Cosma Empire

Chapter 242

“What do you want to do?”, the old Fuller who got up from the ground didn’t yell, he sorted out his clothes, wiped off the blood under his nose, and held his chin in front of the man, using a condescending The man overlooking and arrogantly mocked the man. “My son killed your daughter, I killed your wife, and now what do you want to do?”

“Kill me?”

The contemptuous look in his eyes is like he has treated the poor people countless times. Old Fuller thinks that this man does not dare to hurt him because he is a rich man, a rich man, and has great prestige and high status in Irian. He has extremely No one can hurt him and his family does not pay the price. And he thinks that this man in front of him will not hurt him, and will not kill him.

“I heard that you still have a son. They told me that it was a very cute little boy…”

The old Fuller’s words were not finished, and the man put his scissors into his mouth and forced his tongue to cut from the middle. Old Fuller screamed in pain, his hands continually rubbing the blood out of his mouth, and he didn’t realize that when he did those things and said those words, he and the man had no turning back. He was so frightened that he wanted to escape. He did not think that this group of madmen actually dared to hurt him and even killed him.

He is a rich man, a celebrity of society, and many people want to see his face live, even the City Hall sometimes needs to ask his opinions for the administration. Until this moment, he suddenly found that he was not as strong as he had imagined, and he did not lose confidence in life as he did two days ago. He did not want to die. He still had a lot of things that he did not enjoy.

No descendants to inherit?

Do you have to raise one?

If you don’t say anything, who knows if the child was born, and there seems to be more advanced medical technology on the Confederation side, maybe there is a turn.

He really didn’t want to die, so his first thought was to rush out, but Dufo took him back and his heart fell into the abyss at that moment.

Durin didn’t allow the old Fuller to see the sun the next day. In a very fashionable way, he knew too much.

The man was holding a pair of scissors and bent over. There was a snarl in his body. The old Fuller’s hands were bloody, and there were many mouths on his arm that were almost an inch long. His body trembled and held his hands that had been pierced many times, his body continually squirming backwards, and he only wanted to be farther away from the man. The man looked at the old Fuller, who was screaming on the ground, and wiped the sweat from his head. He lost the scissors and picked up the stick that had his wife’s life. He slowly walked back, standing in front of the old Fuller, who was shaking his arms and pleading, lifting his stick.

Beng’s muffled sound, the wooden stick in the man’s hand was almost shaken. Old Fuller’s body slammed straight, trembled fiercely, and no more shouted.

The man constantly waved the wooden stick, and lifted it again and again, and fell again. From the initial tremor of the percussion, to the end of the roar of the garlic, the man who repeated the action like a machine lost his mind for a moment. He lost the stick in his hand and stood there.

The old Fuller died, his head was smashed into a mud, and Steward had already squatted on the ground and couldn’t stand up.

Durin curl one’s lip, no matter who he is, after he died, everything he was proud of during his lifetime would become worthless. He took out a pistol and placed it in the man’s hand. “If the flame of hatred in your heart has not been extinguished, there is still outside, in the next room, in the yard, you can find many people.”

“If everything you bear can be satisfied with this life, then we will leave now.”

“The choice is in you!”

“Don’t worry about any big changes in your life tomorrow morning, you just need to live well and watch your child grow up, that’s enough.”

“I will help you settle the rest!”

The man looked down at the pistol in his hand and fell into an infinite struggle. Just before the appearance of Durin, he thought that if he had the opportunity to leave here alive, he would kill all the people here. But the moment he killed the old Fuller, the anger that suffocated him was gone. Now he is very upset, because he has just killed a local celebrity, he does not know what his future days will be, how the child will be, everything is uncertain, do not know, lost!

Durin seemed to understand his heart at the moment, went forward and hugged him, patted him on the back. “Everything is gone, go back to take a bath, sleep well, don’t forget sadness, don’t forget hatred. And then brave to live.”

