Cosma Empire

Chapter 853

“More than 20 small businesses have gone bankrupt this week. The import and export trade has started to grow uncontrollably for these small businesses. If they can’t adapt and find a good way to spend this special time, you can expect The next few small and micro enterprises will go bankrupt in this wave!” At the Confederation high-level meeting, the head of the import and export trade said to the officials involved in the meeting, “The madness of the Confederation Shield The increase is not entirely good news, and we are faced with many problems that need to be solved.”

The very normal thing for the general public has already attracted the attention of Confederation’s top management. These officials have a more acute sense of smell than the ordinary people in the operation of the country, the financial mechanism, and the economic construction. The collapse of a small export company means that more small and micro enterprises are facing all the problems that the failed company has experienced. In the case of a sudden increase in cost growth income, it is very difficult to maintain it. There are always some expenses that entrepreneurs can’t afford, such as staff salaries.

At the same time, the re-adjustment of tariffs between Confederation and the Empire also made these SMEs exporting in a dumping manner difficult. Their goods were not competitive in the Imperial market under the premise of eliminating tariffs, such as some A company that produces lighters. They used to unscrupulously dump their goods to the empire, occupying the empire’s market with a large amount of trade and cheaper prices. But with the restoration of tariffs, the prices of their goods in the empire are no longer so attractive, and the empire’s own products are more popular with the market.

Of course, there are definitely shadows in places with bright light. Everything has always been divided into positive and negative sides, with both good and bad sides.

A deputy minister of the Ministry of Finance followed, “This is not in conflict with our previous plan. Gentlemen, letting go of the exchange rate with the Empire Star Coin and opening up a bigger market is our most important plan now. Before we did these things, we already understood that the financial and economic market within Confederation will inevitably face a certain degree of impact, including the collapse of some enterprises. This is the inevitable pain that we need to bear from the past, we are kneeling For more than 20 years, the empire’s power has been used to nurture a large number of outstanding enterprises with the empire’s market. Under the natural competition and elimination mechanism of the market, if someone succeeds, then there must be someone who needs to face failure.”

“It’s just that these people have unfortunately become one of the losers. They have a rigid business philosophy. They don’t know the idea of ​​change. What makes them face failure is not the change of national policy. It is their own. They can’t transfer the company in time. The direction of business, changing existing business projects and ideas, they will inevitably be eliminated by the market. Let us focus on those successful companies, Confederation has produced more than 130 in these two decades. Excellent and excellent multinational large trading company. I think the problem that the Minister of Trade is worried about is not a problem in itself. Can we not do these things without these failures?”

“No, we are not formulating new policies, pushing the market to face the whole world faster. They will be struggling in the event of losing competitiveness. In the end, they will go bankrupt and be forced to liquidate. We all understand that the market is cruel, we They can sympathize with their experiences, but they cannot change our existing policies because of their current situation.”

“The members of the Joint Council and the Speakers are optimistic about the current situation. Let us focus on those successful companies. They don’t need special support to get a foothold in international trade. As we continue to grow ourselves, this is what we need to focus on. As for small businesses, I don’t think we need to pay too much attention.”

The main policies and plans of Confederation are basically to promote the Confederation Shield to become an international currency. The Ministry of Trade has talked about entrepreneurs of many multinational companies last week. They proposed an idea that is required in foreign trade. All companies resolutely use the Confederation Shield as the settlement currency. It seems like this is a very stupid thing, adding to the trade process, those foreign import and export companies need to hold the Confederation shield to trade with Confederation merchants. But on the other hand, the Confederation Shield accelerates the circulation within the international arena and has a very good contribution to their ultimate goal.

When people are used to leaving some Confederation shields in their pockets, and they are used to using Confederation Shields for settlement currency in international trade, the international influence of the Confederation and Confederation Shields will increase rapidly and eventually become mainstream settlement. currency. By that time, the entire World market had to follow the business rules set by Confederation and, in some cases, pay for the economic development of Confederation. The influence and benefits brought by it far exceed the wave of the collapse of some small enterprises.

The second minister of the Ministry of Trade smiled and nodded. In fact, he is also very aware that the closure of small and micro enterprises at this stage is a self-regulation of the market mechanism. The profitability of large enterprises began to increase, the income of small enterprises began to decrease, and the transfer of profits caused these “disabled” enterprises to be eliminated, using their post-bankruptcy nutrients and vacant markets to encourage “sound” enterprises to strengthen.

But… there is always some concern. Once the wave of bankruptcy is formed, it may cause some problems in the society, the unemployment rate will increase, and the number of idle property personnel will increase. The problem of law and order will eventually evolve into more complicated social problems in a short period of time.

The Minister of Finance continued, “I will inform you first that next month, the central bank will continue to cut interest rates to stimulate the market, and at the same time enact some other financial policies to activate the activity of the Confederation financial market. I hope everyone can cooperate as much as possible. Detect market volatility…”

In fact, the second minister did not say that after the discussion at the Supreme Council of the Joint Parliament, it was decided to issue a new batch of Confederation Shield. Simply put, it was printed.

