Cosma Empire

Chapter 360

After leaving Nasha panting with rage, Durin returned to the office, and he knew that when his tapes became popular, the predators began to enter.

The capital of these giants needs a mouthpiece that belongs to them too much. The newspaper industry is firmly controlled by the George family. They can’t intervene and they can’t find a good way to find another way. At this point, Durin opened a window for them and, by the way, opened the door. In this new industry, there are no rule-makers, and everyone is likely to be the final winner in the industry.

So a lot of capital will soon flood into the industry, but Durin is not worried about it, but he hopes that more people will enter the industry. If there are more people, the competition will be fierce. If the competition is fierce, someone will fail to make a loss, and this means that someone is making money. If any industry does not go through such a process of great waves wash out the sand, new challengers will continue to emerge.

If there is no such competition in the fish swim with dragons, maybe at some point Durin may need to face a certain consortium alone, or a tycoon who intends to cross the industry, then the pressure on him will be much heavier, facing Difficulties will also be more troublesome. Only when you put everyone on a plate at the same time, only when others do not regard themselves as opponents, will it be possible to surprise and defeat everyone. At that time, after the brutal commercial war baptism, Durin’s Empire Star Media Company would swallow those losers and turn themselves into a giant.

There will be no new challengers. Durin will be the monopoly of the industry. He will set standards and set the rules of the game. Everyone must play according to his will within his framework.

Moreover, there are still many big killers in his hands that have not been taken out, such as various serials, various programs, and various interactive programs. As long as he wants to, he can make an unprecedented program anytime and anywhere, and hold all the audience in his hands. Sometimes the first is not necessarily the strongest, but the first means attractiveness.

For the entertainment industry, for the television industry, attractiveness is the most important.

Looking out of the window, Nasha got out of the car and left the gate of the town hall. Durin suddenly had a thought in his mind, whether or not to set up a bureau and swallow the George family.

This idea is tempting, and it is not completely impossible to operate. In particular, the news brought by Nasha’s trip also indirectly indicates the attitude of the two generations of her behind her head. Durin can understand them. If the TV tape industry has the biggest impact on anyone, then there is no doubt that it is a newspaper. The charm of two completely different media is completely impossible to explain on equal terms.

In the World of his dreams, the circulation of newspapers has been declining year by year, or the living space of traditional paper media has been squeezed by the visible media to the edge of death. Perhaps it seems that TV tape has little effect on the George family, but if every day there is a roll of tape in people’s newspaper box? If you can get the latest happenings and enjoy the entertainment through this tape every day?

Even… the emergence of cable TV?

Durin didn’t know if Mr. John had this idea, but he knew that the other party must feel a sense of urgency and would immediately think about acquiring his own industry. On the one hand, it is to prevent the explosion of the Empire Star before the development of the George family company, and on the other hand, it wants to completely swallow all the threats to yourself, whether it is people or industry.

Nasha is just the First Step, and then I am afraid it is her father, even her grandfather appears in person. To be honest, Durin still has some sense of accomplishment when he can bring such a big man to Otis.

However, it is a pity that his good mood did not last long and was destroyed by Dufo.

Dufo looked gloomy and came in. The key thing was that he still had a child in his arms. A child who looked like a one or two-year-old was lying in his arms with tears in his arms and fell asleep.

Dufo is similar to all Guartian, and there are a lot of younger brother younger sisters in the family, so the skill of taking children is already very skillful. He carefully placed the child in his arms in a baby basket, the long basket of rattan weave. Then, after asking Dove to send the child to the inner lounge, he walked to Durin and smoked.

Durin didn’t talk, he was waiting for Dufo to say for himself.

After a cigarette was exhausted, Dufo gave a wry smile, and he scratched his hair hard, causing the combed hair to become chaotic.

“I may have to leave for a while.” He took out another cigarette and continued to suck up. The whole man bowed his waist to the window sill. “Vivian has something out there, I am not at ease. It’s about three days to a week.”

