Cosma Empire

Chapter 852

“Hello, Mr. Durin, I am Claude, Commissioner of the Confederation Financial Regulatory Council. Please rest assured that this conversation does not represent any decision or position, just an ordinary exchange.” Claude made a fruit plate pastry There is a pot of coffee. After the waiter has left, he continues to say with a smile. “The Confederation Financial Regulatory Council is committed to creating a stable financial market and order. We welcome all the people who come to Confederation to invest. Because of the many investors and a stable investment environment, the prosperous Confederation was created.”

“We recently observed that you have a very large amount of money in operation. I have to say that this is a very amazing number. I checked it twice before I came. Excellent businessmen like you are very rare in Confederation. So, I took the initiative to take this job, I want to see you in person.”, Claude’s eyes have a hint of curiosity, a trace of worship, and of course there are many elements of the examination.

He speaks very well, at least not to cause resentment from others, and constantly praises the success of others to gain more sense of identity. This is actually forced out. The environment of Confederation is very special. Money is everything, money can even become a member of parliament. This makes the work of many government departments very troublesome, because if they work a little barbaric, it is possible. Raised a series of questions.

Durin nodded didn’t talk, Claude continued with a smile. “If it’s convenient, can you talk to me, is your investment going to be long-term, or short-term profit?”

Durin said, “I may sell the Confederation shield in the near future. The Confederation shield has a little abnormality. This is not true. We all know that nothing will continue to rise. After the power is released, we need to have a new one. The process of accumulating power, this process is very dangerous for our investors.”

“Yes, you are right, this is consistent with our view.” Claude once again agreed with the nodded, “but can I make a small suggestion?”, after Durin’s approval, he laughed, “Are you able to contact us before you sell your money in the hands of investors?”

“You know, there are a lot of Confederation shields in your currency warehouse. If you don’t pick them up, it will cause unnecessary riots. I don’t want you to sell them. My idea is to let us know before you sell. We try our best. Stabilize the market. You have earned enough money and we have continued to stabilize the money market, which is a good thing for both of us.”

Durin stunned. He didn’t think there was such a thing. Isn’t this an interference in market freedom? But the other party said that it is not unreasonable. They are not taking care of Durin. They are not big investors, but some small and small investors. These people do not have the ability to resist risks, compared with those of large investors and institutions. A small shock is enough for these avid investors to fall into the abyss and climb out. The real cornerstone of the country is not the consortium that has countless funds for each and everyone, but the ordinary people who don’t have much money.

They are the most indispensable part of the important link.

And a lot of selling is likely to lead to a vicious circle. Some people may think that the currency’s gains are over, and they are starting to sell in order to avoid risks. When the sell-off forms a wave, the Confederation shield will have big problems. Recently, the Financial Regulatory Council is protesting to the Joint Parliament, hoping that the Joint Parliament will tighten the monetary policy through Confederation Bank and two other banks to cool the frenzied financial market. However, the Joint Council did not respond in any way to this, and the Financial Regulatory Council had to actively talk to these “big players” to reduce the risks that might be faced.

As for how the Financial Regulatory Council solves this problem, they are actually related to the “central bank” of Confederation. Confederation Bank is the central bank of Confederation, an official bank. The existence of Confederation Bank is to stabilize the financial economic order of Confederation. When necessary, they can extend a hand of friendship to help the Financial Regulatory Council intervene in the market. After all, the bank is also within the jurisdiction of the Financial Regulatory Council.

“I understand, I will contact you before I decide to sell.”

Claude smiled and pulled out a business card and handed it to Durin. “This is my personal business card. If you have any financial questions in Confederation, please feel free to call me. I will be in the daytime. The office will be at home at night.”

Durin took the business card and put it in the business card holder. His movements were not so fast, he was thinking. The Financial Regulatory Council is likely to smell some unusual atmosphere and find some signs of something wrong, so they began to actively interfere with market freedom. What Durin is not sure about is that they all discovered it themselves, or if someone has made a shameful informant, if the former is not a big problem, if it is the latter, his plan failure rate will increase a lot. And the longer the time drags, the danger of exposure.

Some people have said that the knife can only give the opponent the greatest deterrence and fear when it is not in the hand, but the problem is that if the knife is always in the hand, it is likely that the opponent will first lick himself, plus There may be some ideas that Albert should not exist, and Durin feels that he can do things first.

The next day, in the corner of the third last edition of Early Morning News, there was a slap in the face. An import and export company temporarily suspends production due to the impact of export trade during the continuous increase in the exchange rate of the Confederation Shield. Worker demonstrations took place and a conflict was triggered.

The appreciation of money is very good for import trade. You can buy more with less money, but for export, the same product only gets less money in the foreign trade than at the time, and buys at the same time. The cost of the party has increased and the volume of export trade has decreased. If you can’t find enough ways to make up for this loss—for example, applying for export subsidies and tax rebates, companies will face more and more problems.

The first is the issue of staff salaries. Even if the currency appreciates, the wages will not be reduced accordingly, because the workers are emotionally unable to accept work for such a long time without paying a salary and lowering the salary. Secondly, there will be no corresponding reduction in the value of money in all aspects of domestic and domestic expenditures, which is equivalent to indirect increase in costs.

The smaller the scale of export enterprises, the more negative effects brought about by the appreciation of the currency, and the more serious the consequences. On the contrary, large multinational groups and large international trading companies are not affected much. They have better systems and methods to take advantage of the series of effects brought about by currency appreciation to obtain more profits for themselves.

This little news has not received people’s attention. Every day, new companies will be born, but there are also likely to be old companies going out of business. No one in the market will have to say that their companies must make money. Will not close down.

Everyone is making money, only you are bankrupt, it must be because you are too stupid!

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