Cosma Empire

Chapter 230

Little Fuller has unique conditions for women. He is handsome and has no vulgarity in conversation. He is very fond of women and children, and is very rich. He is almost perfect. After the two girls got on the bus, they quickly eliminated the strangeness. They could talk to him and laugh, even some jokes that were not suitable for children. For these two more fresh girls, Little Fuller also likes it. Although he is not tired of old, can people not always like new things?

Take two bottles of wine from the car, drive the car while drinking, and wait for everyone to drink a little dizzy when looking for a place to talk about life is a favorite of Little Fuller.

Just as he crossed the first zone and was about to enter the second zone, a galloping truck was straight moved towards him. If he didn’t drink, he could just step on the gas pedal and avoid the dangerous impact as much as possible. But he drank the wine, and the reaction was a bit slow. At this emergency, the brain was blank.

The brand new sports car violently flew out, like a spinning top, and three people in the car were smashed out. The two girls were a little better. They sat in the co-pilot and back seat, avoiding the most violent places. Little Fuller was not so lucky. After the deformed door resisted a part of the collision force, more impact was directly applied to him.

The bottle in his hand shattered in the collision, a piece of glass was inserted into his right eye, and a half-broken glass bottle pierced his cheek. He was thrown to the ground and was unconscious. The truck that crashed did not stop at all and disappeared directly into the street.

After a while, people realized the serious consequences of the car accident. People screamed that they didn’t know what to do on the roadside. Some people went to see the victims of the three car accidents, not just the police car of the police station. The hospital’s ambulance arrived at the scene.

Irian’s first district has regular police cars and ambulances on the streets to respond to unexpected situations. Irian Town Hall once assured the public, tourists and the media that any sudden situation will not exceed one hundred seconds from the arrival of the police car and the ambulance!

When the police began to question the surrounding witnesses about the car accident, the doctors also began to rescue the injured in the car accident. The two girls were really lucky. When the sports car started to roll, they were hit by the centrifugal force for the first time. Although the head broke blood flow, the problem was not serious. The most serious problem was only the rib fracture. The situation of Little Fuller is not so optimistic.

His right eye was paralyzed, his left arm was comminuted, and his legs had different degrees of fracture. The special purpose was that the left leg thigh bone was completely broken during the process of being pulled out, creating an open wound. In addition to this, there were more fractures, and the internal organs were also severely damaged and began to vomit blood. The doctor quickly sent him to the hospital and began a nervous rescue.

Old Fuller knew that the news was a little late, and he was playing polo with a few friends. There is a polo field on the hillside to the north of the first district. The young and wealthy are very fond of this elegant sport. Their level of exercise is not as intense as the young people, and they are also very gentlemanly. It is better to say that it is a social leisure sport.

When old Fuller was sweating and his purebred war from the northern nomads came down, his steward told him the news.

The old Fuller’s face suddenly became gloomy. He even left the polo field without even saying hello, so many old people looked at each other in dismay. I don’t know what the old Fuller is.

When he arrived at the hospital, he saw his wife. She was praying for Little Fuller. When she heard the familiar footsteps, the tight nerves finally broke and cried.

“Don’t worry, there won’t be anything. I heard that it was very timely. Irian’s medical level is also among the best in the entire empire. They will teach us the son well.”, patted his wife’s back, and Appease a few words, the old Fuller went to the door of the rescue room, two policemen are guarding there.

When they saw the old Fuller, the scalp had already been blown up. Do the ghosts know that only one of the son’s old Fuller will explode? The two brace oneself stood there after asking him a good sentence, and did not say a word.

Old Fuller took out a delicate cigarette case from his pocket and scattered two cigarettes to the two policemen. He also slammed one of them. “Talk to me about the situation. How did this car accident happen?” ”

The police took out the book describing the witnesses and explained it to the old Fuller.

At that time, Little Fuller drank a lot of wine and crossed the expressway between the first and second districts. It is necessary to explain that Irian’s overall planner is a famous designer who studied at Confederation. A very common overall urban structure with Confederation is used. To put it simply, each district is a whole. Outside this whole is the highway connecting the districts, so as to avoid the complicated traffic routes from the first district to the fifth district. Arrive at the fastest speed.

