Cosma Empire

Chapter 254

When you find a fool who often walks to bullshit luck, it means that he is not a fool, stupid is you and others.

When Durin fell behind the people, Luke immediately realized that Durin might have something to say to him, so he slowed down and the two core figures walked side by side.

“Now you should rest assured!” Durin patted the hard-covering agreement in his hand, which had signatures of each other. If you have any problems after this book, you can find help through legal channels. Many times, the more wealthy people like to go to court, the more they want to flaunt their own fairness, but also because the entire judicial system can always open up to the rich.

Durin once saw a news in his dream that he didn’t know where it came from. It is said that a woman sued a rich man and raped himself. The lawyer of the rich man told everyone that it was not rape, but an accident. In the process he described, the woman drank too much, the rich also drank too much, and then the rich legs fell softly, just one shot into the hole. As for why women don’t wear clothes and men don’t wear clothes, it may be because their place is too hot. Someone asked why some DNA traces were left, so the doctor took out the proof of the rich and premature ejaculation, proving that he only needs to complete a reciprocating movement…

Finally, the rich triumph, the girl was arrested for extortion.

Oh, this is the victory of the judiciary, the victory of freedom, once again proves that only you can’t do it, no one I can’t think of.

The formal instrument has a strong legal effect, Luke smiles nodded, this 6 million spends very well, and his avatar may appear in the morning newspaper in many places tomorrow morning. And this time he appeared in the news definitely not because he stayed at the hotel with a female star, or spent some money in a certain place. Parallel with him will be the prominent name of the George family, and this means that he has the right to have an equal dialogue with the George family. This is an improvement in status and an increase in prestige.

When he was in a good mood, Luke was not as arrogant and unreasonable as he was in the West. The instruments in his hands were packed in a pure steel suitcase and were being arranged to be sent back to the west. He only feels reassured when he puts it in his little kingdom. He is not angry with Durin’s teasing, haha ​​laughed and said with a smile : “I heard people say that communication is an important part of social interaction. I feel so, because we were able to sit down and talk, so it contributed to today’s cooperation.”

“What to do next, I will listen to you!”

Durin gave a cigarette to Luke, and they smoked while walking. “We don’t have a lot of time. Once the George family’s negotiating team comes to Irian, it means we need to take out the things in our pocket. Before they arrive, we must expand the resources in our hands as soon as possible. You need to figure this out. The more things we hold in our hands, the louder we will be when negotiating with the George family. You are yours, I am doing Mine, but follow the standards I gave you.”

Luke has been talking nodded, he knows that Durin is correct, and he understands this. It’s like he is in a gamble that can only use cash. Once everyone sat down and started to deal, you said that there are millions of tens of millions in your mine, because everyone else needs only your hands. Cash in.

Then Durin deliberately clicked on another character, Juan.

The signing of ceremony Juan was not present, and Durin invited him. He didn’t come to Durin. He was also very clear about what it was. It was nothing more than that Juan felt that he had found a foreign aid and pressed him. How could he not appear in front of Durin if he didn’t pull back? Although he did not come, it is still necessary to say.

“We are partners now, which means we have a common enemy…”

Luke immediately picked up Durin’s words, “Juan?”

Durin pointed to him. “You said it is good, it is Juan.”

“In fact, the plan that first cooperated with the George family did not have anything in Juan. It was just that when I chatted with him, I talked about this. I can’t believe that he actually crossed the fork and forcibly put himself It’s stuffed into my plan, so I have to take him with him. This is not my original Luke. He is different from you. You just want to work with me, but Juan’s plan is to kick me. Out of the game, he himself took the opportunity.”

“He is a despicable villain who is very disguised. Everyone has been cheated by him, including me!” Durin’s tone was a bit annoyed and there was a hint of helplessness. “He knows that we have worked together and will definitely Find ways to destroy our cooperation, even find others to finance, and overwhelm us in quantity. You must be mentally prepared. If you think that I am not the best partner, I can always ask for bulk goods with me. I will not refuse.”

