Cosma Empire

Chapter 241

Old Fuller had a bloody wooden stick in his hand. His brow was slightly twisted and he ordered. “Go and see who it is, tell him that I am already asleep, and I will wait until tomorrow!”

The steward complied left the warehouse, and the moment he closed the warehouse door, he took a long sigh of relief and the feeling of darkness and depression in his heart dispelled a lot. The old Fuller inside made him feel unfamiliar. He could hardly imagine that the old man full of gentleman divisions could actually do something terrifying and vicious, just like the devil possessed him in the body. At that moment, he couldn’t bear to continue watching, but he couldn’t go. He could only close his eyes and pray for a little faster.

He had a lingering look back at the temporarily quiet warehouse. He knew that when he went in again, hell would come to the world again.

Poor people, sad people!

He shook his head and took out some thoughts that he shouldn’t have. He quickly walked over to the door of the villa and looked at the three strange silhouettes outside the gate. He asked the other person’s name very politely. When he heard that the leading young people were the famous 350,000 Mr., he had a while, because he had never heard of any connection between Fuller father and son and Durin.

“Sorry, the host has already taken a break. If you have anything, please come tomorrow morning. You should know that the owner is old and has just lost his son. I haven’t closed my eyes for a long time, so I hope you understand.” Steward apologized for the apologetic predecessor, but it is obvious that Durin is not going to leave.

It was because of Steward that Durin was sure that the old Fuller was in the manor, and that couple was inside. He took out a folded envelope from his pocket and raised it. “Please help me pass this envelope to Mr. Fuller. There is something important inside, so he must open it himself.”

Stewart hearing this step forward, and when he reached out and took the envelope in Durin’s hand across the iron gate, Durin suddenly grabbed his arm and slammed it. Steward The whole person was dragged to the iron door, and a muzzle touched his chin. His face immediately became pale, and his long-term experience at the rich family made him not completely confused. “Mr. Durin, what do you mean?”

“What do you think I mean?” Dufin was searching for Steward’s pocket when Durin spoke, and soon he found a bunch of keys. Durin glanced over and there were more than twenty. “Now I mean the door.” Which one is the key?”

Steward hesitated for a few seconds and closed his eyes. “You are not Mr. Durin, the one in blue!”

In Steward’s view, no rich man will do such a thing, even if they are so dirty and mean, they must show their demeanor in front of others. For example, the old Fuller in the warehouse, how he hated the two people, did not think about personally abducting them. He just spent money, found someone, and then sat in the warehouse waiting for the guys to send people over.

So he thinks that this guy in front of him is not Durin, but the muzzle is on his chin, and as soon as the other party moves his finger, his skull will fly out. He is the Steward of Fuller father and son. He has been in this villa for more than 20 years. He has deep feelings for the Fuller family who live here. But no matter how deep the feelings, no life is more important.

Dufo took the blue key and inserted it into the keyhole. The iron door slowly shrank to the orbit in the wall, and Durin let go, but the muzzle kept pointing at Steward. Steward also knew that the current affairs did not make any misunderstood actions. He took a step back with his hands and quietly watched the people coming in from the gate.

These wealthy villas seem to have no defensive measures. Those walls that are only one person high or even one person can easily turn over, but in fact, in order to protect their lives, almost all the villa walls are arranged. Special things. From the simplest hunting traps to a slightly more advanced alarm device, anyone who dares to cross the wall directly will have a feeling of regret that is spreading.

Durin doesn’t want to alarm too many people, so finding the way to get in from the main entrance is the best option.

After entering the gate and closing the iron gate again, Durin put away the pistol. “Now tell me where Mr. Fuller is, I hope he is not sleeping. I don’t like people disturbing my sleep, so I don’t like to bother. Other people’s sleep, please don’t let me be a person I don’t like.”

Stewart didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. He silently pointed to the warehouse of the distant gardener, and then did not get the words he wanted to hear from Durin’s mouth.

