Cosma Empire

Chapter 372

The two men sat in Kevin’s car and went to work in Kevin’s work. In fact, it was an office. Durin felt that it should be an independent single-family villa, except for swimming pools and tennis courts. The house may be smaller, and everything is no different from the villa.

Kevin asked the maid to open the door and said: “The ace lawyer in the firm will have an office like this, the property is still the firm, we are only authorized to use it.” He reached out and invited Durin into the office. In this small villa, the two were sitting in Kevin’s study. The maid took the initiative to close the door and let the two men have a private space.

Kevin took some documents from the briefcase and put them on the table and pushed them to Durin. “In fact, the interior of the New Party is not as iron-like as people think. Marcus has already stayed in the position of the party leader. Years, and he will continue to wait for four years, at least until his prime minister has finished his work. The new party’s internal figure, Bower, is bound to win the next party leader and wants to compete for the prime minister’s Position. He is old enough. If he is wrong this time, he may not have the opportunity to sit in the chair.”

“But the biggest difference now is that Marcus intends to nominate Harry to take over his position, so Bower and other non-aristocratic party members think that Marcus is engaged in class division within the party.” Kevin took out a cigarette and ordered one, “By the way. In a word, Marcus and Harry are both nobles and big aristocrats, which gives Bower and other non-aristocratic members a slogan. They promote Marcus internally to be restored within the New Party, and now the people on both sides fight very well.”

Durin listened to Kevin to explain the conflicts and contradictions between the high-level internal parties and looked at the documents in his hands. The document came from a trial in which the Prohibited Investigation Bureau of Mangla City seized the embargoed items of the three trains, but the owners of these items took out the tax payment certificate and legal instruments that Durin gave them, and they were still in Imperial. The Capital Supreme Court won the lawsuit.

The mayor of Mangera filed a protest against the Imperial Cabinet, arguing that the actions of the mayor of Otis, Durin, seriously undermined the interests of the empire and succumbed to the majesty of the law and escorted these contraband for personal gain.

After this incident came out, Bower stood up for the first time to support the position of the mayor of Mangla, and fired at Harry with his own party whip, thinking that Harry had indulged his shameful Durin to do such a shameful thing, Harry Must be responsible for this.

There is no doubt that this is a political struggle within the New Party. Bower has only one purpose to do this. It is to discredit Harry and let him not reach the summit in the next session. If Harry can’t climb to the top, then with Bower’s qualifications and the achievements of these years, he has become a leader.

Therefore, Durin is actually lying on the ground and has a shell. If he is not under the management of Harry, if no one complains, then there is no so-called hearing, and he does not need to come to Imperial Capital.

After such a thing happened, Marcus must make a statement, whether he supports Durin or not, he must show his attitude and give Harry and Durin some convenience in a relatively neutral situation. Only in this way, Harry hopes to take over his position and become the next party leader.

Therefore, there is such a hearing.

“You mean that the final result of this hearing determines who Harry and Bower will be ruled out?” Durin is really surprised, why he doesn’t know that he has such an important mission. His mentality was good, and he even made a joke with Kevin. “Why didn’t you bribe me until Harry or Bower?”

“Because you are not very valuable for the time being.” Kevin said, “This matter will eventually be decided by the ruling team to finalize the ruling. Even if you don’t let a fart, they can get the final result.”

Durin threw the documents in his hands directly on the table, and said with no anger: “According to your statement, it doesn’t matter if I come and don’t come?”

Kevin shook his head. “No, the opposite is that at the most critical stage of the struggle between the two sides, your attitude is also very important. I don’t know what relationship you have with Harry. He didn’t reveal it to you. Or he thinks you will definitely stand on his side. If you confess your mistakes directly at the hearing and express your willingness to reflect, it makes no sense for Harry and Marcus to be prepared even if they are fully prepared.”

If Durin is nodded like this, maybe this is why Harry himself doesn’t pay much attention to Durin to attend this hearing.

