Cosma Empire

Chapter 231

On the second day, the City Hall held a press conference in the morning. At the press conference, City Hall spokesperson Scott painfully complained about the car accidents that have occurred in recent years and presented a data to the media and society. From a decade ago to today, the frequency of car accidents has risen nearly 100 times, and the casualties and property losses have been even more alarming. All of this explains the significance and necessity of Prime Minister Marcus’s request for a new transportation bureau. The Irian region will also follow the pace of Imperial Capital to set up a new department, the Irian Regional Transportation Bureau.

The purpose of this is to solve the more and more frequent car accidents, and to register and restrict the people and units with cars, so that those vehicles that have made a car accident but escape can not hold the law to avoid the law, but also for the sake of Improve the transportation system.

In a word, Irian City has a new department, and new regulations will be introduced for vehicle and traffic management.

The little Fuller’s car accident can be said to be very timely. If the victims of the car accident are just ordinary people, there is still some resistance to the establishment of the promotion of the Transportation Bureau. For example, the mayor has called the police who have been stopped in the past. Director of the Bureau.

It is precisely because of the accident that the small Fuller, people can pay close attention to this matter, so that the mayor adults seized a good opportunity to directly announce the entire society.

As for the old Fuller, will the mayor feel that the mayor is using the little Fuller’s car accident to make a fuss, that is not everyone’s concern, even the old Fuller can’t say anything, then after all is the mayor.

The culprit in the car accident was sitting on the sofa with a sullen look, and Durin just gave him a few words.

The first question, Dufo didn’t notice or notice that there were other people in the car, but he still drove the truck directly into the past. Their goal is to be a small Fuller, and no innocent people should be brought in. Durin thinks that he is not a good person. Although he has done a lot of illegal things, the injury has killed many innocent people, but he feels that things that can be avoided are avoided.

The second question, Little Fuller did not die. The newspaper published the recent recent situation of Little Fuller. Although he was very injured, he was rescued very timely and survived. This should not be the case. Of course, Dufo could not all be blamed. At that time, Little Fuller was squatted on the ground after being pulled out of the car. Who knows that he died? If Dufo gets off the bus at that time, it is very likely that he will expose himself. He has half responsibility.

The third question, the location and timing of his choice is not very good, too many witnesses, no one can find Dufo, or find other clues. According to Durin’s plan, this should be done at night, preferably when Little Fuller is alone. The police and hospitals in the middle of the night are still working normally, but the rescue speed will be slower, even if it is small. Fuller was not killed on the spot, and the delay in the rescue was enough to drag him to death.

But this can’t completely blame Dufo. After all, he doesn’t have much experience. All the previous plans were done by Durin himself. He couldn’t guarantee that every plan was flawless, but at least he would consider a series of factors, which also blamed him for not having time recently, so he only criticized it. Dufo a few words. It is not to blame that he did not perform in place, but blamed him for not considering other factors when planning.

For this, Dufo himself had nothing to retort. At that time, he only thought of characterizing the nature of the accident as a coincidence and ignoring something else. With this lesson, he should grow a lot when he is asked to make certain actions individually.

“So boss, do we want to go to the hospital to kill him?” Ellis asked a question to open the previous topic, and did not forget to give Dufo a look.

When Savi was thinking, Savi jumped up. “I am going to go, I can get it!”

Durin glared at him and shook his head. “In the hospital, the little child is the most easily watched person. You can honestly review the class I have today.” He said that he looked to Dufo, “You The plan you made, the execution you are responsible for, and finally you are responsible for finishing the end. Do you want to go, how to do it, I don’t interfere. But this time you have to get things done, or I won’t worry about making plans for you next time.”

Dufo’s handsome face showed a shy color, and he nodded hard. “You can rest assured that he can’t live tonight.”

At this point, Durin was relieved. He sighed. “This time is like an accident. If you want a knife or a pistol, I advise you not to go.”

