Cosma Empire

Chapter 373

“You sit!”, Marcus raised his hand and went to the cupboard to take out two cups, poured the wine, took it to the edge of the sofa and sat down, and handed Durin a cup, “Steward said there was a I was surprised when the young people came to visit me, because my friends and my colleagues were almost old fogey with one leg stepping into the coffin. I don鈥檛 know any young people. Besides my son, they don鈥檛 like to see I, and one of them is already lying in the grave.”

Durin took the glass and held it in his hand. He didn’t rush down. His humble face was full of smiles. He was a little nervous, but he didn’t show it. “I am very eager to visit, I should inform you in advance.”

Marcus waved his hand and leaned on the sofa. He didn’t look as serious or imagined as he thought, but he was very easygoing. He couldn’t see the official presidency of the Imperial Prime Minister and the New Party leader and the so-called imposing manner. “No. Necessarily, I am not as busy as you think. I will be at home most of the time except Monday to Wednesday may not be at home.”

“I have to thank the scientists of the Technology and Imperial Research Institute. They have allowed me to work over the telephone line, saving me a lot of time and energy!”, said that he took the reading glasses and then said a few words on the phone. In a short time, Steward sent him a paper bag.

After he opened the file bag, he took out the plan and opened it and put it in front of himself. “This is the plan that Harry gave me last time. I have to say it is very exciting. How did you come up with ‘Special Zone’? The word and the idea?”

Marcus was really very focused when he got the plan. He carefully read it for more than a long time and thought about it for a long time. Even the dinner was forgotten that night.

In Durin’s proposal, the so-called Special Zone refers to the delineation of a more liberal and open commercial area under the premise of observing the basic law of the Empire and ensuring that sovereignty will not be shaken and changed. Some of the things that the Empire has limited to operate can be put aside, and even contraband is no longer “prohibited.”

The idea was very unique, and Marcus was given a “set” at once. The empire encountered many problems in the economic recovery, especially those capitalists’ erosion ability has surpassed people’s imagination. There are many things that they think are unchangeable and will not be shaken, but there have been accidents.

The most obvious example is the navy. The navy鈥檚 top management was opened up for a large number of fears. After the departure of these generals, they became merchants. They relied on past connections and relationships to become naval tycoons. In turn, they used the funds in their hands to wrap the entire navy. Coercive empire. This was something that could not be imagined in the past, but now it is difficult to reverse it. Even if the military is willing to allocate more budget to the navy, the navy will not necessarily re-enter the arms of the empire.

The power of capital is extremely destructive and corrosive, but some of the high-level internal parties, including many of the old parties, are blinded by the illusion of capitalists and capital forces. Especially when the old parties even thought that they only needed to lift the butcher’s knife, the capitalists and the capital power in their hands would actively get into the cage. This idea is ridiculous.

For the great benefit, many people will stand on the side of the capitalist in a clear-cut manner. At that time, once the attitude of the imperial ruling party is tough, there is no second way to go except for the outbreak of civil war.

But the Special Zone plan proposed by Durin gave Marcus a great inspiration. At this stage, the capitalists are competing for power with the empire’s regime. If the Special Zone is used as a bait to let these capitalists fit in, it will divide everything from the current regime. Everything is sent out, and other areas will return to control, and it is difficult to get out of control.

At the same time, the Special Zone government is free to make some attempts in policies and laws and regulations, and try to intervene in the current problems within the empire. If the intervention is successful, it can be promoted as a success case and then promoted to the entire empire. .

If it fails… it is just a test field!

The city of Otis, where Durin is located, is definitely not the only Special Zone. Marcus has an idea to create at least six Special Zones throughout the empire, and even intends to let the tax authority completely give way to the Special Zone’s governing officer.

Compared to harder political confrontations in other regions, capitalists will like the Special Zone’s superior free environment, where they are like fish entering the sea, and the attraction is endless.