This design made an outstanding contribution to Irian’s urban planning, but the problem also appeared here. In general, every ten minutes at each of the straight crossings, someone will direct those vehicles that pass at high speed to stop, allowing pedestrians or straight through the vehicle. Vehicles that pass through the area will also stop at the intersection to wait, but it is clear that Little Fuller has not waited for this process, and does not know whether it is related to his drinking.

He didn’t even look at the intersection and crossed the intersection to enter the high-speed passage, trying to cross the road directly into the second district. It was at this time that a big truck that was passing by crashed into the small Fuller’s sports car, causing a heavy traffic accident.

Old Fuller knows these rules and he has said many times about the dangerous driving behavior of Little Fuller, but he always doesn’t listen. He rubbed his temple and asked: “What about the truck and truck driver?”, waiting for about a dozen seconds of silence, his heavy snorted, “I immediately found the truck and the truck driver, figure out the truck. Attribution, they must be responsible for this!”

When he returned to his wife, he yelled at Steward: “To find out which company the truck is, I want them to go bankrupt and let them suffer in the seventh district for the rest of their lives. The truck driver found him first. Send him to the fifth district, I have to watch him die!”

“They have to pay for their actions, I swear! No matter how much money, as long as it can be done is not a problem!”

Waiting for more than an hour, the doctor in the rescue room walked out tiredly, and old Fuller and his wife immediately greeted him. The doctor apparently knew the old Fuller. After he snorted, he nodded and said, “Mr. Fuller’s life is temporarily saved, but you must have a mental preparation…”

The wife clenched the hand of the old Fuller, who gave her a comforting smile before she looked at the doctor. “It is our greatest wish to save our lives. Please finish your words, we can stand it. “”

The doctor hesitated and said it. “His right eye is completely broken. We have already removed it. The broken bottle scratched his face, pierced his right cheek, and cut off him. Half of the tongue. His left arm comminuted fracture, we have tried our best to repair it, but the effect is not obvious, and his left arm may not be used normally. The open fracture of the left thigh bone has been corrected. Come over and put on the plaster, it takes at least half a year of training to recover, but there will be some distortion in the future, and he is not suitable for any strenuous exercise…”

Old Fuller’s wife lost her instincts when she was black. A group of people quickly took care of his wife and placed her on a spare bed outside the rescue.

“Can I go in and see?”, Old Fuller insisted on the sadness and anger in his heart.

The doctor shook his head. “I didn’t finish my words just now. Your child within the body has suffered a lot of internal organs damage. We have repaired him as much as possible, but there are still big problems. For example, his liver. , kidneys and lungs, because a violent impact on a part of the organ has been split and cannot be restored, we can only remove the kidney on the left side and one third of the liver, and a quarter of the lungs. More importantly, he drives from In the process of being thrown out of the room, the two gaowans have been squeezed by the steering wheel…”, the doctor shrugged the bladder, “so you have to be mentally prepared.”

“It wouldn’t be a problem if he could survive for a week, but since then he will be like a glass man and can’t do anything related to sports. His physical features may be affected by the lack of hormones. Subtle changes occur, and emotions and personalities will change drastically. I hope that you can patiently and gently guide him.”

The doctor sighed, left after the farewell, he had to go to see the other two girls, one of them has not awakened until now, other doctors think that it may be because of the fall of the brain has produced some undetectable changes, need to study.

Old Fuller’s hand was shaking, his son was finished, and it was completely finished. The doctor has said very clearly that his son will be a waste in the future, and even more terrible is that the life roots are finished. His property, his family business, no one can inherit. At this time, the desperate old Fuller broke out with the strongest hatred. He vowed that he would let the “murderer” regret coming to this world.

The news of Little Fuller’s car accident spread throughout Irian City as quickly as possible. The mayor once again called the police chief to his office. “Do you still think that it is unnecessary to establish a transportation bureau? If you I can’t afford this responsibility, I don’t care.”

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