A too obvious assassination would make people suspect that the previous car accident was not a coincidence or an accident, but a targeted assassination. If the other person is just an insignificant little person, in order to maintain Irian’s stability and superficial safety, the City Hall can still be pressed. But Little Fuller is not an insignificant little person. If he is assassinated, it will definitely cause heated discussion in the entire Irian city, and even in some aspects will be turbulent.

The City Hall will never allow such a thing to happen. In order to calm down the opinions and opinions of the rich, it is necessary to solve the case as soon as possible, and it will definitely trace the Durin side. Durin is not afraid of them to check, but does not mean that he is willing to be investigated, so things that can be avoided are avoided as much as possible.

Dufo gave up after he had passed, and he had to solve the problem of Little Fuller beforenight. This actually involves a situation where information is not equal. If Durin knows that Little Fuller is already a waste, there is absolutely no need to continue. Perhaps he is the best punishment for him. In his life that may or may not be long in the future, every second of his life is a punishment for him.

It was not long before Dufo left, and Totti took the couple to visit Durin again. To tell the truth, Totti can hardly imagine that the young people in front of him have decided the lives of others. This kind of person Totti has never encountered this life.

There are indeed some gangs in the fifth district, but the gangs say that they are gangs who complimented them. They are more like a group of villains who have not worked all day to find money everywhere, and some distance from the gang. These people are no longer bad, and they don’t seem to dare to design killings, but Durin dares not only dare but also does it, which makes Old Totti feel a sense of fear in the upper class he realizes.

Are the rich people in the upper class and Durin all the same people, they never put the lives of others in their eyes, and those who are not as good as their own lives?

Totti didn’t know, so he had some fear of Durin and some gratitude.

I am grateful for the things that Durin promised. He is very good at knowing that he must bear a lot of responsibility for doing this, but he can’t get anything.

Except for the loyalty of two ordinary people who have nothing to do with Durin, what kind of loyalty can this bring to him? Interest? Money? Power? Status?

Nothing, but he still has to complete the oath once he has accepted allegiance as an ancient aristocrat.

This makes Totti very moved and grateful!

The couple already had a smile on their faces, no longer frowning, no matter whether the little Fuller is dead or alive, they have already reported it to them. If the little Fuller dies, then this is what he deserves. If he is not dead, they will not pray any more, because the little Fuller will not kill.

This time I came here to thank Durin for what I did, and I wanted to ask another.

Prior to this, Durin said that he had an investment project in the eighth district and would call Guartian to help him. In recent days, many large trucks have entered the eighth district, and the folks are also circulating the news that the eighth district is about to be unearthed. So some people entrusted Totti to ask if the eighth district is going to start, when can they go on? work.

When Totti asked his question, Durin reacted, and Scott had not told him about it. The eighth district has been in a semi-confidential state for a long time. It is said to be semi-confidential. That is because even ordinary people know that there is an eighth district to be built. But they don’t know what to build in the eighth district. What is the main task of the eighth district?

After a little contemplation, Durin called and called Albert, along with two assistants. The first task that Durin entrusted to Albert in the past few days was to go to other places to buy some worthless land. He didn’t really want to cooperate with the George family, just to bury Juan in the pit, so he What is needed is not to build a theater in the most prosperous place in each and everyone’s city. He only needs a piece of land use certificate plus some data.

After Albert came, Durin asked: “I have three projects in my hand that need to be built. You count how many people need to start working…”, then he described the size and size of his three projects. In about ten minutes, Albert gave him a calculated result.

At the same time, the construction of these three projects requires at least 500 people. If the speed is increased, 3,000 people will not be too much, or even more, the better!

Taking into account the importance attached by the City Hall to the 8th District, Durin felt that the size of 10,000 people should be sufficient. The reason why so many people are required to complete the construction as soon as possible is to pave the way for the fellowship. When he took the license in the hands of Juan, he would also set up a large-scale smuggling team, which requires people to do it. This period of time is equivalent to a time of study, to attract qualified people to become members of the Association, or to become employees of new commerce companies.

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