A group of four people went to the gardener’s warehouse and encountered a bodyguard who was responsible for patrolling in the middle of the night. They just took a look at the four people and took back their eyes. Because of Steward’s leadership, they don’t need to worry about these people being illegally invaded. And they also know what Old Fuller is doing, maybe these people are the other people that Old Fuller is coming back.

Without a shock, he walked outside the warehouse, Steward knocked on the door, then opened the door and walked in. Old Fuller is sitting in a chair facing the couple smoking a cigarette. Although revenge is very resentful, his age and physical condition do not allow him to engage in such work for a long time. The rising blood pressure makes his head a little dizzy, he needs to take a break.

“Is it all sent? Who is it?”, he did not ask back, the woman in the couple he was facing was dying, but the man was not hurt, he chuckled and applauded, “as long as When you say the name of the person, I will immediately send your wife to the hospital for the best treatment. Do you know? Actually, I doubt if you love your wife, you see her being tortured and treated like this. Actually, there is a brief remark, do you want to use my hand to kill her, so that you can always be with your little lover?”

The fingers of both hands of the woman were cut off by the old Fuller, and there were still a few mouths on the head that were slowly spreading thick blood, and even more terrifying was her lower body, blood running down an exposed stick. Constant flow. She was already mad at the hair, only the last breath. She doesn’t even need to do anything to her, she just needs to wait for a while and she will die.

Old Fuller vented his anger and felt a fear that made him stand up. Who is it that they are not willing to say anything in the face of death? It was not until this moment that he regretted that he regretted that Steward had not given 5,000 yuan directly to the couple, regretting that he had to “train” the little Fuller, and the result was because of the three thousand pieces that he had buckled. It becomes what it is today.

The cigarette in his hand was already a little hot. He took the last bite and stood up. When he finally gave the woman a final blow, a voice rang in his ear.

“Mr. Fuller, your interest is good? Your steward said that you are already asleep, but I always feel that people like you should not sleep so early. Oh, I guessed it!”

Old Fuller turned sharply and looked at Durin, who was standing in the warehouse, his face suddenly becoming gloomy. He glanced coldly at Steward, who turned a deaf ear, and immediately realized what was happening.

He snorted and looked at Durin carefully. He knew Durin, but it was as if they were meeting for the first time today. They were full of strangers to this young people. “Is it what you did?” he asked. Then I asked myself and said, “You must be right. Only you will care about the direction of this matter. Are you coming out?” He meant that Durin was going to rush behind the scenes. Before the messenger, destroy them. “Without your hands, I will solve them soon, and then we will talk about things about my son.”

Durin smiled a little, and he turned to Dufo. “Do you think I am such a person?”

Dufo shrugged, “Who knows!”

Both of them laughed, which made Old Fuller feel a little confused, but when he said something, Dufo suddenly rushed over and punched him in the face.

Old Fuller, who has always enjoyed a good living environment, has he been treated like this? This fist went straight to him and fell to the ground. He struggled a few times and sat up, licking the swollen gang, spitting a bloody spit, looking at Dufo and Durin unbelievably.

Durin crossed the old Fuller and went straight to the woman’s side. He gently pulled out the stick, and the blood was like a flood that opened the gate. The woman’s eyes gradually brightened, and a gray face appeared a blush. Her lips squirmed a few times. “I… didn’t say it!”, then she looked at the husband around her, her eyes filled with infinite nostalgia. “Live… go… go!”

Durin sighed, “Sorry, I am late.”

The woman shook her head and slowly closed her eyes.

The man tied to her was holding back tears and looking directly at Durin. “I want revenge!”

He knows that the old Fuller is Irian’s decent high-ranking celebrity. He knows that he and the old Fuller are not even a small bug with Durin, but he still said this. He didn’t know how Durin would handle the old Fuller, maybe they would talk, but he wouldn’t give up hatred!

Durin picked up the scissors from the ground, untied the rope from him, and put the scissors in his hand. “No one can stop you. This is the power that the gods give to each Guartian! Go to revenge, with blood. Watering death can be eternal!”

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