He believes that Durin’s interests are consistent with his interests, so as long as Durin doesn’t say something about mental retardation, as long as the face can cope with the past, even if it is not perfect, they have a way to correct the ending.

But the premise of all this, that is, the most crucial point is whether Durin’s interests are in agreement with Harry’s interests.

“What do you think?” Durin had a bit of a headache. He didn’t know the ass of the New Party’s top, so he couldn’t analyze any results at all. He threw the question to Kevin. Kevin spent more time at Imperial Capital, and the people he met were more complicated. He must have his own ideas.

Kevin did give him a completely opposite advice, as Durin had guessed. “My personal opinion is that you can completely fall to Bower. Once Harry is out, the next leader will basically be caught by him. In your hand, with your current value and the changes brought to him, Bower can give you some benefits and rewards after taking office. Everyone is not optimistic about him, so his odds are the highest, it is like For a gamble, we only have the highest odds and do not consider the lowest odds.”

Durin frowns thought for a while, he groaned a little confused eyes, “I don’t know Bower, I don’t know how this person is. After you say this, I think Marcus is a good person.”, Kevin looks Looking at him and wanting to hear his opinion, he bluntly said: “I can damage my own rules of the game in order to cover my own people. I think such a person is a good friend.”

There is no doubt that the second Prohibition Order and the Bureau of Prohibitions are Marcus’s handwriting, but now he has even put these things aside to protect Harry. This kind of smuggling superior Durin feels good, at least not casually. He went to the black pot.

In fact, Durin or Kevin, the analysis and conclusion of this matter is not enough to go deep into the core of the essence of the matter. After all, it is still a matter of party disputes within the party, and a series of deeper levels are not known to outsiders. The problem, so it led to the current situation, not as simple as two people imagined.


Of course, they don’t think it’s a big problem, at least for the time being.

“You make the decision, Durin, I will support you on ‘technology’, I will try my best to help you with any need.”

Durin rubbed his temples and stood up. “It’s still early, I don’t want to visit Mr. Marcus. Anyway, I am now a member of the New Party. It’s necessary to come to Imperial Capital and see the leader’s style. of.”

Kevin shook his head and glanced at the watch on his wrist. “If I do this, then I will not accompany you. I have to find a Kay to make up for the consumption last night.”

Kevin spent 20,000 blocks last night. As for whether it is worth the money, Durin thinks that is the case. Maybe Kevin thinks it is worth the money.

Marcus lives in the first house on the outer imperial avenue of the Royal Palace. The house number is also one. It is not a building that is connected together like other neighborhoods. It is a single-family villa with a yard. At the beginning, this place lived with the prince of the empire. Later, the guy was “squatting”. After the New Party came to power, it became the residence of the Prime Minister.

It is closest to the palace and is also closest to the office of the cabinet. It also shows the identity of the people living here.

Durin’s car was stopped when it entered Imperial Palace near the Royal Palace, and had to walk in the future, and the soldiers also checked what Durin was carrying and checked his identity. After confirming that it is correct, he is allowed to continue to pass. On the two sides of the next section of the road, it is not the office of the empire’s confidential department, the residence of the ministers at the ministerial level, so the inspection is particularly strict.

When Durin pressed the doorbell of the No. 1 villa, at least several eyes were concentrated on him. He loosened the neckline and tie, and the tension that was not so nervous was also strained by these observers.

Opening the door was Mr. Marcus’s Steward, a very gentleman’s middle age person. He asked Durin and returned to the house to convey the message. After waiting for about five minutes, Mr. Steward appeared again and invited Durin to enter the house.

The villa looks very luxurious from the outside, but it is not as splendorous and majestic as it is outside. There are no precious ornaments and paintings, and there are no dazzling goldsmiths, just like an ordinary residence.

Waiting for a while in the eclipse, Durin waited for the arrival of Marcus, and he immediately stood up to show respect.

The first time I saw Marcus Durin was a bit restrained. After all, the old man took control of the military and political power of the entire empire. Every word, every eye, every movement, could have a profound impact on the operation of the entire empire.

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