Luke’s expression is also serious. He waved his hand and sneered. “I can’t do such a shameless thing. Durin, please be sure that I am always on your side anyway!”, he said There is nothing wrong with it, but what is the real thought in his heart, only he knows it.

“You have to be prepared, Juan may be able to make a move at any time!” Durin finally sighed with a sigh, Luke nodded responded, and Durin patted Luke’s arm. “I am going to entertain the guests!”

After watching Durin leave, Luke lost half of the cigarette in his hand, took a small iron bucket with a thick thumb, and unscrewed the lid to pour out more than half of the land. He took a deep breath, the sweet taste of the hyphae made him a little fascinated, his brain was very clear, he knew that what Durin had said to him was true, but at the same time Durin also exposed his own weakness, that It is that he does not have the “firm” that people imagine.

Some people think that Durin is able to compete positively with Juan—although they don’t admit it, but everyone can see that the relatively strong gunpowder smell is a direct indication of the fact that two people have just passed the “honeymoon period” and parted ways. They have always believed that the relatively mysterious Durin has no less wealth than Juan’s wealth. In this competition, Juan will be defeated.

But just after Durin’s embarrassment, Luke realized that he was able to do so smoothly with Durin, and Durin was even willing to give up the “founder” key position and honor, all of which explained his importance to him. Or the importance of this 6 million for Durin in your own hands! To put it simply, Durin has no money!

Luke applauded his judgment. He also believed in his own judgment. He thought that looking at Durin’s “dark” Luke was like rumor that he solved the problem of helping his companion and began to think about another problem.

Juan can take Durin out and threaten Durin’s plan, so do you have such a qualification? He didn’t dare to think about it because he hadn’t got the “admission ticket” for this game. Just after they signed the agreement, the “admission ticket” of the game was already in his hands. .

He is a guy who still has animal wildness in his bones. He can call this wildness greedy or desire. He does not want the benefits that he can get from one person to share with others. He looks at the crowd and smiles. Durin, Luke thinks he might actually try it.

If it’s done, you can’t blame him. If you blame Durin yourself, he exposes too many things that shouldn’t be exposed, and he has to want to swallow all the benefits. If you can’t do it, now Durin, who is nervous at hand, won’t take it for himself!

If Luke is highly educated, he must be a qualified capitalist, greedy and ambitious. The most important thing is that he does not recognizing one’s family and unscrupulous in pursuing interests. Not having a complete education is his biggest flaw, so he is a little bit worse, and he is a little bit worse.

Durin inadvertently moved toward Luke and looked at him. He raised his smile in his hand and Luke returned with a kind smile.

Durin’s meaningful smile is probably not understood by Luke. This is actually a good thing. At least he won’t blame anyone in the future. No matter how he chooses, the last person who walks out of First Step is himself.

After the news spread out, it attracted a lot of people’s attention. The break between Durin and Juan was enough to attract people. Now it has introduced a third party, which has led more people to talk to Durin.

For example, Master here, Alexander.

Shaking hands with Alexander is a bit of a hassle because his stomach is too big, not just big and simple, but also sharp. If you want to shake hands with him or your own hands, you have to take a breath and suck your stomach in, otherwise you may encounter his big, pointed belly very rudely. When Durin shook hands with Alexander, he didn’t know how to think of a strange thing. How did Alexander progenerate his descendants with such a size?

“Hello, I always want to talk to you, but there is always no time.” The two walked aside, and the others were politely and actively kept a distance, not coming over. Alexander and Durin touched the cup and took a sip of wine. “Do you think I have time to join now?”

This sentence is a bit of a headless, and Durin’s heart flashes to know what he means, and this is what other people think.

Since Luke can get tickets, why can’t these local rich get a ticket?

It’s nothing more than an investment, and it’s an investment that can predict the benefits. Some people have a little money in their hands and don’t know where to use them. This is also an opportunity for them.

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