Cosma Empire

Chapter 361

The Governor’s very rude, the faint sarcasm in the tone made Mrs. Vivian’s silver teeth bite, but she did not have the slightest rebuttal. It was her who chose Peter at the beginning. It was her who violated Father’s requirements. She even wanted to sever her father-daughter relationship and she did not hesitate to marry Peter. Every time she chooses, she personally does it. Even if the Governor has given her the most correct choice, she also chooses her own path to the abyss.

People can do a lot of wrong things, but it is best not to regret, because regret means that you have denied everything you have.

Vivian knows this truth. When she was sitting in the arms of the Governor, she was told by the Governor, but she forgot, and now she remembers, so she does not regret it. Can you really regret it? This is not a short period of several years of experience. I have dedicated my best years, but I have regretted it. Is it not worth it?

The Governor’s watched the smile of his face and couldn’t help but smile. He coughed a few times with a smile and a smile. Mrs. Vivian immediately revealed the shock. She was just about to stand up and call the doctor in. The Governor’s wife waved his hand. He refused Mrs. Vivian’s move to call the doctor. “I’m not much time, I’m not left with it. More time is wasted in the doctor’s answer, let’s say something else.”

“Peter is a liar, but as a politician he is qualified. If he does not send someone to get rid of you, I will look down on him.” The Governor does not seem to be standing completely on Mrs. Vivian’s position. Consoling her words, it is about the benefits of Peter. If he pointed out: “Any politician actually needs to play three roles, a good husband, a good father, a responsible official, and a cold-blooded executioner. If you play these three roles badly, then he must not be a good official.”

“I looked away, I thought he would not be a qualified politician, but he is…”, the Governor has coughed a few times. “Okay, don’t look at me with this kind of look, I will let him If you pay the price, maybe this price is not what you want to see, but it will definitely make him more painful than killing him.”

Mrs. Vivian frowned. “What are you going to do?”

The Governor’s smile is like a naughty child, in the true sense of the eyebrows. “I will tell my old friends that the guy is actually trying to hurt my family. Peter’s political career has ended. He will be kicked out of the old party, and some of his scandals will be exposed. He will be cast aside by everyone and completely insulated from politics. I believe this is the most cruel thing for an aspiring politician, presumably Do you have some experience?”

Mrs. Vivian thought about it, and finally she was nodded slowly. She looked a little happy. She knew what Peter valued the most, then took away his most precious things, and then waited until he had nothing to kill him.

During this time as the first person in the Cannes Province feminist movement and the representative and leader of the state feminist organization, Mrs. Vivian finally understood where Peter’s enthusiasm for politics stems from the fact that he holds the fate of countless people and can let himself The preference to decide the future of others is really great! Don’t look at her as a representative of the feminist movement, but she has a lot of power.

Recently, she is actively contacting the women’s rights organization of Imperial Capital and intends to set up a “female rights organization” that will accommodate all women in the near future. Even if some women are unwilling to participate in the organization, they will become the organization’s “being Protector”. No matter what happens to them, the feminist organization has the power and obligation to be her first, which is very terrifying.

They are still negotiating how to protect women’s rights and interests, including the intensity of work, salary, industry, content and so on. Once these things are discussed, there will be some subtle changes in the entire empire.

Those men dare not act too much on women, otherwise they must try what is called “keeping the living”.

While speaking, someone knocked on the door and self-reported. It was the Governor of the Governor, and the Governor of the Governor asked him to come in. He came in and told the two after he came in. The child had already given it to Dufo, who personally received it. When he finished, he retired. He knew that when the Governor and the Miss Vivian said something private at this time, he was not convenient to listen to, even if neither of them would object to him.

“You trust that kid so much?”, the Governor is somewhat interested. “You don’t even believe in your big brother, but believe in a guy who lied to you?”

Mrs. Vivian had a smile on her face. “That is my child, but also his child. If he is willing to train Arthur as a criminal, that is his thing, he will at least guarantee that he is alive. In addition, He is now with Durin. Have I told you that the kid is already the mayor?” Vivian said that the two men were obviously better than just now. “The guy spent two years from A negligible little person has become a mayor, this is a miracle!”

The Governor’s rebuttal: “Politics is not business, my dear daughter, you know far from these things. Peter is far from thorough. Perhaps this is a miracle for you, but for the young man called Durin. Said that this is someone who is dealing with him.”

“Do you think there is any difference between the New Party and the Old Party?”

Mrs. Vivian gave a sigh of relief and then said a lot of different places. She stayed at Tenel, stayed at Ordo, and went to Imperial Capital and elsewhere. Therefore, her feelings are very deep. The New Party and the Old Party are two completely different political groups. If one is sunny, then the other is cloudy.

The Governor of the Governor laughed again. “You don’t understand, you really don’t understand. The new party or the old party is actually no different in my opinion. They are like palms and backs, when you need to use them. When you have your palm, your palms will face up. When you need to use the back of your hand, the back of your hand will face up.”

“There is a miracle of a rich night in business. Everyone knows very well that maybe only because of a negligible inspiration can create a tycoon. But politics is different, there is not enough accumulation and enough contacts to put him in the city. In the long position, this is not a good thing, it is a bad thing. Others are moving forward along the gentle slope towards the top of the hill, but some people throw him directly onto the cliff on the back of the hillside, can’t go up, can’t come down, he’s got !”

“More importantly, he knows his situation now!”

The Governor’s words have been a bit more, more than ever before, and sometimes there are times when there is not much to say in a week. In fact, he is very clear, as he said to Vivian before, his time is running out. If you don’t say what you said at this time, maybe he will regret it at the last moment. Some things that are said to let others understand and learn do not mean that they have lost. This is an inheritance and an alternative eternal life.

They always said that when it was said that during dinner, Peter had a call, Steward told Peter that the Governor was at rest, and he had not called the second call.

Peter is also very clear in his heart, regardless of whether he was involved in a car accident in Vivian, he must be responsible for it. He is ready, he has been a mayor for more than a decade, and it is not so easy to get him down.

Just in such a tense atmosphere, Dufo and Kira finally got off the steam locomotive. The two sat on the whole day and had a backache. If not both of them stand up and have been active for a while, they may sit in the suspicion of life. I haven’t been in the car for more than ten hours. I never know that sitting is also a kind of torture, a kind of pain.

I used two handicap to think that I was not walking on the streets of Tenel. The city seemed to be like this. There was no big change and no surprise. It is more prosperous than Otis, but it is dead, the whole city is like a huge grave, and there is no such vitality as Otis.

After getting out of the car, the two found a small restaurant, had a good stop and asked for some to take away at night, they then went to a small hotel to live in. There is a telephone booth outside the hotel, which is convenient, and such a small hotel will not have too many people’s attention.

After a simple rest, I changed a suit. Dufo took the change and walked into the phone booth in the eyes of the passerby. He stuffed the two-dollar coin and dialed Vivian’s phone.

Mr. Steward left a call to Dufo, the Governor’s Office.

The phone was quickly connected, and when Mr. Steward heard Dufo’s voice, there was a soft smile on his serious face. He lifted the phone and gave it to Vivian. Vivian accidentally took the phone and went to the balcony.

There was no other sound in the phone, only two slight breaths. After a while, Dufo asked: “What happened to you?”

Mrs. Vivian turned around and moved towards the outside, whispering: “Nothing, everything is safe, just think you might want to look at the child, so let Steward send the child to you. I will still be there in a while. You brought him back, you only have one month.”

After a month, the mid-term election was over. At that time, Peter should also get his due.

She added, “It’s really okay, don’t believe you come over and see?!”

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