Now in the international money market, the Confederation Shield is popular among investors from all over the world. It has been determined that there will be no ups and downs in a short period of time and will continue to rise in a stable and firm posture. Rising prices will strengthen investor confidence, which will make the amount of currency in circulation less. In order to spread the influence of the Confederation Shield as soon as possible, the Joint Council made such a decision.

Of course, printing a batch of currency will lower the price of the Confederation Shield, but this is definitely within the acceptable range. Domestic think tanks believe that this will cause the exchange rate of the Confederation Shield to decline in a short period of time, and will also release One obvious signal is that the general Confederation Shield is insufficient, which will further stimulate investors’ confidence in Confederation.

This news is indeed not suitable for premature disclosure. For the financial economy of Confederation, the Ministry of Finance has always had great confidence.

Williams is the sole shareholder of a small import and export trading company, and his product has only one thing – a blanket.

In the past ten years, he has made a lot of money, enough for him to live in the villa area of ​​Shangcheng District, driving high-end luxury cars, entering and going to some high-end places that need to be certified, and even enjoying his family. . To this day, he can’t forget his factory working overtime to add crazy manufacturing blankets and then package dumping into the empire. The dealers on the empire sent him several telegrams every day, urging him to transport the goods as soon as possible to deal with the crazy market. He is a part of the dumping army.

There are many such people around him. It is definitely a glory era worthy of everyone’s recollection. Countless people use all the mortgages they have, take the money to open each and everyone’s simple factory, and then mad from the empire. It’s really a golden age to profit. No matter what is produced, in short, as long as you sell to the empire, you must make money. If you dare to gamble, you will definitely win. Until now, it is still something people talk about.

At that time, his cheap blankets won the favor of the low-income people of the empire. Two blankets of Star Coin had a gross profit of 30% of five, which made him a successful person.

But recently his good days have come to an end. Even if Confederation gave him a tax rebate and subsidy policy, after the tariff was restored, his product sales price in the Imperial Terminal has risen to three and two, and the gross profit is only 10%. In other words, he is basically not making money by selling things, but earning meager profits by tax rebates and subsidies. In the market where the empire has recovered, the competitiveness is very poor. Compared to the two 49 empire’s own blankets, the sales of their own blankets are worrying.

The dealer has called him more than once to cut the purchase volume.

Now, he sat in the bank’s credit department office and looked at a loan document in front of him. He had to mortgage the house he had lived for more than eight years to the bank in exchange for a loan to maintain the current production and operation. He didn’t know where the road was, and he didn’t know how to change. More than once, the City Hall has brought these small entrepreneurs to a meeting, telling them to transform, to be flexible, to keep up with the pace and policies of the times. But he is the chairman of a small business. He is not an economic student. He knows what those words and words mean, but he doesn’t know how to do it.

The only thing that can be done now is to maintain his own business. Maybe the market will have a good day. I heard that several regions have just ended the war and have a lot of market space. Maybe he can move towards this aspect.

After he picked up his pen and signed his name, the manager sitting across from him looked like a smile. “Mr. Williams, your loan will be credited to your account within three hours. You There are six months to control the money. If you can’t return the loan principal and interest after six months, according to the terms of our contract, we may collect your house and auction, I wish you good luck!”

Williams squeezed a smile and shook hands with the department manager. The other person gave him a business card and said something that made him unhappy. For example, if he still needs it, he can contact the manager directly. They save a lot of steps.

This is cursing me! !

Williams had a smile on his face but his heart was dark and he had to show a smile to make him feel bad. Looking at the departure manager of Williams, he shook his head with a smile. Recently, many SMEs began to seek loans to maintain the normal operation of the company. However, it has to be said that the effect is not good. There are already several small businesses because Not yet on the loan principal and interest, they lost their collateral. In addition to continuing to obtain more financial support from banks in the same way as selling, they simply cannot alleviate the current situation.

This is a good time, and it is true for banks. A large number of high-quality assets can only be held in the hands of a small amount of money. It is foreseeable that this year’s year-end awards will have a qualitative breakthrough!

After returning to his factory, Williams faced the workers who had stopped working and smoked and chatted at the door of the factory. They had a ugly smile. He didn’t show up like he had expected last night and cheered up, encouraging the workers to continue. jobs. At this moment he felt very tired and exhausted.

“Call people to settle the salary of last month, and inform our friends, we need some new raw materials.” With Williams, the idle workers in the factory cheered and smacked the dust on their buttocks. Hi zi zi’s lined up to settle the salary outside the office.

Although they are also worried about the prospects of the factory, but it seems that it is not so bad at present, Boss has money to pay, isn’t it? And to continue production, which means that their work will continue, they can also earn money from the family to support their families.

Just in the hearts of these workers, there is also a bit of worry, worrying about whether the wages will be settled as they are next month.

When I returned home in the evening, Williams locked herself in the study. Today, the money returned from the bank mortgage loan has been used halfway. After the raw materials come tomorrow, he can continue to work and can barely spend the next month.

The money for raw materials does not need to be paid now. He has a good relationship with the supplier and private friendship. The other party will let him temporarily press a batch of money. This is not the first time. If there is no better market for goods next month… what should he do?

When he thought of it, he felt a headache. He had tried his best, but why can’t he still see the way out and can’t see the light?

He fell into the hustle and bustle, looking for an exit that did not exist in the fog.

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