Cosma Empire

Chapter 835

Joe watched his Uncle pick up his arm and beat Dignia with a sigh of relief, but there was a hint of shame, because his Uncle said that he is the master of the family.

This sentence made Joe very unhappy. Everyone knows that the Patriarch of the Hill family is a waste. Apart from being fooled with the technical women who are kneeling all day, they have never done anything useful. In addition to his very good work in evading reality, what contribution does he make to the family?

Nothing at all!

Yes, those skilled women are arranged by him, but his Uncle can be rejected. As a Patriarch of the Hill family, he is obsessed with the female color and can put everything on his body. At this time, do you want to stand up and show your authority? Joe, who secretly sneered, took his attention back from Patriarch. Anyway, he was a waste. Compared to his “disrespect” on the verbal, his two cousins ​​really told others about their rebellion. Threatened by his authority.

Unexpectedly, the slap was not drawn on Dignia’s face. The door of the conference room was pushed away at this time. Steward couldn’t help but squeeze out a strong smile and stand by the door. This group of guests was too fucking. Not only did he not follow the arrangement of the host family, but also beaten two servants and threatened him to enter the conference room forcibly.

The sudden stranger let Patriarch lift his arm and take it back. Although he is a jerk, he is a shackle that is not mixed with women all day long, but the aristocratic things in the bones have not been thrown away. He knows that if this slap in the face of an outsider, he will lose the decent appearance of the Hill family. This is the only thing they have now, he will not do that.

His face was gloomy and looked at the young people who came in. He knew this young people, Durin.

Durin’s name almost resounded throughout Imperial Capital during this time, as long as individuals have heard of the name. Although the Hill family has already lost, the people at home have always been concerned about the outside dynamics, and even more concerned than the ordinary nobility. They once considered marriage with Durin to crack the current situation, but the idea was finally abandoned by them.

The reason is simple. Although Durin is good at it, it is not the person they need.

Durin’s business, no matter how fast or how much money is made, is very messy and has no similarities with Hill’s family business, nor can it help the Hill family’s industry from the front or side. Secondly, Durin was born as an ordinary citizen. He did not play a pivotal role in the aristocratic circle and could not change the predicament faced by the family. In the end, Durin is a dangerous person. This is a comment on him in the aristocratic circle. There are even gossips saying that he created a derailment incident to retaliate against the Princess of the Grand Duke. This is simply a lawless and arrogant, Hill’s There are enough troubles, and I don’t want to find another trouble to come back.

This idea was eventually extinguished, so they knew Durin better than the average person.

“It’s very rude to break into a place where someone shouldn’t be in someone’s home…” Patriarch turned and looked at Durin, slightly cocking his chin, his eyes showing an arrogant mood. The nobility is a nobleman, even if it is a lonely aristocrat, it is far more noble than a civilian. “I don’t care about your rude behavior, but now please leave here!”

Not waiting for what Durin said, Dignia eyes, who had just closed his eyes, looked at Durin and immediately ran to Durin, grabbed his arm and hid behind him, revealing a head hate saying, “Just he just It’s really time to hit me, you come!”

This series of changes is not a Patriarch. Even Joe faintly found something wrong. He looked at Dignia hiding behind Durin with some irritability. He was snorted. “Is this your cuddling?” Everything that was normal was unrecognizable, and the majesty in the family was constantly being provoked. The two cousins ​​were also out of his control, and even more so that he felt that one thousandth of the shares of the imperial central bank. If the two sisters do not transfer this part of the shares to him, he really has no way.

In the end, maybe he really wants to lose the position of Patriarch. Don’t look at those Uncle. They seem to be very convinced and support him to be Patriarch, but when it comes to the choice, they will definitely fall to the side of interest.

After so many years of planning and preparations, Joe clenched his teeth and caused his two gangs to bulge. He pushed the chair up and walked close to Durin, squinting his eyes and suddenly reaching out. Grab Dignia behind Durin. This is their family business. Durin is just an outsider. If he does not want to be a special group of nobles, he is best not to interfere with their family affairs.