It was because of these thoughts that Durin and Harry faced some trouble and he stood firmly on this side. After all, the problems within the party are no longer fierce, and they are no match for threats from outside the party. From the perspective and level of Marcus, smuggling or crime is a certain influence on the empire, but it will never shake the foundation of the empire, but the power of capital will!

So, when he heard that Durin was visiting, he made an exception to meet the biggest smuggler on the east coast of the empire.

Durin took a sip of wine and gently placed the cup on the table, whispering slowly: “Leader, if you put a lot of air into a bottle, when the air in the bottle exceeds a certain degree After that, the bottle will explode.”

“People are the same. We forbid people to drink a lot of alcohol and make laws for it, but have we done it? Have we let the empire not have a high degree of alcohol? Do we let those people dare not smuggle a high degree of alcohol?”, Durin shook his head. “No, people who need these things know where to buy it. People who don’t need it will not try because they are around.”

“We can’t stop people’s desires. The short-term results will only make these desires ferment and more intense, so I think we should give people a way to release. Whether it is like drinking, or indulging in ghost mushrooms, or Indulging in female color and even gambling, yes, no problem. Compared to let these people’s strong desires breed something that is not under our control, then why don’t we give them the environment to release their desires, but they must be in ours Inside the frame?”

“You may not know, when I came up with this idea and implemented it, I have seen remarkable results so far. The private drinkers gathered in Namelins have begun to move to Otis, and other smugglers are also So, the goods they smuggled are no different from the previous ones, they are still shipped to various places, but we have got a generous tax, and clearly understand the specific amount and whereabouts of each of their business, from the master of this empire It鈥檚 more important.”

“What have we lost?” Durin shook his head firmly. “No, we didn’t lose anything. Instead, we got a cake that we didn’t have. If someone had to say what we lost, maybe we lost a little decent.” Because we have become the umbrella of those people.”

Durin lightly smiled, “Moreover, the empire is not ready for capital shocks. Why don’t we give ourselves a lab and try to solve some problems that we don’t know where to start under a limited and controllable range? What about it?”

Marcus has been listening carefully and nodded from time to time. When Durin finished his thoughts, he suddenly asked, “What do you think of the current group of businessmen?”

Durin glanced, then smiled and shook his head. “Leader, your answer to this question may not be the same, but the final result I think is consistent.”

“So what good idea do you have?”


Durin replied with a bit of hesitation, which caused Marcus’s curiosity. He couldn’t help but ask: “Do you have a way, or do you want to talk to me? I don’t think I can understand the idea of 鈥嬧€媦our young people? Although sometimes I really can’t understand, but I believe that the conversations and thoughts between us can find common ground and then deepen around them.”

Durin took a sip from the glass and the wide-mouthed glass covered his half of his cheek. His eyes met Marcus’s gaze and shimmered. “I am just a mayor!”

His words are almost plain and clear, his status is too low, and the official hat is too small.

Marcus smiled meaningfully and pointed to Durin, smiling and shaking his head. “I thought you were a real people with ideals and revenge. I didn’t expect you to be like the old guys. The thought of climbing up.”, here he converges with a smile, slightly indulged for a moment. “The desire is good. If you can do what I want to see, why should I refuse?”

The conversation was very pleasant. At least, Durin felt the charm of Marcus. This is a very intelligent old man. He hides himself very well. People can only see his outer shell and can’t see the things inside the shell. Even Durin can’t. . However, there is a little bit of Durin. The old man who will sit on the stage for four years has already felt a sense of crisis for the merchants. He is wary of the power of capital. For the next four years, I am afraid it will not be so calm. It is.

After the two talked a lot, before Mr. Durin left, Mr. Marcus asked: 鈥淚t鈥檚 very risky to ask a question. If your calf is bitten by a poisonous snake, what do you do?鈥?/p>

Durin politely succumbed, “Cut off your calf will not die, although walking will be a bit difficult, but when the venom enters the heart, it will die, sir.”

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