In the morning, a little familiar middle age person gave Dufo a basket, the child in the basket and the child of Dufo. The middle age person was the Steward of Vivian father. Before she left the Governor’s house, the middle age person was taking care of her. This time Vivian found him. When he asked him to send the child to Dufo, he realized what might happen.

So after seeing Dufo’s intent, he said to Dufo, “Mr. Dufo, please follow your heart and make a choice. No matter what choice you make, I believe that Mrs. Vivian will not blame you.”

After he finished the sentence, he left, leaving only Dufo who had no camera back to his senses, and the child in his basket.

He took care of the child in the morning and took care of the child. Until now, he made a decision, at least not to regret himself. He would not let himself hate his decision in some years. He would like to see if Vivian happened. What is so much that I have to send the child to him.

Durin didn’t stop him, and he was not qualified to stop him. This is Dufo’s family business. He is not convenient to interject, but he made his own suggestion. “If you decide, you can leave at any time. When you go back, it is best to put Kira. Also bring it, by the way, let him bring his ‘fish’.”

“I knew that there wasn’t a fish in the box!” Dufo rubbed the wall with his fist, and the outer wall smashed some patent leather. “What’s inside? Gun?”

Durin shrugged, “You just need to know what it can do for you.”

Dufo patted Durin’s arm and waved his hand and turned away. Durin suddenly stopped him. “Remember why we were in jail at Tenel?”

Dufo grinned and grinned, and the sun shone brightly and turned again.

He then found Kira and said that there was something he needed to help him, although sometimes the two would be satirical with each other, but this time Kira did not say a word, walked back to the house and took out the box with the “fish”. On the back, the brief remark was followed by Dufo.

Dufo is actually a little touched. Kira is a “friend” of Durin. Although he is also a friend of his own, there is no reason for him to take risks for him because he is not Durin. But Kira can ask nothing, follow him without saying anything, which makes him have a feeling of “satisfaction” spreading.

The two men took the steam locomotive back to Tenel. The road was long and Dufo couldn’t help but ask, “What is inside?”

“What do you think is what it is, such as a fishing rod.” Kira was still straight, and when he smiled, he showed two rows of white teeth and a bright face.

At this time, Vivian is in the house of the Governor, and the physical condition of the Governor is very bad. Since the beginning of the year, his body has had some problems. The doctor said that because of the decline of physical function, his drinking milk can no longer satisfy his body’s nutritional needs. The chefs have exhausted the method of making some nutritious things into liquid food for the Governor to drink, but the effect is very poor.

Every time he ate, he vomited. His stomach didn’t touch the oil star for a long time, so he had a huge sense of rejection. Later, he was a little better. He could only say that he could barely maintain his body without sudden failure. Still so serious. Every day, he was a step closer to the god of death. The old man seemed to know that he might not live long, so his mentality was not bad, which led him to live longer than the doctor’s guess for two months.

A few days ago, when Mrs. Vivian was on the street to promote affirmative activities, one car lost control and slammed into her. She reacted at the moment she was about to be hit and escaped a fatal wound. But she knew that the man was sent by Peter.

Her relationship with Peter has fallen to freezing point, and there have been many quarrels around the topic of divorce. Even Peter has to say some cruel words to threaten her, including killing her.

Killing her, and divorcing, Peter will become a person in the result, but the nature is different.

If it is a divorce, his political career will face a difficult time to overcome, but if Mrs. Vivian died in an accident, his political career will not only have problems, but will win people’s compassion.

Mrs. Vivian, who knows Peter’s character, has realized that Peter made a “decision.” She immediately let Steward of the Governor’s Office send her child to Otis City. If she had an accident, at least her child could still live.

The Governor’s lie in bed and watched his daughter thinking about something. It took a while to disturb her thoughts. “Is it thinking about Peter?” Mrs. Vivian just said no, the Governor’s smile continued. Said: “I didn’t let you marry him at the beginning, you think I was murdering your love, now? What did you get? Your love?”

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