Don’t look at the nobles who are now targeting their Hill family all day, but when a civilian stands up to challenge the order of the nobility, and even wants to break into the tradition of the nobility, all the nobles will stand up to deal with Durin. At this time, he had a lot of excitement. He even had a little expectation that Durin could start. At that time, he was able to design and annex Durin’s industry. With the shares of the central bank in hand, Hill could immediately return to Peak!

In the next second, there was a black dot in Joe’s line of sight, and the expression on his face became more and more frightened. A sole appeared quickly from behind Durin and covered most of his sight…

With a bang, Joe knocked over one of his elders and fell to the table, Dufo’s toes slammed twice. Now he wears leather shoes when he goes in and out. He doesn’t think there is any inconvenience in the usual time, but when he just got out of this ankle, he felt that wearing leather shoes was far less comfortable than wearing sneakers. It was a little lame, and it still looks like it is still Change back to sneakers.

Then the black clothed bodyguard around Durin closed the door of the conference room, and Durin walked over to Patriarch, pointing to the vacancy left by Dignia. “Please sit!”

Patriarch’s temples swelled, and he felt Durin mad, staring at Durin for a moment, and silently walked down to Dinessa’s position and sat down. He wanted to see what Durin wanted to do.

Then Durin looked towards the wolf’s Joe, Joe holding half of his face, his eyes reflecting the lust of resentment. The two looked at each other for a moment. He leaned back and regained his position. The situation is a bit strange, and he can’t understand it.

Joe’s cooperation made Durin very satisfied, he was nodded, and then sat in the position of Patriarch. Although everyone thought it was ridiculous, no one could laugh.

“I am here to announce two things!” Durin duangduang tilted his feet on the table with a stunned attitude. He stretched out two fingers and gestured. “The first thing, starting today, The Hill’s Patriarch will be shared by Dinessa and Dignia.”

Patriarch’s face was more gloomy, making him look like a patient who was sick all the year round and his face was extremely unhealthy. His sullen lips were smashed, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, but he was able to hold his breath, did not stand up and yelled at Durin loudly, telling him that he had no power at all to decide who the Hill’s dominance was. Hands.

His Patriarch did not speak out against Durin’s decision. Other members would not say anything. Anyway, it was not his own loss, and if Durin was not good, they would not be the first bird. Some people are still taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. The decline of the Hill family has a very direct relationship with the previous generation Patriarch. If it is not Old Patriarch, it will stand on the side of the old party against the new party and will run to the new party. Helping the old party, and then wanting to be a wall, will not fall to the present. These people even hate the immediate members of the Hill family.

If it weren’t for them, today’s days would not be so bitter!

Some people can hold their breath, so naturally someone can’t hold their breath. Joe said “I oppose” and everyone’s eyes are focused on him. Although he was kicked by Dufo, he was a little scared, but he knew that if he didn’t stand up and say his opinion at this time, those clansman couldn’t stand it!

Durin glanced at Joe and raised his chin slightly. “Mr. Joe needs to calm down.”

The next second, a woman’s slender and beautiful hand appeared in people’s eyes. Dufo picked up the red wine bottle on the table and slammed it on Joe’s head. The latter sighed and slammed on the table. The dark red splashed a trace of red in the red wine on the table, so rude behavior shocked everyone.

They never thought that there were people who dared to do it to the nobility!

Durin’s satisfied nodded, while he was nodded, he was rubbing off a drop of blood that splashed on his face with his index finger, and smiled at the person sitting at the table. “It seems that Mr. Joe calms down a lot. Anyone wants to raise an objection?”, he looked around, everyone avoided his gaze, Dignia standing behind Durin waved a small fist, a look of excitement, just a little worry in Dinessa’s eyes, brutal for Durin The move is worried.

“It seems that everyone agrees with my decision, it’s good, we have the foundation to continue to get along!”

“The second decision, starting today, the Hill family will serve me personally for a period of twenty years. In these two decades, I…”

Durin’s words were interrupted by Patriarch before he finished speaking. “Mr. Durin, the first one you asked for us has no problems. In any case, they are the immediate family members of the Hill family. But your second requirement is somewhat Excessively, even if we are lonely, they are all nobles, or do you have a birth that we don’t know? Do you have a noble background in Mr. Durin?”

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