Cosma Empire

Chapter 255

All the capitalists and the capital in their hands are like sharks swimming under the sea. The chances of making money again and again are those mixed with blood, even if they are separated by a ten thousand meters, as long as they smell a little bit of blood. Will quickly rush to compete for every trace of flesh and blood, even the bloody water they will not let go!

Luke made a good start for everyone. When Durin and Juan said that they wanted to work with the George family, Irian’s rich men were laughing and their hearts were going crazy. The biggest wish of any capital trapped in a region is to go out instead of continuing to grow bigger locally. The George family is a great opportunity, not only because the George family has a very prominent position in the empire, but more importantly, their tentacles are wide.

It is very likely that the ride will be put into the corners of the empire with this cooperation. As long as you can stand still and calm down, after a dozen or twenty years, it may not be the birth of another trust.

Before that, they had no excuse to intervene in this opportunity. Although the capitalists “commiting any imaginable misdeed”, they would abide by the rules of the customary rules, such as not touching the cake of others as much as possible. People hate spoilers. If you don’t want your own things to be interfered with by others, then the best way is not to intervene in other people’s business.

Now, they have a chance, and they can ask for a bright and bright exit.

So when Alexander raised this question, Durin was not surprised at all. He calmed for a moment and shook his head. “Let’s say, Mr. Alexander…” At the strong request of Alexander, Durin removed some strange gentlemen. “Alexander, my friend, have you considered it, and rushing to step into an area you don’t understand, why not continue to develop in the field you are already familiar with?”

Alexander stunned. He spread his hands like he was in the arms of the hotel. “Do you mean the hotel industry?”, Durin nodded, Alexander frowns shook his head. “I don’t want to refute you.” The opinion, you may not know about the hotel industry. In the entire empire, the hotel industry is still in the ‘winter break period’, except for some cities on the east coast, the development of the hotel industry in the mainland is extremely slow, I also I have visited it, but there is nothing that is worthy of my heart.”

For this view of Alexander, Durin held an objection. “I came out from a small place. Some people even laughed at me as a countryman. It is because I came out of a small place, so I know more about the changes in this empire. Why is the George family suddenly going to be in the entertainment industry?”

Durin raised a very straightforward question that allowed Alexander to shake his head. The ghost knows how the George family’s behemoth would want to do so.

“Because they also saw the revival of the empire!” Durin’s voice was firm and unquestionable. “There was no cinema in the small place I had stayed before, but there was a theater where people liked to spend it. At the beginning, the theater only had It will be open every Saturday night, about five stage plays, and if you want to continue watching, you will have to wait until the next week. But when I leave, the theater will perform three times a week, basically every other day. Do you know what it means?”

Not waiting for Alexander to answer, Durin said with a strong voice: “This means that the economy is recovering, people’s money has become more, so after they have reached the necessary conditions for material needs, they began to consider how Use the rest of the money to make yourself happy. Consumption, travel, and entertainment are the best means.”

“I have only been to Irian for half a year, and I don’t know much about it here. Alexander, you think about it carefully. Did the traffic flow and your income change a decade ago, five years ago and now?” Alexander fell into In contemplation, he never thought about this problem carefully. He only thought that the business of the hotel in the past two years was not bad, and there was no deeper thinking about the changes behind it.

Durin waited for him for a while, and when he was drinking his throat, he found that some people were standing next to him. They gave a sincere smile and listened to Durin’s “high opinion” in the back. Durin didn’t say anything about it, but toasted them.

Alexander recovered from his thoughts for a while. He smiled and nodded. “If it’s not as straightforward as you said, I probably won’t notice this for a long time in the future. Yes, from the very beginning. I can only make a profit and now I am making a profit every day. There is indeed a huge change!” He laughed himself and took a look at his stomach. “It was not so big a decade ago!”

The people around them made a kind laugh. In such a social setting, self-deprecation and humor are the most powerful weapons of pull-in. Durin followed and continued: “The economy is recovering, people are starting to use the extra money in their pockets. To meet their spiritual needs, entertainment, religion, education, tourism, etc. are all one of their choices. Based on this, the George family, who is in Imperial Capital and has mastered the mouthpiece of the Empire, has a huge information channel. What, what is going to happen, they are the first to know. So they realize that in the past, the industry that was considered to be frozen is quietly recovering, they have such a plan.”

“If it is not that I don’t have any specific industry to do now, maybe I will not reach into this industry. Maybe everyone thinks this is a very good cooperation opportunity, but in my opinion, this is actually a difficult game. Because no matter how good I am, it is impossible to do better than the George family. It is impossible to have more financial resources and contacts than them. So no matter what I do, I will always be the one who is passive.”

“I have never regarded this as a business worthy of my commitment and doing everything I can to manage. I just used it as a springboard. After I have completed the cooperation, I have a higher level. After all, go out. When I talked about business, I told those foreigners that John is my friend and it is more useful than waving money!”

Once again, people made a kind of laughter, and Durin described himself as a city, like the treacherous little businessman on the street, which made them feel funny and attracted by the personality charm that Durin showed.

Young, talkative, humorous, educated, and handsome… He is like a guy coming out of a book, a darling of God, he has a keen eye, and more importantly, he does not have those “genius prodigies”. We can’t be a one-off attitude. This is a person who wants to talk to him when he listens to him a few words.

After the laughter ended, Alexander’s mentality had changed. He asked in the tone of the inquiry: “So what do you think I should do?”

There are more than a dozen people around, these people are local rich, and they are also very concerned about this. It’s hard to figure out what this world will look like in this ever-changing era. They have money in their hands, but they don’t know how to spend the money, which makes it difficult for Irian’s rich to get out of the area.

“Continue to strengthen your industry and consider layout in other places!” Durin took a sip with a glass of wine. “I have been building cinemas elsewhere, so I know a little about these things. Many places have great The development potential, but people can not see. The land there is cheap, the price is cheap, the labor there is cheap. A penny here even beggar are not willing to bend over, but where the beggar will break for a penny Head.”

“After the economy has completely recovered, before people realize that the great changes of the times have come, it is the most reliable way to actively go out and lay out their own careers!”

Someone stood behind and couldn’t help but ask: “Mr. Durin, what do you think of speculation? It is well known that old Fuller and Mr. Luke over there are starting from speculation and quickly getting rich, then can we try? Going to speculation?”

This is to ask, the real advice, not a martyrdom.

This means that Durin’s words have made them aware of Durin’s eyes, affirmed his thoughts, and hoped to get something valuable from it.

Durin smiled and shook his head and said: “I don’t approve of any speculation. It’s like gambling. It’s the result of gambling. The name of the farm tycoon in the next-door state is like this!” Laugh, everyone knows that the couple, like the old Fuller, put all their bodies on the development of the city. Only Fuller was in the right place, and they were wrong. They have turned from rich to farmer, and perhaps this is the biggest joke.

Durin raised his hand and the laughter of the people stopped. “I think that the gambling investment behavior is speculation, but it is not gambling. It is normal business to not invest in excessive risk. The economy of the empire begins. The recovery means that in the next two decades, the real economy will have an advanced stage of leaps and bounds. I personally prefer to arrange the industry in terms of entities rather than gambling.”

The person who asked the question showed a thoughtful expression. He toasted Durin for a cup, no matter what Durin’s guess could not be achieved, at least he said it was right.

Merchants can invest, only madmen go to speculation!

Durin said with a joke, “Alexander, if you don’t feel at ease, it’s not as good as our partnership in the hospitality industry. I am also very interested in this!”

In the face of Durin’s invitation, Alexander suddenly did not know how to answer.

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