Cosma Empire

Chapter 834

The current Patriarch, the father of the sisters of Hill, can see his contempt and even hate for his daughter from his attitude and eyes! He hates his own girls and even hates them.

This is a very strange emotion, which makes him and his sister go farther and emotionally emotionally, no matter what they do for this family, they can’t make him like them.

He used to be like this. At that time, he still loved his daughter, but after the adulthood, he told himself from his nephew that he might get an opportunity in some unsatisfactory way, from him and daughter. After a conversation, he began to hate his daughter, hate them, and didn’t want to see them.

He is actually ill, and excessive guilt has made him turn his owe into hatred. It seems that only hatred can make his conscience better, so that he can feel that he has not done anything wrong.

Yes, the two girls are a pair of women, so they have not done anything wrong. They are wrong. Why are they not rejecting their demands? Why don’t they cry and say that they can’t do it, why do we want to hope? Put them on them?

Just because they are women’s watches?

The distorted mentality made him more and more excessive about his daughter. If he could, he wouldn’t see his daughter again, it would only make him more painful and uncomfortable. He will not admit that he is an incompetent person. This is the fault of World. It is the fault of the nobles. It is… the fault of his father!

Dinessa, who has long been accustomed to the tone and attitude of father, didn’t care. She was more relaxed than ever before. She knew that she and younger sister might soon become the new helm of the family. Leading this distorted family to a new Peak to get back the glory of the past, or to send them to hell. Their destiny will also be the pawn in her hands, the contact with Durin, and the mockery of the younger sister that she began to face up to her attitude towards the family.

She, and her lovely younger sister, does not owe anything to this family. On the contrary, the family owes them too much. They have never heard of any family that has been targeted and forced to be in the family. Young women go to be social flowers and climb into other people’s beds in exchange for family revitalization opportunities. But here, there is a hint of hatred in the heart that makes Dinessa of this matter have a different feeling, a feeling of excitement, in the face of these gloomy relatives.

She smiled, the more she smiled, the sweeter she was, the more she hated her father and the eyes of her elders. She didn’t care. “We got some things, and soon we can get the imperial central bank.” One share, this is what you have always wanted us to do. Now we have done it.”

This news instantly made all the people involved in the meeting have a blank brain. The last Ren Family’s unreasonable swinging position made their family unacceptable to the New Party, and the old party began to target them as “traitors”. Their days Very bad. Every nobleman is laughing at them and getting them into a situation of distress. Don’t give them any chance, but at the same time don’t let them fall down completely. They look at them aloof and remote crawling on the ground like poor bugs, looking for hope, and then stepping on their hopes.

Until now, a hope of stepping on has emerged.

Once they owned the shares of the imperial central bank and became shareholders of the imperial central bank, they had the power to ask the imperialist central bank to invest in their industries, which was the means by which the imperialist central bank invaded various industries. They transfer the shares to the capitalists, then inject capital into the capitalist companies, and in another way seize some of the other industries to ensure that the imperial central bank continues to make progress. But this despicable approach has become a lifeline for the Hill family. As long as the funds of the imperial central bank flow into their industries, then those aristocratic consortiums can no longer target them.

Those consortiums are unlikely to be on the front of the imperialist central bank. The more powerful the economy is, the more sensitive it is to this. When the lion can’t expel the wild dogs around them, it means the lion has lost its power to protect itself. It will swarm until the lion becomes a corpse.

Joe stood up excitedly, his eyes revealing enough to light the night, his plan was successful, the Hill family is about to re-emerge, and he will take control of the family and become an amazing figure. Regardless of what evaluations will be given to him in the future genealogy, at least when he is alive, he will not live in humiliation, he will become a great figure in the scenery, and he will also get the life he dreamed of.

“Great… great!” He waved his fist, walked back and forth a few steps, and sat down again. The whole body clung to the table, his hands pressed against the table, and there was no decent noodles at all. Now, don’t care about these things, “When can we get this part of the equity transfer? How much do we have to pay for this?”

Dignia couldn’t stand the eyes of these people and their attitudes. They didn’t even care about what their sisters had paid for this. They only got the stake, just thinking about taking their things away and enslaving them. She snorted and couldn’t help but sneer, “We?”, this sentence paused the atmosphere in the conference room for a few seconds.

Joe’s face instantly became gloomy, and the muscles on his cheekbones bounced uncontrollably due to intense emotional fluctuations, making him look awkward. “What do you mean?”

Dignia shrugged, she used to do such a “female” movement, but after contacting Durin twice this time, she felt that it was very interesting and it would be very comfortable when necessary. “I don’t mean anything.” I just want to tell you the fact that those shares are things for me and elder sister, not for any of you, understand? Cousin!”

Joe looked towards Dinessa. He knew that Dignia was a bastard and a female watch. He even believed in the calm elder sister. “Tell me that she is just joking with me.”

Dinessa is indeed much calmer, she has always kept a smile, “Why? I think that I said ‘no’ is the most correct decision, yes, we have got the equity, but that is our thing, no one can take it away. ”

Patriarch coughed when Joe wanted to say something. His expression was a bit strange and complicated, but he still hated it more. He converges his eyes and looks at the table. He whispers, “This is good with us.” Not the same, you are smart children, you should know what can be done, what can’t be done, am I right?”

“I have a new idea…”, Dinessa’s voice made the room quiet again, some small commotions were completely still, her eyes swept over one after another on the faces of these relatives, then said, “We can continue to do as planned…” She said sighed in relief when she said this, but there were some terrifying things in her slightly squinting eyes. “But I think Patriarch’s position should make an idiot. To do it? A capable person is qualified to take the helm of the whole family. We should not give power to the most useless one.”

Happy, less than three seconds, Joe grabbed the glass next to the table and smashed it. He could tolerate a lot of things, but he couldn’t tolerate the power of others. That is his power, not to mention the two women, his Uncle, his father is not allowed. He has come up with many methods for this family. The facts also prove that his ideas have no problems. Now, in the season of harvest, these two bitches want to kick him out?

Dinessa hugged the younger sister in her screaming and hid her in her arms. Fortunately, the glass was not too heavy. She fell on her head and broke into a few petals on the ground, but the wine in the cup. Make her look very embarrassed. She slowly turned her head and looked at Joe, and the last trace of the family’s reservations disappeared completely.

No one stood up to speak for them, just because they did those things, let people know that there are two female watches in the Hill family? But they never think about it, who brought things to this point, it is definitely not them.

The atmosphere in the conference room solidified instantly. Some people frowns dissatisfied and looked at the two sisters. Some people were sitting in a chair in an indifferent manner to observe other people’s expressions, and some people were absent-mindedly playing with their own ornaments.

At this time, the door of the conference room was ringing, and the voice of Steward came from outside the door. “Master, someone came to visit you.”

Patriarch frowned. Few people came to visit the Hill family. The New Party did not look at them. The old party hated them as traitors. The capitalists regarded them as gods, except that one or two bishops in the church occasionally came to ask for fundraising. Almost no one will visit them.

He coughed again. “Take them to the living room and let them wait a little. I will handle the things here.”, he said that he looked toward his two daughters and his tone became more indifferent. “Good. The play time is over, and the candy is handed over! I have no patience to continue playing this game with you, as we said before, otherwise I will let you regret it.”

Dignia, who was shocked from came back to his senses, was also angry. She broke away from the embrace of the elder sister and stood up reluctantly. “I won’t do that!”

Patriarch took a slap in the face and took his past. His daughter repeatedly challenged his authority and challenged the patience of the whole family. He wanted the two sisters to know who is the master now. people…….

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