The man still had the pistol removed from his hand by Durin. He looked up at Durin with a blank look. “Can I still?”

Durin smiled with a relaxed face. “Why not?” He patted the man’s shoulder. “Go, go home, give it to me!”

They watched the man leave the villa, moving toward the fifth area slowly moving the body, like a walking dead, not much angry. In just a few days, this family has undergone tremendous changes. Whose fault is this? He didn’t know, but it wasn’t him who was wrong. Perhaps this world is like this. There are always people who can trample on the law for some reason. There is a price for doing anything. Maybe the price will not come today, but one day it will come back!

Durin sighed, maybe this is the best ending, he hopes that the man can put down hatred… Well, standing and talking does not hurt. He laughed at laughed, turned and raised his hand and struck the steering of Steward’s head. “It’s time to work!”

The next day’s sun rises slowly from the sea level as in countless years. The first golden light penetrates the statue of the dawn illuminate in the park, and the whole city falls from carnival to silence. There are still traces left on the road after last night’s carnival. The cleaners on the beach have begun to clean up the sand, and the whole city has fallen into such a strange contradiction. Some people rest because they are happy, and some people are happy because of work.

“Sir, your coffee!”, the waiter put the coffee and burritos on the table, owed a few steps back and left. He squinted back to the store and squatted on the counter.

Durin took a sip of the coffee, the coffee cup just put it down, and the newsboy came here on time as usual every morning, putting the latest newspaper on Durin’s desk. The newsboy took off his hat and watched Durin put a piece of money in his cap. His face showed the same color as before. “If you have nothing else to do, I will send it.”

He waved his hand, and the newsboy clasped his hat tightly on his head and rushed to the intersection to start the work that he had to do every day.

Opening the first page of the newspaper, the front page headline is the Irian Food Festival, and the first food festival will be held in the Irian region next month. In the picture, Alexander is as eye-catching as his stomach, and this guy has spent a lot of time to promote this. Of course, he also brought Durin a profit of 50,000. After flipping through the first page and flipping a few more pages, Durin found what he wanted to see.

This is a news related to Durin. A company listed on Ritz Street was purchased by a local company. The reporter believes that this is a test of the Irian region’s main focus on tourism and entertainment. The whole article actually talks about how the special geographical environment and financial environment of the Irian region is suitable for the development of financial business. It has never been mentioned in the first place after mentioning this acquisition.

But it doesn’t matter, what Durin needs is this information.

The company was acquired by Durin and was intended to be listed by the backshell, which is related to his next plan.

Closing the newspaper, eating a few burritos, Durin dropped five dollars and left with a newspaper.

The city is as calm and serene as ever, no one knows what happened last night, no one!

When I got home, Verona was ready to go out. She saw Durin hesitating after coming back and walked back to the room.

“I have something to say to you.”

Durin looked at the woman a bit strangely. He went to the eclipse and waited for Verona to come in and closed the door. “Say, what is the money that is not enough?”

Verona shook her head. “There is still a lot of money. Actually… Durin, I don’t know what to say. I am worried recently because I don’t know if there is a market for what we are shooting. If it is ruined, this will Let you lose a lot of money! I am a little uneasy, but I can’t talk to the crew, I have tried to save money, but I still worry…”

Her pressure is so great that she can’t show it. She feels that she may be depressed if she doesn’t say it again. Five hundred thousand, this is a money she can’t afford for a lifetime!

Durin just stood up and stood up again. “Just do this, I know, I have to go back to sleep, this little thing doesn’t have to be on my mind. Five hundred thousand buy a first I think it’s worth it, even if it last Not making money, but at least we are also the worst film in history. Isn’t it the color film?” He went to the door and opened the door halfway. “Don’t save money for me. In fact, you have time to worry about here. It’s better to think about how to play better, remember, we don’t need money!”

Looking at the back of Durin’s hand, Verona can only smile, this may be the difference between the poor and the rich.

The burden for her may be just a game in the eyes of these rich people.

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