varieties from other places, and has completely rid of the image of the long thorns on the body. The meat is also tenderer and more fat, and it is most suitable for making ham.

A good ham, which takes at least three years of pickling and fermentation process, is sealed and stored in a very strict environment and can be eaten raw. Good marinated materials and careful management, a strictly controlled environment, a five-year ham may even be more expensive than the same weight of gold!

After listening to the old man, he did not refute it. He took some bags into his mouth. He carefully tasted it with a little taste buds and then agreed with the nodded. “You are right, this dish seems to need to change!”

He said with a deep smile, “Like this country!”

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